Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 635

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Chapter 635

"Nonsense Rod suddenly became angry. He said fiercely, "return the boy's baby quickly, or I will kill you now!"
Say, the body a shock, black skeleton, drag Hu Qing's body, pull to rod in front of.
Rod's left hand turned into a magic claw and held it high, as if to grab Hu Qing's head.
But Hu Qing was close in front of her, looking at her beautiful face. I don't know why. Rod was stunned in an instant.
"Why, why don't you do it?"
Hu Qing laughed bitterly, "do you think of my mother when you see me? My father also said as like as two peas, "my mother and I are almost the same."
"Damn it!"
Rod was furious, and seemed to be unable to control his emotions. He took a palm and beat Hu Qing to fly.
He turned and walked towards Hu Lili.
"Little doll, return Yuanying of Qin Dynasty!"
"Stop!" Black lines and nine days have stopped in front of rod.
"Well, if you want to die, you will be finished!"
Rod body a shock, the black skeleton is more fierce, toward the nine days and black lines on the past.
Three thousand luochagui.
Although this move is ferocious, this time the black lines and the nine days are on guard. They sacrifice their own magic weapons in front of them to protect themselves from the erosion of the skeletons.
Just as the two sides were fighting, a pair of golden hands suddenly stretched out from the sand and grabbed Hu Lili's wrist.
Hu Lili let out a exclamation, then, the whole body was dragged back and forth, and instantly was dragged to the other side of the desert.
There stood a man of bronze, bent down, his arms in the sand.
When Hu Lili was pulled over, the man pulled his hand out of the sand, stood up and grabbed Hu Lili's arm, making her unable to break free.
"What?" Both sides in the battle were stunned and turned to look at Hu Lili on the other side of the desert.
At this time, men with gold and copper skin appeared in the surrounding sand, just like soldiers born in the ground.
"Jie Jie..."
A ferocious laugh began to ring, and then a few black smoke fell from the air. A man in a gorgeous black robe stood there.
"Lord Luomen, Lord Hu, long time no see, good-bye"
"Shen Dong!"
Hu Qing wiped off the blood from the corner of her mouth, stood up and looked at the head of the Yan Luo gate standing opposite, frowning angrily, "what are you doing with my daughter! Let her go
"For what?" Shen Dong laughs strangely, "naturally, it's the magic pill in her body and the yuan baby of the Qin Dynasty. These two things can also be regarded as two good treasures that can set off a bloodbath in the cultivation world. "
"Shen Dong! How dare you
Black print roared, "this is our evil alliance, you dare to intervene!"
"Looking for death!" Shen Dong angrily rebukes, a gold copper man standing in the distance suddenly stretches his arm, pulls out tens of meters in the blink of an eye, and grabs it on the body with black lines.
After he got hold of him, he felt that there was an unstoppable force in his arm, and he dragged him.
Then, the other hand of the bronze man stretched out, and the long black fingernail of the hand, with a puff, went into the black tattooed chest.
Black lines spit out a mouthful of black blood, the whole person fell to the ground, all black. After a while, he became a larger tiger. However, there are black marks all over the tiger's body.
"Corpse poison!"
Hu Qing looked at his door was made so miserable, immediately sent out a sad exclamation.
"Yes, it's the poison."
Shen Dong laughed, pointing to the gold and bronze men beside him, and said, "these are the super corpses of yanluomen who have worked hard to refine! In them, however, the power of demons is integrated. There is a sentence how to say, the combination of Chinese and western, ha ha ha
"Master, let me deal with that boy!"
Next to Shen Dong, an elder with a cloak said, "I have a feud with him."
"Elder Jiang, please
Shen Dong smiles.
Jiang Wei immediately used the curse to control the two super corpse kings and launched an attack on rod.
"Rod, a thousand years ago, you personally sent me to the underworld. Now, I come back to settle accounts with you
"Jiang Wei? Are you a fool? "
A modern saying came out of rod's mouth: "it's something that is not human or ghost. It can even climb out of the grave. Ha ha ha!"
"Damn it, don't talk nonsense!"
Jiang Wei roared, "you yourself, no one, no ghost! Rod, in the war between the devil and the devil, you took advantage of the chaos to sweep the gate of hell! Although those famous and decent sects have always said that it is their credit for the decline of yanluomen! But only our old friends know that the real killer is you, rod"Hum!"
Rod slapped two palms and shook back the super corpse king who was close to him. He sneered, "if you hadn't tried to capture Chen Wei's soul from reincarnation and make him into a fierce ghost, so as to control Yuhe and her demon beast gate, how could I have spared no effort to fight with you who smelled of corpses!"
