Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1122

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Chapter 1122

"Yingtian, I didn't expect that in this life, you like to talk big.
black Qilin sneered and looked at the Qin Dynasty," with your strength now, you want to kill the emperor of heaven? It's like a dream. "
"Whoever touches my woman will be killed!"
When the Qin Dynasty said this, he was very murderous. The cold and murderous spirit made the black Qilin shake off.
In front of him, it seems that he saw the man many years ago, standing here, looking at himself with arrogance.
The man It's terrible.
He was the first man in the sky and the earth at that time. Even when people respected ghosts and respected him, they would respect him three times.
The level of black Qilin is much worse than that of human and ghost.
Therefore, there is no way to compare with Yingtian.
But that was the day of the day.
Now Yingtian, black Qilin can only see through the double peak level of the golden body. He doesn't even have the thunder robbery period. How can he compare with himself.
Black Qilin suddenly laughed, "you and chaos fight, do not use the power of Ying Tian. If chaos loses, I will swear that I will not attack your woman. How about that? "
"You mean what you say?"
Qin Dynasty listen to the heart move.
He knew that with his current strength, he could not compete with black Qilin.
Even if you enter the general idea recitation, because of the limitation of the law of heaven and earth, you can't help black Qilin.
Unless you practice jiulonghuan to the extreme.
He still has a long way to go.
"as the first general of Yingji's team, Hei Qilin naturally keeps his word."
Black Qilin said haughtily, "moreover, your strength can't win chaos."
"You seem confident."
Qin Dynasty clenched his fist, "I will personally crush your self-confidence."
"Then try it. Chaos, don't keep your hand, do it with all your might. "
Black Qilin said to the chaos standing beside him.
At this point, chaos's nose is good.
He looked at the Qin Dynasty, ha ha a smile, "OK, boss, I will help you clean up this guy."
With that, the figure of chaos changed slightly.
He was no longer as thin as before, but much bigger.
His mouth, also turned into a tusk, looked very strange, grinning at the Qin Dynasty.
"I'll rip your body apart, one bite at a time."
Chaos said, the strength of the gold body nine heavy, from his body waves, washed in the coffee shop.
"It's all your own business. Don't mess it up."
Black Qilin sat on the side drinking coffee and said slowly.
"Yes, boss."
Chaos nodded, then pinched a hand, Sakura
"ancient fantasy
The red light immediately wrapped the whole coffee shop.
It's an ancient fantasy again, good thing
"God, don't blame us for being merciless. If you want to blame yourself, blame yourself for being too weak!"
Chaos said, the body instantly appeared in front of the Qin Dynasty, at the same time a blow to the face of the Qin Dynasty.
It seems that this guy just Qin Dynasty fan he resented, want to revenge back at this time.
The vitality of the fist was very strong. The air between the fist and the Qin Dynasty fluctuated sharply.
"Liyin, nishang, become my strength..."
Qin Dynasty didn't need to keep his hands. He grasped his fists and immediately entered the state of Jiulong armor.
The powerful force, suddenly burst out, this moment burst out of the force, so that the fierce beast on the scene were stunned.
Thunder robbery period!
How can it be? Just now, it's still Jinshen Erzhong?
Is this guy playing pig and eating tiger?
Before chaos's fist was about to fall, Qin Dynasty had already put on a white boxing set and hit back with the opponent's fist.
It's like igniting a missile. The cafe vibrates.
The huge explosion rolled out and smashed the surrounding tables and chairs to one side, and even the glass was shattered.
The ceiling between the first floor and the second floor is directly connected.
The roof of the whole cafe was smashed open, and the bright noon sun directly shone in and hit the people inside.
Chaos is a bit miserable. After eating a fist under the power of the thunder robbery period, he was still wrapped in the force of the nine you giant elephant. His left arm was directly fractured. The whole person flew out like a kite with broken lines. He took all the dust and smashed the walls and smashed a series of houses in the blink of an eye.
Fortunately, the ancient fairyland continued to expand with him. Otherwise, the sensation caused by the battle would probably frighten many people.
"You're teasing us!"
Black Qilin looked at the Qin Dynasty and frowned deeply, "you have reached the thunder robbery period No It's Kowloon ringHe is also a person who knows the goods. He can see the artifact hidden in Qin Dynasty at a glance.
"I said," how can you break through so many layers of power? "
He laughed. "Good, good..."
"You're not going to win me with your worthless men."
The Qin Dynasty sneered.
"It's hard to say."
black Qilin laughed, and suddenly he threw a black flame in front of him. The flame kept twisting, and then a figure came out of it.
It's chaos.
He was dragged directly back to the cafe by the Black Unicorn's flame.
This chaotic mouth with blood stains, looked at the Qin Dynasty viciously, "boss, I'll kill him!"
