Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 697

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Chapter 697

The Qin Dynasty led the fate dream, went to a fashionable women's clothing shop, went in and heard the comments of several female shop assistants.
"Oh, isn't this the girl who went to the draft just now?"
"Yes, yes, I heard she is still the champion."
"How beautiful If I'm so beautiful, and I can sing well, I'll go to the draft... "
Several saleswomen chatted, and the store manager came over and said politely.
"Miss, because you are the champion of the audition today, you can enjoy a 30% discount in our shopping mall. As long as you choose the product, you can have this treatment. "
"What What is a 70% discount... "
Fate dream is really a sentence do not understand.
"It's cheap." The Qin Dynasty felt that it was their duty to eliminate illiteracy for Yuanmeng.
It's from the countryside Hey, no matter how beautiful it is, it's also a gun.
Several saleswomen couldn't help but feel happy.
The Qin Dynasty simply explained what discount was, then turned around, pointed to the clothes in the shop and said, "this, this, and this Well, this one is also... "
One of the saleswomen couldn't help but curl her lips and said, "we are the agent store of famous Italian fashion brands. You can watch it first. Each of these clothes is more than 1000 yuan, which adds up to more than 4000 yuan. It's not more than 400 yuan! You have to watch the decimal point. "
She thought, you think discount, you can buy more to take advantage of it! None of the goods here are sold on the floor!
"Oh, you mean, thank you for the reminder."
The Qin Dynasty nodded and then said to the store manager, "I'll take all the others except the four. Take your measurements and let her try every one of them
"What, what..."
Several saleswomen were stunned. The expression was quite wonderful.
Even the store manager was surprised and said, "Sir, you are not kidding..."
"Are you kidding? You can swipe your card."
The Qin Dynasty took out his gold card and handed it to the store manager.
The woman store manager just like holding her own child, holding the card to go. She calculated that the total cost of these clothes was sky high. But this gentleman doesn't look like a rich boss
Those saleswomen began to envy and hate again.
Yuan dream is not too concerned, in her idea, anyway, making money is very simple, take paper to print a few heads on the line. It's not like the money of their spiritual world, which needs to be refined with vitality.
Otherwise, elder brother Qin spent so much money, can't you feel sad?
Seeing the Qin Dynasty spending money so casually, Yuan dreamt that he could accept it.
"Sir, the total is 189600 We have already finished the discount. Please keep your card... "
"Well, hard work."
The Qin Dynasty took back his gold card and said to Yuanmeng, "which one do you like, go and have a try.". The four pieces I mentioned just now are not needed. They are too ugly for you
Yuan dream is very obedient, pick clothes, one by one to the changing room to see.
Women always don't care about the length of time to buy clothes, even if it's a dream from childhood, it's no exception.
Looking at a different self, she is also full of joy.
The Qin Dynasty looked at Yuan dream changing all kinds of clothes, and felt that he was really a feast for the eyes today.
How many people want such an opportunity, can not get it! Look at perfume, Lily fairy, show yourself a fashion show, click...
Finally, Yuan Meng chose a white flower collar shirt on the top and a black to Knee Skirt on the bottom.
She's elegant in this one.
Even the Qin Dynasty, who was used to seeing beautiful women, couldn't help admiring it.
"Good, good, just wear this one! Others, pack them for me
In the hands of the Qin Dynasty, a large number of packages were soon added.
"Sir, we can deliver the goods to your door..."
The woman store manager looked at the Qin Dynasty carrying such a large package, are a bit silly. This man is not only rich, but also powerful
"It's OK. I'll do it myself."
Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, carrying that a large string of clothes, led the edge dream to walk outside the shop.
The appearance of his big and small bags is really eye-catching. Simply, he let Yuan dream wait outside and walked to the bathroom.
Fortunately, there was no one in the bathroom. In the Qin Dynasty, Jiuyou poisonous spider was attached to the body, making use of the power of space to make a small package.
Although the package looks as big as a fist, it contains 10 square meters of space. This is the power of mustard seed, which is very convenient.
Qin Dynasty put the clothes into it, and then walked out easily and handed the small package to Yuan Meng.
"I put all your clothes in this Xumi bag. When you want to wear it, take it from here. ""Ah! It's too expensive. I can't take it! "
More than 100000 clothes were not blinking, but she was embarrassed to accept this Xumi bag.
In the realm of practice, all such objects are of great value. Like his brother Qin, you can sell at least 100000 yuan Lingjing in the market of Xiuzhen!
These yuan Lingjing, enough to practice for three years!
"It doesn't matter. It's not something valuable. I made it myself."
Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, put that Xumi bag to Yuan Meng hand.
