Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 477

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Chapter 477

"This guy's bullshit really gets in the way..." Qin Dynasty was impatient to turn his lips, and the magic pill in his body whirled wildly, absorbing the other party's soul power greedily, just like gluttonous gluttonous food, which devoured the prey completely, and would not let go of any flesh and blood.
The sixth kind of flame has made the Qin Dynasty break through the middle period of Yuanying and enter into the terrible state of the end of Yuanying. Now he has absorbed the spirit of countless demons, and all of a sudden, saturated his power and reached the peak at the end of the first trimester.
Feeling the power in his body, Qin Dynasty couldn't help but smile.
"Tut, I didn't expect to have such a rich harvest. It seems that this fifth wish is worth it
When the Qin Dynasty killed the troll and was ready to leave Tokyo. In the distance of the air, suddenly came groups of small black spots.
The vision of the Qin Dynasty was comparable to a telescope with high speed. In other words, if the Qin Dynasty returned to the university that year, he stood in his bedroom and looked at the window of the female bedroom opposite him. He could see it clearly without any tools.
The little black spots, after being put, turned out to be a group of five meters tall, all made of metal armed mecha. At the top of that mecha, you can see the Island pilot.
"damn the Shah * *!" After the failure of the monitor caused by the severe earthquake, Xiaodun got a picture of the ruins in Tokyo through the mecha camera again.
Terrible troll, I don't know where to go. In the sky, there was only a man with black windbreaker whose body was like a beast.
but with this black windbreaker, the little fool Prime Minister knows that he is the damn * * pig.
It seems that he should get rid of troll through some secret arts. But he himself is now, should also be seriously injured! Ha ha, under the protection of Tianzhao, get rid of you, who has destroyed the beautiful homeland of Dahe nationality!
"Tear him! Tianzhao troops
Tianzhao troops, also known as armed mecha mobile teams. This is the ultimate arm that the island has been studying secretly since 2000.
After generations of experiments, improvements and elimination. This group of armed mecha forces can be said to have reached the most perfect state of science and technology at this stage.
The state-of-the-art turbine engines allow them to catch up with a jet.
The most advanced weapon system, kinetic energy sword, kinetic energy gun, damage power far surpasses the thermal weapons in the present stage.
The best protective armor, the metal bodies of these mobile soldiers, are made of high-density materials extracted from certain metals. Even if it's armour piercing bullets, the damage to them is very small.
A mobile soldier can definitely single out 10 type 10 main battle tanks of the island country. If the driver is skilled, there will be no problem with the 15 vehicles.
These are the proudest things of the little stupid prime minister.
Yamato, who has humiliated the great * * people, can die.
"It's just some metal machines. I've seen a lot of them."
As early as in the underground laboratory, Qin Dynasty has seen the laboratory developed defense robots.
This kind of high-tech product may have a terrible military influence. But for the Qin Dynasty, it was similar to children's toys.
Looking at the flying mecha group, he just lit a cigar, put it on his mouth, and then put out the lighter, a very indifferent look.
"Well, let me work hard and wipe you out for free."
For these mechas, as long as the Qin Dynasty waved, the idea can crush the driver inside.
But just spit out a smoke ring, Qin Dynasty's body suddenly shakes.
His face became very ugly, and soon he was pale, as if something terrible had happened to him.
At this time, in his body, the violent power, like a broken balloon, quickly lost, and then withered down.
Vitality has also become very thin, and is constantly reducing.
Magic! Buddha! Daoli! No matter which one it is, now it has lost its reaction. It seems that the skills in the game are ashen due to insufficient MP.
Without the support of vitality, the body of the Qin Dynasty was like a kite with a broken line and began to fall rapidly towards the ground.
"I'll stop!"
The cigar in Qin Dynasty's mouth also flew out because of the falling speed. He did not care about the cigar, gnashing his teeth and swearing.
"Rosie, my God, is that what you said, a little side effect?"
Unfortunately, that female devil will not come out to answer this doubt, the body of Qin Dynasty, so heavily hit on the ground.
Fortunately, the Vajra Sutra in his body has been formed, and his body is the body of Vajra. With or without vitality, the body will not change. Otherwise, a place tens of meters high will fall down directly. If it does not fall into meat pie, it will fall into meat mud.
"Damn it..." Even so, he couldn't help scolding his mother because of the huge gravity effect on the Qin Dynasty because he lost his vitality.King Kong is not bad body although will not be injured, but his grandmother's, will ache!
If King Kong's not bad body is a kind of hard shield, the vitality is the thick cotton between the shield and itself.
