Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 895

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Chapter 895

At this moment, Monroe suddenly let out a roar.
His body, suddenly burst out a strong airflow, impact on the body of the Qin Dynasty.
Rao is the Qin Dynasty, also can't help but stretch out his hands, block in front of himself, the body was shocked repeatedly back a few steps.
He frowned and looked at the black light coming out in front of him.
"Boy, do you think you can kill my Monroe?"
There was a change in monlon's body.
The original human form has now become a demon.
He is three meters tall, with two horns on his head and a pair of huge meat wings behind his back. His body is wrapped in silvery armor.
The arm, which had been cut off, grew out again with a thick transparent liquid on it.
Is the demon reborn?
The heart of Qin Dynasty murmured.
"Die for me
The wings behind the gate long, with a strong air flow, instantly appeared in front of the Qin Dynasty.
At the same time, his strong arm, strangled the arm of the Qin Dynasty, and then beat his wings again, bringing the Qin Dynasty into the air together.
"Be ready to accept my punishment!"
He roared and threw the body of Qin Dynasty to the ground in mid air.
It has to be said that the transformation of the great devil, the strength is very strong.
The body of the Qin Dynasty instantly turned into a shell like, and exploded on the ground, blowing out a deep hole on the ground.
Then, menlong aimed at the Qin Dynasty in the pit and opened his mouth.
A concentrated, rather terrifying black light appeared in his mouth.
Demon cannon, this is the big devil level demon cannon!
"My Lord, get away from me!"
Faduo's eyes burst into tears, regardless of everything, and rushed toward the direction of the Qin Dynasty. Lali couldn't stop him. However, she couldn't have the speed of the demon cannon. As soon as she ran out two steps, a two meter thick black light column hit the ground.
A huge mushroom cloud, rising, high into the air.
Fado froze.
She looked at the mushroom cloud and sat down on the ground.
My lord You, do you really die like this
It won't be Your honor, you will be all right
"Is this the end of it..."
Larry couldn't help but clench his fist and was cold. Sure enough, Monroe is so powerful However, this mission is a success, because besieb's legion of giants and Demons has been completely smashed by Qin.
This kid, it's worth dying. His name will surely appear in the annals of the Mamen empire.
However, Larry didn't know that Qin Dynasty didn't care about the history of Mamen empire.
He came here mainly to save people.
By the way, improve your own strength.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Monroe looked at the mushroom cloud and said with a wild laugh, "this is the end of doing the right thing with Monroe! No one in the Mamen empire can defeat me
All the Red Devils, also a long sigh of relief.
At last the terrible intruder was killed.
The marshal was so scared that he turned into a marshal
"Is that your best shot?"
At this time, a voice suddenly flew out of the mushroom cloud.
Everyone was in a daze.
Larry was surprised, Monroe was shocked, and fado was laughing.
Sure enough, my Lord is all right.
The mushroom cloud gradually dispersed, and a figure rose slowly from the pit.
That is the figure of Qin Dynasty, his right wrist, at this time wrapped in a black wrist armor.
Fortunately, the Jiulong armor was opened in time. Otherwise, I would not be hurt seriously and would not be better than Egypt
Monroe hysterically ground roars a voice, "ate me a demon cannon, how can you be OK! You, you should be blasted into scum
"I'm so sorry..."
The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "today, it may not be me who will be blasted into scum..."
With that, he raised his hand to Monroe, the great devil in the air. "I think you should be the one to do it."
the voice dropped, and a black light ball appeared in the palm of his hand.
"This, this is the demon cannon!"
Monroe recognized the trick, and his face was full of consternation.
How can it be? Someone can fire a demon cannon with his hand!
That's unreasonable!
At the same time, he also felt that the magic cannon was extraordinary.
This force is not what he can resist!
Monroe is very clever, wings beat, turn around to escape.However, his speed, how can be faster than the speed of light!
The palm of Qin Dynasty trembled, a black light column, instantly devoured the sky.
All the demons froze again.
What a terrible demon cannon!
That's too much! It's more than five meters thick!
Crouching trough, I'm afraid even the creation beast can't bear it!
When it comes to the creation beast, let alone Monroe.
The devil who had just hit the Qin Dynasty in a mess is now submerged by the light of the demon cannon.
His body, not left at all, was blasted into scum, even if he wanted to reorganize his body, it was impossible.
Moreover, his soul was taken by the magic pill of the Qin Dynasty and quickly swallowed into his mouth, becoming the nourishment of the Qin Dynasty.
