Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1080

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Chapter 1080

A fist of the Qin Dynasty, solid, hard hit Yu Dehai's face.
The Qin Dynasty has left two parts, otherwise, Yu Dehai's eyeballs would have been smashed.
Even so, Yu Dehai was miserable.
Although he had covered his head with vitality in time, he barely blocked the fist of the Qin Dynasty.
But this contains the nine you giant elephant. How can the unstoppable fist be resisted by the vitality.
Yu Dehai's body, immediately driven by his head, continued to rotate 3600 degrees in the air, beating the top constantly, and finally smashed a fish tank behind him with a bang, and the whole person fell there.
On the dwarf's face, it was very terrible. It was really bleeding from the seven orifices.
The head has not been broken, has been regarded as the Qin Dynasty left a bit of love.
"The leader of Huashan is just like this."
The Qin Dynasty is carrying both hands, a pair of domineering appearance, "who else wants to ask for advice, this seat one by one took over."
Those righteous people, one by one, looked at each other.
How to offend the evil star of Qin Dynasty!
The original good plan of besieging the devil gate was ruined by his mother!
Damn it, this guy's not going to die!
How can no one dare to come out and stop him?
"I'll do it!"
Finally, it is the elder of the sky fire Pavilion in Kunlun. Huoyan can't bear his temper and strides out of the crowd.
"Qin, don't think you are invincible if you are higher! What I practice is the sky fire! You, the body, are transformed by my fire
He said, his hands, burning blue and purple flame.
As soon as these two flames appeared, there was a burning sensation in the whole hall.
"Sky fire?"
The Qin Dynasty raised eyebrows, took out a cigarette, and gently knocked it, "it's time to light a cigarette for this seat."
"Boy, I think you are arrogant and want to die!"
That fire Yan two eyes a stare, very frightening.
The Qin Dynasty could not help but think of the fire dragon that had been encountered in the dark holy see.
Two things seem to be one virtue. They all thought they were very powerful, and they were arrogant and arrogant.
"Hehe, you are just a little elder, and I am the master of luochamen. In terms of identity, my seat is higher than you. When you come up, you call this seat a boy, and now you want to say that you are arrogant? Huo Yan, I look at your age of several hundred years. You have lived to the dog. "
"You, you, you want to die!"
"Come on, would you like to change your lines? For example, the grass mud girl in the MAHLE Gobi area also has a heart to listen to. "
"Vulgar, vulgar! It's so vulgar
Fire Yan drank three times, the two regiments of flames on the palm were more burning, many practitioners could not help but shed sweat.
What a terrible sky fire. It is worthy of being the most powerful sky fire Pavilion in Kunlun.
"Make so much nonsense, do what you want, do it."
The Qin Dynasty was too lazy to talk to him more. His fingers were holding cigarettes and he was hooked on the old man.
"Boy, it's your own death. No wonder I am!"
Huoyan has a hot temper and pinches a Dharma decision with both hands. He immediately ejects a rocket from his mouth. He doesn't know how much higher the power is than tiandanzi.
In terms of realm, Huo Yan has actually surpassed tiandanzi, because tiandanzi has been worrying about the size and size of the sect since he became the leader, thus delaying his practice.
And fire Yan has been practicing hard, and now he is a great master who is about to be nine heavy.
With such a high level of self-cultivation and the power of sky fire, there should be no problem in fighting against a demon!
Fire Yan thinks, at the same time trend that rocket, shot to the cheek of Qin Dynasty.
"Well done."
Qin Dynasty but lazily stretched a waist, and then slightly left side of the body, unexpectedly let go of the rocket.
At the same time, he handed the cigarette to his right hand and lit the end of the cigarette with the help of the flame of the sky fire.
"Thank you for the fire, man."
The Qin Dynasty lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth. He laughed.
Fire Yan gas two eyes take out Venus, own sky fire, unexpectedly let him take a cigarette!
"Do you think you can get away with it! I underestimate Kunlun's fire magic
As he said this, he continued to pinch FA Jue with both hands. The rocket that flew to the rear, as if someone had pulled it, turned back, aimed at the Qin Dynasty, and shot him in the back again.
"Well, it has electronic eyes."
The Qin Dynasty did not return, but knew that there was danger behind it.
Suddenly, a pair of black arms sprang out from behind him and grasped the roaring rocket.
"Ha ha, it's just a matter of life and death."
Fire Yan sees this scene, can't help but sneer smugly.At the moment when luochagui of Qin Dynasty seized the rocket, the rocket burst into flames.
In an instant, the blue and purple flame, along the black arms, spread to the body of the Qin Dynasty, ignited his whole body.
"Do you think the sky fire is an ordinary flame?"
Seeing the surprised expression of the Qin Dynasty, Huoyan said with a proud smile, "this is Tianhuo, a super strong flame that I have practiced for hundreds of years. If you touch a little, it will burn your whole body. Qin Xiaozi, although you are a creative talent, it is a pity that you are in the wrong position. Let the fire burn away all of you. "
Everyone watched the Qin Dynasty engulfed in flames.
Oh, my God, are the talented people in this area dead like this?
These people, all stare big eyes.
It's terrible. It's really the elder of Kunlun Tianhuo Pavilion. This power is not comparable to that of ordinary people.
Qin Dynasty is also a talented person. If you meet him, you can only count Qin Dynasty's bad luck.
