Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 970

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Chapter 970

"In order to welcome the elder martial sister to be rescued successfully, cheers!"
In the private room of Antony hotel in Sunan City, Bai Jiaojiao happily held her glass and said to a group of people in front of her.
"Hello, Hello, your wife has drunk so much, won't she go mad with wine?"
The Qin Dynasty asked FA Xiang, who was sitting beside him, worried.
"Ha ha, it's OK. As long as you don't drink realgar wine, there's no big problem."
Jiaobai is happy to see Jiaobai. But he thought of a problem and pushed the Qin Dynasty forward.
"But if I take Huaniang back, will my younger sister be unhappy?"
"Suu Kyi, that's OK."
The Qin Dynasty quickly told FA Xiang, "I told her about this. She has taught me a lesson, and then let me out to rescue Huaniang. "
The memory of the Qin Dynasty can't help but drift back to the days before the misty peak.
After all, it's a big thing to go to the misty peak to save people. It's impossible to know your wife to be.
Originally, she went with a worried heart. Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Suji was very calm.
She said, holding the fox in her arms. Qin Ying is still in kindergarten. Suji will pick her up in two hours.
"Huaniang? I've seen for a long time that you two have been flirting before. Hum, sure enough, there's a situation. "
"Well, this..."
Qin Dynasty embarrassed to touch the nose, in the face of his first wife, he is guilty.
"Susie, it's hard for you."
"Don't do that."
Suji came over and gently put her arms around the waist of Qin Dynasty and put her head on him. "I know you have more than one woman in your heart You have practiced the Vajra Sutra, and you are very destructive to women. I also know that... "
"You, will you forgive me?"
Hearing this, the Qin Dynasty felt a little warm. Suu Kyi still cares about him, and she doesn't have a correct mind.
"well, of course. Although I want a person to occupy you savagely, but other women, in fact, do not want to. If we have such an idea, we are doomed to leave you. I don't want to leave you, so I can only accommodate you like this... "
"Suu Ji I'm not good It has made you suffer... "
The Qin Dynasty held Suji tightly.
"Uh huh..."
Suji was like a kitten. She was so comfortable in the Qin Dynasty. She said that if Suji was always obedient, how happy she would be in those days.
but this state lasted less than 10 seconds. Suji's strength suddenly changed. Qin Dynasty smelled the smell of Jiuyou giant elephant.
He looked again, he was picked up by Suu Kyi, holding his belt in both hands, and was lifted into the air.
"Sue, Suu Kyi, what are you doing?"
"It's too gentle for me to tell you what I'm saying."
Su Ji Mei Dai stood up in a rage, biting her silver teeth and looking at the Qin Dynasty, "what a Kung Fu! You've got a sister for me! Do you still want to continue to expand the ranks of your harem, and also want to try the feeling of three thousand beauties in the ancient emperor's harem? "
"I, I dare not, my wife..."
In the Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty has not dared to do so? Do you want me to count you? How many have you got
Suji held the Qin Dynasty in one hand, and began to use a spanner and finger with the other hand. "Nine magic puppets, these seven, which one is not your Hougong army? Besides, I think Li Na can't escape from you, right? There is the eldest lady of Liao family, and the daughter of general Luo. By the way, you've done even hell's female devil Tut Tut, now you have to count a thousand year old female snake demon. You can do it. In Qin Dynasty, love has begun to cross the race! Maybe one day, you will bring in another alien sister
"Well, this one is really not..."
The Qin Dynasty quickly hit ha ha.
"In your Qin Dynasty, everything is possible!"
Suji didn't believe the ghost words of Qin Dynasty, "I don't care, since you dare to do such a thing, you have to accept punishment."
Suji said, and finally let the Qin Dynasty down.
"Wife How to punish... "
The Qin Dynasty couldn't resist curiosity.
"Hum, you'll find out in a minute."
Suu Kyi looked at her watch. "Just right, there are two hours left to pick up Sakura. These two hours are enough to punish you."
She said, leading the Qin Dynasty, into their own villa bedroom. Then let the Qin Dynasty sit on a chair and tie him with a rope.
"Hello, wife, do you want to have some strong taste?"
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help laughing, "besides, how can this rope tie me?"
"If you break the rope, don't kiss me later."
Suji is also cruel, directly dropped such a sentence, let Qin Dynasty gape."What are you trying to do..."
"You guessed right. There was a prize."
Suu Kyi laughed, beautiful as a flower.
"I'm stupid, I can't guess."
The Qin Dynasty shook his head repeatedly.
"Hee hee, look at it."
Suji said, in front of the Qin Dynasty, began to change clothes.
Suji's figure is excellent. She has seen too many times before the Qin Dynasty.
At this time, she was wearing a set of pink underwear, which made Qin Dynasty look straight.
"You, what are you doing..."
"Punish you"
SUJ said, wearing her underwear, turning on the stereo and playing a song "nobody.".
Then, in front of the Qin Dynasty, she danced gracefully.
The eyes of Qin Dynasty almost didn't fall out.
And Suji's method is also ruthless, constantly wandering around the Qin Dynasty, from time to time rub him twice.
Qin Dynasty this inflamed ah, can't help but want to break the rope, even if can't push down, intimacy is always OK.
"You can't do it if the rope is broken."
