Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 990

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Chapter 990

Liu Ying and AI Xiaoxue have been settled.
In the middle of the night, the Qin Dynasty immediately moved to Kyoto to find his elder martial sister Zhao Jingjing.
My elder martial sister advocates military force. I'm afraid she will rush to go after hearing this.
However, I came a little late. I don't know if my elder martial sister has gone to bed.
The figure of Qin Dynasty appears in Renwu guild hall.
This guild hall is quiet. It should be noisy during the day.
Qin Dynasty is now Renwu guild hall business is how, next to the Daochang, came a woman's cry.
"Ha! well! Ha
It's so late for Qin Dynasty to pick her eyebrows. Is Zhao Jingjing still practicing martial arts?
Thinking of this, he went to the door of the training ground and opened it gently.
The door was pushed open, with a shrill murmur.
The woman who was practicing martial arts in a red robe suddenly turned her head, and then quickly flew up and kicked.
Qin Dynasty quickly raised his arm and held his elder martial sister's foot.
"Elder martial sister, it's me!"
The Qin Dynasty quickly opened his mouth to show his identity.
"Younger martial brother?"
Zhao Jingjing looked at the man in front of her and couldn't help being surprised. "Why did you come all of a sudden? Still so late? "
"I have something to do with elder martial sister. I didn't expect that elder martial sister is still practicing martial arts so late. "
Said the Qin Dynasty.
On Zhao Jingjing, there is a good smell of sweat.
I don't know how long the elder martial sister has practiced, and her hair is a little wet.
Even in the whole Taoist temple, there is a good smell of sweat.
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help but sniff.
And Zhao Jingjing's face, instantly red.
Because at this time, a foot is clamped on the arm of Qin Dynasty, and her whole thigh is directed at her younger martial brother.
And the younger martial brother even sucked his nose!
"Damn it!"
Zhao Jingjing records a pair of flying swallows, the other foot is lifted up, and kicks the Qin Dynasty heavily in the chest, directly kicking the Qin Dynasty out of the Taoist field.
"Elder martial sister..."
Qin Dynasty scrambled up from the ground. Although the foot didn't hurt, it was just a little strange to be kicked.
"Well done, why kick me!"
"Who, who told you to do something colorful?"
Zhao Jingjing, with a blush on her face and straight legs, stood on the Taoist temple and said.
"I don't have it! I am wronged
Qin Dynasty shouts innocent, "I just smell the fragrance of elder martial sister, so I can't help but suck my nose!"
"You, you fellow..."
Zhao Jingjing is more ashamed and indignant. She says how she likes such a color embryo.
"What a fight!"
Then she stepped back two steps and waved to the Qin Dynasty, "come on, I'll take two moves with elder martial sister! It's forbidden to use the state to suppress. Let's both fight with the level of the foundation period. "
I want to teach the Qin Dynasty a lesson, but I still want to fight.
After all, in Kyoto City, especially in this martial arts street, all of them are masters of Chinese martial arts in a real sense. No one can open up a fight with Zhao Jingjing, and "when you come, you will drag me to fight..."
The Qin Dynasty wiped the cold sweat.
"Why, no?"
"I'm a kind person. I hate violence, elder martial sister."
Said the Qin Dynasty.
"What can you say?"
Zhao Jingjing tied up the belt of her martial robe and hooked her fingers to the Qin Dynasty, "come on, elder martial sister, I'll let you do three moves first!"
As she said this, she set the starting position of Liu's fist, with her legs wide apart and her bare feet on the ground. At the same time, two fists, one front and one back, one left and one right, were staring at the Qin Dynasty in front of them.
"All I know is violent..."
Qin Dynasty is very helpless, he had to take a breath, pressure the realm in the level of the foundation period, and then said.
"Well, elder martial sister, I'm coming!"
He flashed and appeared in front of Zhao Jingjing.
At the same time, the left hand picked up a huge hammer made of ice and frost, and said hello to the elder martial sister's body.
"Ice hammer!"
Zhao Jingjing does not retreat, a fist swing, a bang smashed this looks like a huge ice hammer.
At the same time, in the ice debris all over the sky, he grabbed the collar of Qin Dynasty and took him to throw behind him.
"Lie down for me
Because the Qin Dynasty was in the air, there was no way to hide or borrow any help. Zhao Jingjing grabbed him directly and smashed it to the floor behind him.
"It's not that easy, sister."
The Qin Dynasty held out both hands, one hand around Zhao Jingjing's neck, the other tried to grab Zhao Jingjing's waist, and then in turn pulled Zhao Jingjing down.But Zhao Jingjing saw the intention of the Qin Dynasty and pushed the Qin Dynasty away with both hands.
And the Qin Dynasty naturally will not be so loose, he stretched out his left hand, did not reach the elder martial sister's waist, but caught in a soft.
A bump, printed in the palm of the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty almost spurted nosebleed.
I wipe, elder martial sister practice martial arts, even don't wear corset!
"Damn it! You lecher
Zhao Jingjing was so ashamed that she gathered her energy into her hands. The Dragon King vomited her pearls and flew the body of the Qin Dynasty into the ceiling above her head.
The Qin Dynasty was hit hard and fell to the ground.
Zhao Jingjing, who is shy and angry, is waiting for her younger martial brother.
"Elder martial sister, calm down, I really didn't mean to!"
Qin Dynasty is in the air, still crying injustice.
"No nonsense! Take it
Zhao Jingjing took the body of Qin Dynasty in both hands, and then the whole person took him to the ground.
Qin Dynasty was smashed on the floor, and his stomach ate his elder martial sister's elbow.