"Qin Dynasty..."
Hu Qing is also a little sluggish, she did not expect, Qin Dynasty will be killed like this.
If he died, Lily would not forgive her mother.
"Don't worry. He'll be all right."
Only Shan Sao, a faint smile, way, "such a little flame, how can I get him?"
Will Yingtian's reincarnation be killed so easily?
All these righteous ideas are too reasonable.
"It's not a little flame."
Fire Yan obviously heard the voice of Shan Sao, he said haughtily, "this is the sky fire, is the flame refined with the sky thunder. If there is such a flame, let alone human beings, even stones can burn to ashes. "
He pointed to the Qin Dynasty, whose whole body was burning with blue and purple flames, and laughed, "see, in a moment, he will be refined by my flame!"
Indeed, the Qin Dynasty is a little hot now.
However, he has no problem for the time being.
Originally, the Qin Dynasty wanted to find an opportunity to absorb the sky fire and become its last flame, but it was stopped by rod and wished "what good is this little sky fire?". Qin Xiaozi, your present state is not enough. When you really reach the thunder robbery period, I will take you to the Tianhuo cave to absorb the jiutianjiehuo that I left there! That is the real strongest flame between heaven and earth! Don't waste your last flame on this three stream fire. "
If you let Huoyan hear rod say that the flame of his hard training is a three stream flame, it is estimated that he will be mad with anger.
However, no matter if he was crazy, the Qin Dynasty had already begun to solve the problem of burning himself.
"King Kong waves his axe!"
The Qin Dynasty broke out its strongest Vajra Sutra in the thunder robbery period.
A large number of Buddhist golden light burst out of his body, which instantly scattered the flames on his body, which made all the practitioners gape.
Even the sky fire can't hurt him!
"How, how!"
Huoyan himself also widened his eyes, unbelievably, looking at the Qin Dynasty which was safe and sound in the sky fire.
"Small sky fire, can you hurt this seat?"
Qin Dynasty ha ha ha laughs, takes back the dazzling Buddha light on the body, said, "fire Yan, fire Yan, this seat looks, is you too arrogant!"
"I'm so angry! Sky fire
Fire Yan was furious and offered his strongest move.
His body, instantly burning blue and purple flame.
The flame twisted and soon swallowed up his body.
Soon, in people's eyes, the flame gradually took shape, blinking an eye became a three meter high flaming man, looking at the Qin Dynasty fiercely.
"Boy, let you know the magic power of my sky fire Pavilion!"
The fire man opened his mouth and said.
However, it is the voice of fire Yan.
"Well, it's getting ugly."
Qin Dynasty touches chin, cannot help saying.
"Go to hell!"
Fire Yan knows that his mouth is fighting, but Qin Dynasty, this stretched out his huge flame palm, toward the Qin Dynasty on a pat.
"Is it amazing to be on fire?"
The Qin Dynasty stepped back a few steps and avoided the huge flame palm.
This slap on the ground, suddenly, there is a flame fingerprint on the ground, burning the ground black, more than a palm print pit.
Qin Dynasty looked at the deep pit and sneered, "let you know how the water overcomes fire, right?"
As he said that, blue light came out of his body.
"Jiuyou summoning skill · attachment!"
The power of Jiuyou demon dragon is summoned.
For the first time, the Qin Dynasty began to launch the summoning technique of Jiuyou demon dragon in an all-round way.
In the past, it was just a rush to borrow strength. It's the first time for us to be so formal as today.A cool force swam through the whole body of Qin Dynasty in an instant.
A piece of silver and white armor, also constantly covered.
In my hand, I also have a big halberd.
The dress of Qin Dynasty now, like the ancient white horse general, is very heroic.
The Qin Dynasty waved the halberd in his hand, and suddenly, a water curtain rose and dashed into the body of the fire man.
There is white smoke flying up from the fire man, and his body is constantly distorted by pain.
"Damn it, do you think you can beat me! Try my magic
Fire Yan whines and grits his teeth to cast his magic.
A fire dragon came out from the foot of the Qin Dynasty, almost flying the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"Damn it, what a cruel move!"
The Qin Dynasty was hit by the fire dragon and stepped back two steps. The silver armor composed of water elements blocked the attack for him.
"Fire is not valid for this seat."
The Qin Dynasty said, and waved the halberd, "try your own tricks! Water
A column of water came out of the fireman's feet, immediately pushed the body of the fire man into the air, and then bumped into the ceiling above.
"Die for me
The figure of the Qin Dynasty disappeared as a water curtain, and then instantly reorganized under the body of the fire man.
At the same time, the halberd in his hand was inserted towards the lower abdomen of the burning man.
If this is inserted really, the fire Yan will be regarded as useless.
Water conquers fire is an eternal truth.
"Don't dare to hurt my elder!"
At this time, another figure of the fire man appeared. Meanwhile, the palm of Pu fan slapped on the body of Qin Dynasty, sweeping his body away.
Qin Dynasty falls on the ground, fix one's eyes to see, good fellow, the day Dan son this si also transformed.
"Elder Huoyan, are you ok?"
Tiandanzi holds fire Yan and flies down. Two firemen stand in the hall, making the temperature of the hall rise continuously.
"I'm fine. I can fight again!"
Fire Yan stares at Qin Dynasty, as if looking at enemy, gnashing teeth to say.
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