Su Ji, however, gave him a wink with a smile, which made the Qin Dynasty want to - let's not.
Pain ah, what is the legendary pain and happiness, Qin Dynasty this time is really realized.
The dance of this song "nobody" is very beautiful. Suu Kyi is tough enough to change music. Relying on the strong physical strength of the cultivator, she just danced for two hours.
Among them, the posture of temptation and perplexity emerges in endlessly, and the Qin Dynasty is to cry without tears.
This is the real torture!
If the Japanese spies also used this set, I don't know how many men in the Qin Dynasty would be short of breath!
"Qin Dynasty, what do you think?"
FA Xiang could not help but push him.
"Oh, no, nothing."
Qin Dynasty suddenly woke up and shook his head to shake off the sweet dance in his mind.
"Thank you, Mr. Qin."
Hua Niang is also holding a wine glass, dragging long sleeves, very elegant.
She looked at the Qin Dynasty with love in her eyes and said, "if it wasn't for the childe, Huaniang has already married someone who doesn't love her. In this cup, Huaniang would like to give you a toast. "
After all, all of them are practitioners of the truth and have some skills in drinking.
"Qin Dynasty, you should treat my elder martial sister well in the future. If she has anything wrong with her, I'm sure I'll never finish with you!"
Cried Bai Jiaojiao.
"Jiao Jiao, don't talk nonsense..."
Hua Niang's face turned red.
"Are you sure your wife didn't drink too much?"
The Qin Dynasty smiles awkwardly.
"I'm sure She drinks too much and likes to mess with her relatives... "
FA Xiang seems to have deep feelings.
"In this way..."
Qin Dynasty quickly reached out, "waiter, two bottles of realgar wine."
"Good, Qin Dynasty, what do you mean?"
The Dharma minister quit immediately.
"Khan, I'm just joking. I'm joking..."
What are you going to do in the future? Do you really want to join us
Qin Dynasty put aside the joking mentality and asked Huaniang seriously.
After all, luochamen is not the so-called noble and decent school like the misty peak.
"I'm already a traitor of the misty peak."
Hua Niang said, "so, the only thing I can rely on is the childe. If you don't like my body, I will go to the mountain to live in seclusion. "
"He dares!"
Bai Jiaojiao patted the table.
"How can you dislike it?" The Qin Dynasty also repeatedly waved, "I put you from the misty peak next, is to let you follow me. Moreover, you are my magic puppet now. Even if you don't want to enter luochamen, you are also one of the venerable masters of our sect. Since you don't mind, just stay in our luochamen. I hope you can do your best in the future
The Qin Dynasty also planned to make a good appearance at the Hongmeng Taoist meeting, so as to show the prestige of their luochamen.
"Hua Niang should do her best."
"Hello, I said!"
Bai Jiaojiao was a little reluctant. She glared at the Qin Dynasty and said, "you just said this is over? When my sister was your fighter in Qin Dynasty
The Qin Dynasty naturally understood what Bai Jiaojiao meant, and he coughed twice.
Hua Niang reprimanded Bai Jiaojiao.
However, Bai Jiaojiao said in a hurry, "you can't tolerate it any more. You have no other place except luochamen. Now the Xiuzhen world has regarded you as a woman of the Qin Dynasty. If you don't let the Qin Dynasty give you a place, what can you do in the future? ""I've never asked for so much."
Hua Niang sat there, looking at the Qin Dynasty, "I have only one wish, that is, to be with you. Even if, just for the childe to do a small servant girl, concubine body is also willing. After all, my concubine is the body of a demon, which can't be compared with that of human beings. How dare you ask the young master to share a share of pity? "
Hua Niang may also be through the wine, just say such words.
"Hua Niang, don't worry. Even if I can't give you a grand wedding, you will be my woman in Qin Dynasty. We practice together and become immortals together... "
The Qin Dynasty knew what Huaniang meant to him, so he said.
"With the words of childe, my body is enough..."
Huaniang is very satisfied.
As a flower snake, her mind is very simple.
As long as can accompany in Qin Dynasty side, that time is enough.
She had no desire to occupy the Qin Dynasty.
This man is not a human being. It's a blessing to be around him.
What's more, he's just a goblin. He can't compare with Shen Qing, who dreams of these famous and decent fairies.
"Amitabha Your elder martial sister's personality is so good... "
FA Xiang looked at him and couldn't help saying.
"Why, you also want to try the three palaces and six courtyards, so that I can be the head of your harem?"
Bai Jiaojiao raised her eyebrows.
"I dare not, dare not!"
The prime minister shakes like a rattle.
"I dare not. You are not allowed to learn from the Qin Dynasty, and you will not associate with this Huaxin ghost in the future."
"Yes, yes, I know..."
Looking at FA Xiang's wife fearing appearance, Qin Dynasty couldn't help feeling.
Fortunately, there is no such woman as Bai Jiaojiao in my family. Otherwise, his life would be ruined in Qin Dynasty.
After several people finished their meal, Bai Jiaojiao yelled to sing KTV again. Hua Niang sighed that her younger martial sister was more and more like an urban woman.
They all the way out of the hotel, was about to stop the bus, but a man in a cotton coat came by in a hurry, pointing to the tricycle by the road.
"Brother, do you eat snake meat?"
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