"I give you what you want."
Black Qilin laughed, holding a group of rolling black fire in his hand, "eat him, you will be invincible."
Seeing the black flame, chaos was very excited.
He opened his mouth and swallowed the flame.
Then, the chaos of the seven orifices began to bleed.
It's black blood.
At the same time, a stronger force burst out of the chaos.
"Ah, ah, ah!"
Chaos roared several times and his body was shaking.
The power revolved around his body, and finally it went up into the sky.
This is the power of the end of the thunder!
In the sky, there are dark clouds.
There's a lot of thunder and lightning rolling.
The power of the last stage of the thunder robbery is often accompanied by the appearance of the sky thunder.
Because at this time, it often means that someone is going to be robbed.
"How could he break through so much..."
"Master, this is a method of drinking poison to quench thirst."
Li Yin reminds the Qin Dynasty, "this chaos swallows the fire of black Qilin. This fine fire, will temporarily enhance his strength. But when the strength is over, his body will also be eaten back. At least, it will take a month to not use energy, but to recuperate. "
"It turns out that it's a self mutilation method..."
Qin Dynasty shakes his head, which is the same as his previous Jiulong armor.
"God, die!"
Chaotic body high jump up, facing the Qin Dynasty below, spit out a turbid gas.
The turbid atmosphere fell down, and the Qin Dynasty's heart leaped wildly, and subconsciously withdrew a few steps.
The turbid air fell on the ground, eroding the ground into a big pit six or seven meters deep.
"Trough, what is this? Chemical and biological weapons? "
"Jie Jie, this is my chaotic evil spirit!"
Chaos issued a strange smile, "all who eat my chaotic evil spirit, no matter people and things, will be completely devoured by this gas! God, today is your death
He yelled, and spewed out a few more turbid air from his mouth, which formed several arrows and shot head to face at the Qin Dynasty.
"King Kong waves his axe!"
Knowing the terror of these arrows, the Qin Dynasty did not hesitate to release its strongest defense.
A golden arhat, five or six meters high, stood up and blocked the arrows formed by the chaotic evil spirit.
"Bang bang bang!"
The King Kong Luohan of Qin Dynasty, even the heavenly power can block a few, in this chaotic evil spirit, unexpectedly some can not eat.
However, it is also true that when Qin Dynasty ate Tianwei, it was the power of Jinxian period.
And now, it's just the beginning of the thunderstorm.
It was a great master at the end of the thunder robbery. Several chaotic evil Qi arrows came down, and the golden body arhat was somewhat depressed. It seemed that a stab would break it.
Is this chaotic evil spirit really so fierce?
"Master, the so-called chaotic evil spirit is actually the vitality mixed with a little chaotic power!"
Li Yin's voice rang again, "compared with the pure power of God, this thing is a fake product!"
"Well, fake goods..."
How could this girl be so modern.
"Yes, it's fake goods However, it is also very difficult to deal with fake goods, after all, he is too much higher than your strength
Li Yin complained, "the hateful black Kirin, has made such a strange fire! What a nuisance
"Complete body state, Liyin, and nishang are up to you."
The Qin Dynasty knew that it was impossible to keep the recruit, but to deal with the end of the thunder robbery, it was necessary to exert all one's strength.
Jiulong armor quickly wrapped up the whole body of the Qin Dynasty, and his strength also stepped into the level of the end of the thunder robbery from the early stage.
This time, we have to spell it!
"The strength has improved again But it's not enough to see! "
Chaos said, palm down.
All of a sudden, a gray palm print, full of chaotic evil spirit, the mountain like toward the Qin Dynasty was pressed down."Diamond hand!"
The Qin Dynasty quickly waved his right hand and took a golden palm print to deal with it.
The unique defense skill Vajra palm, after touching the gray palm print, was quickly fragmented, allowing the opponent's palm print to press down.
No, the mountain stronghold is a palm of God's power. It's too destructive!
The body of the Qin Dynasty was suddenly blasted into the ground.
He's got blood coming out of his abdomen.
This chaotic evil spirit rushed into his internal organs and caused great damage to his body.
"I will take good care of your women after you die!"
Seeing the fall of Qin Dynasty, chaos suddenly grinned grimly, and he condensed a palm print, ready to take pictures of Qin Dynasty.
"Yingtian, this is your end."
Black Qilin hugs his arm and sneers at him.
The man who obstructs himself and Xuanyuan Yingji is dying.
"Go to hell!"
Chaotic eyes flashing lustre, seems to think of those women in the Qin Dynasty, Wu from excited.
The gray palm print is photographed towards the Qin Dynasty.
The earth began to tremble again, with cracks all over it.
In the mouth of the Qin Dynasty, a blood arrow was ejected.
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