Now the cotton is gone, the shield directly acts on him, when the pain is really not polite.
It's been a long time since I've had such a pain. I've tasted such an enchanting taste again. I can't help crying or laughing in the Qin Dynasty.
He got up slowly from the ground, sat on the rubble and kneaded his stiff waist.
"Damn it, this fall is heavy enough..." Looking at a pit seal in the shape of a human, Qin Dynasty wanted to cry without tears. Is it hard for me to meet the legendary dog blood plot? Lost your temper and lost your power at last?
No way!
If this is the case, he Qin Dynasty will now pack up to die.
Before he found a quiet place, he thought about it carefully, and the trouble found his head again.
"BAM Bang Bang..."
Around him, armed armored vehicles, which extinguished the flight system, turned off the turbine engine, fell on his side and surrounded him in the middle.
At the same time, these armed mecha, with a blue and white kinetic energy gun in their left hand, pointed to the Qin Dynasty, which was about to dig out a cigarette to relieve their worries.
"China pig, kneel down on the ground and wait for * *!"
Among the mecha troops, a tall mecha, which marked the captain, made a loud derision.
Qin Dynasty raised his eyelids, spit cigarettes in his mouth, and took a casual look at the mecha.
He didn't speak, he just put up a middle finger to the mecha.
"Bagabalu!" The captain wanted to take advantage of this guy's serious injury and make a show of himself, and see him kneeling under his feet, crying and crying for mercy.
What a wonderful thing that should be! At the thought of this scene, the captain couldn't help shaking up and down.
It's a pity that this boy is not afraid of death, and dare to insult himself. It seems that he is really enough to live, to die! Since I want to die, I will help you!
"Shoot! Shoot him at once
The dignity of the island can not be so insulted, the captain suddenly had the impulse to dismember the Qin Dynasty.
"Pa!" Suddenly, all the muzzle, all burst out a blue light.
The energy emitted by this gun is a reduced version of the railgun's power. It converges from several directions, like a net woven together.
Facing the attack from all directions, the Qin Dynasty suddenly moved.
If it was before, he would have stood still here. Not to mention dozens, even more than 10000 at the same time, he did not blink his eyes.
But now, he lost his vitality, so that he had no capital to resist.
However, this does not mean that he became a lamb to be slaughtered in Qin Dynasty.
Vitality can not be mobilized, but the constitution, speed, agility and strength of the Qin Dynasty are still there!
Qin Dynasty jumped up from the ruins. The whole body was like a leopard. It was close to the ground. In the blink of an eye, it ran tens of meters away and came to the foot of a mecha.
At the same time, in the blink of an eye, the ruins where he had just sat were smashed into dust by the lasers of dozens of kinetic energy guns.
The smoke was rolling up, and the light energy of the kinetic energy gun directly evaporated the ruins completely. The destructive power was terrible.
It's a pity, such a powerful destructive force, but even the Qin Dynasty's Mao did not touch one.
At this time, the Qin Dynasty stood under the body of the mecha, and suddenly stretched out its arms to embrace the metal leg that was even stronger than the big tree.
"Get down to me!" Qin Dynasty's arms were strong. In the daze of a group of drivers, the Qin Dynasty held up the huge mecha more than five meters high with both hands, shook hands, carried the thigh of the mecha, and fell over the shoulder along the shoulder, and patted the mecha on the ground behind him.
"Boom The huge body, because of its strong defense, did not disintegrate, but also smashed a deep hole in the ground.
I hit the driver's head in the window.
Now the power of Qin Dynasty is absolutely monster level!
"Kill this monster The captain looked, in the heart surprised, the heart of this guy should have the ability to resist! However, hum, in front of the powerful Tianzhao troops, all enemies will be blown into dust!
A mecha, sprayed with turbocharging, soon rushed to the front of the Qin Dynasty. At the same time, the blue kinetic energy sword in his hand was chopped at the body of Qin Dynasty.
The energy on this kinetic energy sword can easily cut the shell of an armored tank. The Qin Dynasty was chopped on the shoulder by this sudden sword, just bent his knees, grinning, and his feet deeply stepped into the ground.
What a pain
The Qin Dynasty endured the sharp pain, red eyes, and grabbed the huge kinetic energy sword on the shoulder. Then it pulled down and pulled the whole body of the mecha warrior. The kinetic energy sword was thrust into the sole of the mecha's foot, and then went deep into the ground."My God, is this guy really human?" Without waiting for the driver to understand, the body of the Qin Dynasty has jumped up, stepped on the kinetic energy sword and stood outside the driver's window.
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