The crack in the shackles has increased a little more!
The Qin Dynasty was very happy. Sure enough, this hell is a good place.
As long as you are in such a few mouthfuls, swallow up a few big demons, you will certainly be able to break through the shackles of the late Yuan baby and enter the golden body.
At that time, Diyuan Lingdan would not be so important to him!
"Knot, is it over..."
Larry was as sweaty as if he had pulled it out of the water.
This war is just incredible.
The first World War, which had no hope at all, turned out to be such a situation because of the existence of Qin.
The Legion of giants and Demons has been killed, and even captain Monroe has been killed.
There are so many soldiers left. I'm afraid They won't have good fruit to eat.
"Hey, hey..."
Sure enough, after the Qin Dynasty killed monlong, they turned their eyes to the red demons.
Although these demons are too low to help themselves. But no matter how small a mosquito is, it's meat
"Team nine, take my order. All the besieb soldiers have been slaughtered, none left. "
The nine luochagui, immediately Jie Jie strange smile, each waving the weapons in his hand, killed into the red armor devil.
All of a sudden, scream, beg for mercy, scold repeatedly.
Qin Dynasty looked at the massacre in front of him with a sneer on his lips.
Besieu, if you dare to touch my woman, I will kill your whole country!
Looking at the sneering Qin Dynasty, Larry felt cold again.
He felt that Qin was the devil among the demons, a bit of terror!
This guy, he's powerful, I'm afraid, is basically the same level as the legendary Mephisto, right?
The killing speed is very fast. Nine luochagui, without Monroe's hindrance, is like an adult killing a child, killing a group of red armored demons is crying and howling.
After a while, the besheb troops stationed in the fortress of Pera were stripped of their armor and armor by the massacres, and those who died died died and fled.
There are only twelve people
If it is spread out that besieb's Legion has been destroyed by twelve men, and there are still twelve recruits who have just joined the army, then besieb's expression will be very rich.
That's what the Qin Dynasty thought, so he's happy now.
"Well, the castle of Pera is destroyed. Let's go back and meet our army."
Qin Dynasty looked at the paila castle which had been burning a big fire, turned around and laughed at Larry, who was already a little dull.
"Qin You, who are you... "
The more he looked at the Qin Dynasty, the more terrifying he felt.
Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, "I am a person who comes to revenge. Don't think about anything else. You just need to know that I'm here to destroy Beelzebub
"You and Qiu Xi God?"
Larry wasn't stupid either. He understood immediately.
"Of course..."
Remembering that Shi Xin was robbed by beshib, the Qin Dynasty hated his teeth itching.
If you dare to move my people, you have to pay a price.
You rob me, I kill you!
Qin Dynasty was in the devil's way. Sometimes, the idea was very extreme.
Anyway, this is not the earth. What he is facing is not human beings. He can do things without holding hands.
And Larry knew that he couldn't get this guy.
Don't talk about yourself. I'm afraid it's the far blue family. I don't know what a terrible opponent I will be against.
Looking at today's war, he will understand.
"It seems that the besheb Empire and the pharlan family It's going to be bad luck... "
Larry whispered.
"Fado, come on, let's go."
No longer pay attention to Larry, Qin Dynasty went to faduo's side and pulled the little girl up from the ground."My lord Fado was really worried about... "
Fado, just now, felt that his heart was about to jump out.
Now seeing the adults standing in front of her, she felt more at ease.
"Don't worry about me in the future. I won't die."
Qin Dynasty laughs, "peace of mind follow me good, not sure of things, I will not do."
With that, the Qin Dynasty patted the dust on his body for faduo.
"My lord..."
Faduo couldn't help but get a little sour nose. She felt that her luck was really great. The Qin Dynasty must have been given to her by God. She could not help holding the waist of the Qin Dynasty, and her head was close to his arms.
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help touching faduo's hair. If it wasn't for saving Shi Xin, he would not have known faduo. It seems that this is fate.
Larry on the side looked chilly.
Sure enough, he is more convinced of his own ideas, Qin this guy, is indeed a homosexual!
In the future, I still have to deal with him. In case he takes a fancy to himself one day, he can't resist, mother fork
"There are no living demons."
The group of nine came up and stood in front of the Qin Dynasty and reported.
"Good. Let's go back."
Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, he is very satisfied with this effect.
Myself, always give besieged a little surprise.
He was a very polite man in Qin Dynasty.
"Back to camp!"
Larry also took a deep breath and followed the Qin Dynasty.
With this man in, this war is sure to win!
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