"Since, did you do it yourself?" Yuan Meng is a little surprised. I didn't expect that her elder brother Qin had such ability.
"Of course. By the way, it's noon. Let's go to dinner. "
"Ah, brother Qin, we practitioners don't have to eat."
With that, Yuan Meng took out a beautiful blue yuan Lingjing and said, "as long as you absorb energy from this yuan Lingjing, it's OK."
"How can it be done?"
The Qin Dynasty told Yuanmeng, "if you want to practice, you have to live a normal life first. Make yourself abnormal every day. If you don't have a taste of life, it's hard to become a road! I ask you, what's the taste of yuanlingjing? Sour? Sweet? "
"No, no smell..."
Yuan Meng shakes his head, "it's just the solidifying body of Yuan Qi. It sucks when you suck it..."
"That's great." The Qin Dynasty said, "practice is definitely not a monotonous process of absorbing the energy of heaven and earth and enhancing one's vitality. You can't understand the real Tao if you don't taste all the flavors of the world. "
"Well, then I listen to elder brother Qin. "
Lovely dream of small margin, even if one day was sold by the Qin Dynasty, it is estimated that they are at a loss and do not know it!
"That's good. Let's go."
Qin Dynasty nodded, and then led the edge of the dream, went out.
This pair of beautiful men and women has attracted many people's attention.
Just walked to the door of the shopping mall, the mobile phone of Qin Dynasty suddenly rang.
When he saw it, it was SUJ who called.
This jealous little beauty, if she knew that she was shopping with a beauty in the spiritual world, she would kill him with space magic and beat him up.
After thinking about it, the Qin Dynasty decided that it was better to keep quiet.
"Yuanmeng, you are here. Don't go. Wait for me. I'll answer the phone. Don't pay attention to anyone who comes to talk to you. They are all bad people. "
The Qin Dynasty is like teaching kindergarten children, warning fate dream.
"Well, I see. Brother Qin, you should come back early."
Yuan dream nod, special clever.
Qin Dynasty also felt like coax a child, he turned around, walked to a relatively far, also relatively quiet position, answered the phone.
"Why did you answer the phone so long? Is it with a beautiful woman?"
Suu Kyi's head is not really human. Why is she so smart.
"Nonsense, I am not among the famous mountains and rivers. I already know where Renyuan Jindan is, but it's more difficult to find it. "
"I've heard all about it."
On the other end of the phone, there was a sour smell. "You made a big scene on the mountain of Shu, and saved Shen Qing. It seems that Shen Qing is still pregnant with your child
The Qin Dynasty was speechless for a long time.
"The Qin Dynasty I know you are a playboy. You can't have only one girlfriend. But why do you have children with other girls, not me I don't do it. You must find Renyuan Jindan immediately. I want to have a child with you! My Suu Kyi's child must be the boss of your family
"Suu Ji..."
The Qin Dynasty was also a little sad, "I am a born devil, and can only have children with Jueyin women Even if I found the Renyuan gold elixir for you, we also It's impossible to have children... "
"Why Why... "
Qin Dynasty heard that Suji on the other end of the phone had a bleak voice.
"Suu Kyi, don't do that. My child is your child. Shen Qing is pregnant with a dragon and Phoenix fetus, a male and a female. She and I have agreed that after the baby is born, she will send the girl to us for me to raise. "
"Girl? Good girl. I like girls best
Suji didn't know why, but suddenly she was happy again. "Qin Dynasty, when the children came, I would raise them as my own. You have to ask her to call me big mother
"Suu Ji I'm sorry for you... "
The Qin Dynasty felt guilty.
"Don't tell me. I'll settle with you for all these things."
Suji laughed, and her voice was a little bitter. "I will find you to settle your romantic debts one by one. But anyway, I'm the biggest one in the family
"You want to be queen?"
"Bah, you really regard yourself as Emperor! Emperor, should you take the opportunity to explain how many harem you have"Cough, that, I'll talk about it later."
For a while and a half, the Qin Dynasty and the toes may not count.
"Hum, when you come back, long distance call, no more calls!"
SUJ doesn't know what mood she is in now, but it should be very complicated. She hung up the phone.
She was able to call the Qin Dynasty, but also a lot of courage.
Their boyfriends and other women have children outside, which is easy to accept.
Fortunately, we are all practitioners In particular, Suji knew more or less about the floral character of the Qin Dynasty. As for Shen Qing's pure and pure woman, why could she ruin the evil hand of the Qin Dynasty
Alas, needless to say, it must be the curse caused by the Vajra Sutra.
If the Qin Dynasty knew what Suji thought, he must thank the release master and his Vajra Sutra.
But now, the Qin Dynasty didn't think about it. Because, he saw, the edge of the distant dream, is being entangled by a man.
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