Hu Qing on one side was shocked.
Chen Wei, this is the name of my father before his reincarnation.
"Rod, I'm going to avenge the blood of the 108 yanluomen disciples at that time!"
Jiang Wei angrily drinks twice, controls the super corpse King's attack to be more ferocious.
"Did you kill so many people?" Rhode is all hands and feet, with luochagui to those super corpse king to force back, "I don't remember very much, at that time, I just thought it was just crushing some bedbugs."
"Ah, ah! You want to die
Jiang Wei spits out two mouthfuls of black blood and falls on the two super corpse kings under his control.
"Ouch, ouch!"
The two super corpse Kings also sent out bursts of roar, with black light on their bodies. They are more ferocious, split hands to break up the skeleton luochagui.
"Oh?" Rod couldn't help raising his eyebrows. "And the power?"
"You're going to die today!"
Jiang Wei vomited out two mouthfuls of blood essence, and his vitality was greatly damaged. However, the power of the super king of corpses soared more than ten times.
"I can't help but send you to the grave again."
Rhode's negative hands, standing there, demon's bearing, no doubt.
Over his head, a huge black gate flashed open slowly.
Jiuyou luochamen will inhale everything into it.
"This time, it's thorough. I'll send you down!"
"Hide, everyone!"
Hu Qing knows that Jiuyou luochamen does not discriminate between enemies and friends. She picked up Jingru on the ground and retreated again and again. Nine days also carried the black lines of the larger body, followed the leader of their own behind.
Jiang Wei seems to know the strength of the black gate, his face changed greatly, struggling to retreat.
"Ha ha ha ha! Can you run? "
Rod laughed, from the black door, suddenly flew out of a black chain, wrapped in those super king corpses. Naturally, Jiang Wei did not miss it. A thick iron chain ran through his chest and locked him on it.
"This, what is this..."
Jiang Wei looked at a piece of iron hook coming out of his chest. The whole person was a little dull.
"Something to send you to the nine hell."
I don't know how many times more powerful than the Qin Dynasty.
"Ah, ah! I don't want to die! Master, help me
Jiang Wei calls for help from Shen Dong, but at this time, Shen Dong is too busy. With several disciples, he is desperately trying to cut off the nine hell locks that entangle the super corpse king.
These are the super corpse king that he worked hard to refine! If it's taken away like this, he won't take it!
If Jiang Wei is going to die, let him die!
Just as janvie's body was pulled up, rod's knee suddenly fell to his knees.
On that day, the huge black gate in the sky also disappeared, slowly exposing the original sky.
"Damn it At the critical moment Psychic power, it's not enough... "
Rod gasped for breath, gnashing his teeth. "If it hadn't been for protecting that dead boy's breath I don't think I can't start a Jiuyou luochamen Damn it Stinky boy, I can't do it Whether you can come back depends on yourself... "
With that, rod fell to his knees and fell slowly.
Xi was surprised to see the man fall down and ran over.
At this time, the terror in his body completely dissipated.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Jiang Wei couldn't help laughing, and the nine hell locks running through his chest were gone, and rod disappeared, which made him very happy and proud.
Shen Dong is also a long sigh of relief, as long as he can keep his super corpse king, he can subvert the whole Xiuzhen world! Become the overlord of Xiuzhen world!
"Hu Qing." He stood there, like a king on the top, and said to Hu Qing, who had tears on his face, "now, it's time for me to sit in the position of the leader of the evil alliance."
"Don't think about it!"
At this time, in the desert, suddenly came a black sandstorm. The sandstorm immediately wrapped Hu Lili and super corpse king in it.
When the sandstorm passed, the super corpse King lost Hu Lili's figure.
"Alliance leader, I'm sorry, I'm late!"
A tall, thin man with long legs stood beside Hu Qing and put Hu Lili down.
"Wolf, you don't know how to come!""I'm so angry that I'm scared to the ground
"Fuck, don't talk nonsense!" One eye of the wolf is still wearing a black eye mask. He patted his thigh and retorted, "can't I send the eagle eye boy to a safe place! The desert is too big. I'm tired after running around! "
"Well, don't make any noise."
Hu Qing took a cold breath and said, "it's time for yanluomen to betray our evil alliance. It's time to punish them."
"By you?" Shen Dong couldn't help but sneer, "and your rubbish men?"
"Hehe, women are forced to be anxious, but it's terrible." Hu Qing, however, laughed.
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