I'm afraid that if you don't have a lot of Taoist Scriptures, I'm afraid that if you don't have a lot of Taoist Scriptures, I'm afraid you need a lot of body protection.
"Show me what you can do!"
Zhao Jingjing saw that the Qin Dynasty had been beaten by her own pressure. She was a little angry. She flew up like a Tomahawk and smashed it down the chest of the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty didn't have such powerful physical skills as his elder martial sister, but his attack means were endless.
"Thunder chain!"
He stretched out his hand and aimed at Zhao Jingjing, who was splitting his legs, and ejected an electric light.
This electric light is like a chain, twining around Zhao Jingjing, which makes her body slightly paralyzed. She can't help but take back her feet and take a few steps back.
But this level can not help Zhao Jingjing, she stamped her feet in situ, the vitality of the body burst out, just scattered the thunder light on her body.
"That's not enough! Take it
Zhao Jingjing broke away the thunder light on her body and continued to attack the Qin dynasty like a storm.
Every fist and every foot was very dense, which made Qin Dynasty unable to defend himself. He could always hit some key parts of his body.
Fortunately, the Qin Dynasty had the Vajra Sutra to protect the body, otherwise it would have been defeated.
"This woman is so strong in body skills."
Li Yin's voice can't help but ring up inside the Qin Dynasty, "by contrast, only sister Rui can compete with her."
"Sister Rui?"
"It's the pistil. She hasn't awakened yet. She was a lateral palatal odontosaurus of the ancient dragon clan. She was good at fighting."
Li Yin explained.
"Wipe, I didn't wake up. What you said is useful, let me have a good time"
"boo hoo, is ah Li wrong Master, don't be so fierce... "
Qin Dynasty is quite helpless, it seems that only their own solution to the thorny elder martial sister.
"Jiuyou Xuanniu!"
Qin Dynasty changed its own summoning skill in resisting.
The power of nine you Xuan Niu appeared on him.
"Break it! Man Wang's collision
The Qin Dynasty shouldered Zhao Jingjing's fist, and then hit Zhao Jingjing's plump body.
The feeling of not wearing a bra is really good. I hope that this collision will not leave any sequelae.
Zhao Jingjing's body was knocked upside down, and then fell to the ground.
Qin Dynasty saw the opportunity to take advantage of, carrying a stone shield, toward Zhao Jingjing on the past.
"Get out of my way!"
Who knows her elder martial sister is a quick record of dry land pull onions, pull up from the ground, at the same time, legs with vitality strong wind, constantly swept out, like a knife like cutting around.
Qin Dynasty in a hurry to cross the shield in front of the body, blocking his elder martial sister's feet.
"Bang bang bang!"
The stone scuttles flew across the shield and were directly kicked out of several deep holes.
After she got up, the elder martial sister also swept down the Qin Dynasty, which was in a defensive state.
The Qin dynasty fell to the ground, and then Zhao Jingjing jumped up again.
I, the beautiful elder martial sister, rode directly on the body of the Qin Dynasty and kept greeting her with her fists.
The Qin Dynasty quickly stretched out his hands, grasped one target, and sealed off his elder martial sister's two fists.
"senior sister, let's make a peace!"
Qin Dynasty looked at the elder martial sister whose hands were sealed by himself and said with a kind face.
Think it's over
Zhao Jingjing picked her eyebrows, then raised her head and pulled back.
Qin Dynasty felt the strength of elder martial sister's thigh, and his whole body was tight.
I'll wipe it. Elder martial sister, this is to play big!She's going to hit her face with her forehead!
Naturally, the Qin Dynasty would not let such a tragedy happen. With a strong waist, he sat up and blocked Zhao Jingjing's mouth with his own mouth.
If you want to use the mallet, I'll have the skill of speaking. I'll see who can do it!
Zhao Jingjing had accumulated a head mallet, and was suddenly kissed by the Qin Dynasty, and was instantly stunned.
Her body, also instantly soft down.
Qin Dynasty embraces his elder martial sister and two people sit on the ground of the Taoist temple.
"Elder martial sister, since you want to fight with younger martial brother for 300 rounds, I can only accompany you!"
"I, I didn't mean that!"
"It's going to be 300 rounds anyway! I'll let you have a taste of how powerful younger martial brother is! "
Originally a good contest, should let the Qin Dynasty add elements not suitable for children in it.
In the Taoist temple, the two men launched a real war.
It is said that women after the age of 30 begin to look like wolves.
Although the elder martial sister is only in her early twenties, what will a woman with the power of a giant elephant look like?
Wolf, tiger, these compared with the giant elephant, are simply scum!
Zhao Jingjing likes to practice martial arts late at night. People in Renwu guild hall know it. Therefore, there will be no one approaching this ashram at night.
As a result, the two men have been fighting for a whole night, and they really haven't wasted any time.
It was not until dawn that the two talents had a rough harvest
Zhao Jingjing is now wearing a fragrant sweat. She is held in her arms by the Qin Dynasty and asks, "you, you came all the way to Kyoto to look for me for this..."
"How, how!"
Qin Chaoxin said, elder martial sister, you think I'm too colorful.
"I'm here today mainly to ask elder martial sister for help."
"Well, you say, as long as I can help."
"In a few days, it will be the Hongmeng Taoist meeting held by misty peak. At that time, I hope elder martial sister can go with our sect and be my thug... "
"Is there a master?"
"OK, then I promise!"
Hearing that there was a master, Zhao Jingjing was naturally very happy, "you sent me a good news Well, I'll reward you and fight you for another 300 rounds. "
"Hello, it's been a night, but elder martial sister hasn't satisfied I'm going to Can I go home today? "
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