Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 804

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Chapter 804

Si Zhengkang felt that he was lost today. He hated his teeth itching.
As the eldest young master of the Secretary's family, when did he have such a big ugliness.
"In the Qin Dynasty, do you think you are the best one to dominate black and white?"
Si Zhengkang was so cruel that he thought of a way to kill the Qin Dynasty.
He can never let go of people who make a fool of themselves.
"Oh? Is there anyone better than me? "
The Qin Dynasty deliberately asked this question. He could think of Si Zhengkang's idea with his toes.
"Of course
Si Zhengkang raised his chin and said, "as the saying goes, there are people outside and heaven and earth. Don't think you are invincible! I have plenty of ways to kill you
"I'll have a try, then. Come on."
Qin Dynasty smilingly to Si Zhengkang hook hands.
"Well, there's seed. You'll wait here."
Si Zhengkang took out his iPhone and dialed a series of numbers.
Soon, someone answered the phone. And he heard Si Zhengkang saying.
"Jinzhenren, I'm in Sunan today. Sure, we'll have dinner together. However, I'm in a bit of trouble now. Can you ask Jin Zhenren to help me? Good, good, then trouble immortal Jin. "
Si Zhengkang put down the phone with a smile and only said a word to the Qin Dynasty.
"You're dead."
Jin Zhenren?
The Qin Dynasty knew that he was a disciple of Qinghong Wuji gang.
However, the Qin Dynasty also wanted to have a look at what the people of Qinghong Wuji gang would look like when they saw themselves.
"I have a tight schedule."
The Qin Dynasty deliberately said sarcastically, "there are millions in a minute. Mr. Si, don't let me wait too long "
as Si Zhengkang was said, his face was blue and white.
I just satirized that the Qin Dynasty earned 4000 yuan a month, while I earned more than 1 million yuan a month.
Now it's good. It's like slapping yourself in the face.
"Wait a few minutes. Wait a few minutes, and you'll be dead. "
"Ha ha, Mr. Si, you also like to talk big."
The Qin Dynasty sat down, banged his legs and looked at Si Zhengkang.
Fang Baichuan and Jingli didn't know what to say, so they had to sit on one side and have different thoughts.
Fang Wen sat next to the Qin Dynasty, but her face was all Tuo.
"Ogawa, buy me another spicy noodle with marinated eggs."
The Qin Dynasty said to Liu Chuan.
"Yes, yes, I'll go now. Brother Qin, wait a minute."
In the Qin Dynasty, Liu Chuan liked to run errands in person.
He pushed aside the two younger brothers who wanted to ask for help and ran out of the door.
"Wen Wen, just wait a moment. We'll have hot food. We don't need any money."
The Qin Dynasty smiles at Fang Wen.
Fang Wen at this time, like a clever kitten, curled up in the arms of the Qin Dynasty.
What Si Zhengkang saw was that he was jealous, but it didn't matter. After a while, the Qin Dynasty would die. At that time, Fang Wen is still her own.
"Small, well-to-do obstacles..."
Jingli was still worried about the trouble, and carefully said, "let's not make trouble for people."
"Auntie, don't worry, it doesn't matter."
However, Si Zhengkang said confidently,
"my friend, killing people is just a piece of cake for him. Even if this man is dead, the police won't find us. "
"It seems that you have done a lot of things like this"
the Qin Dynasty sat there, smoking Chinese cigarettes and sneering.
"Some lives are worthless."
Si Zhengkang wiped his hand and said with a smile, "compared with Si Zhengkang, they are not worth mentioning."
"So, compared with Qin Dynasty, you are not worth mentioning."
"Hum, upstarts!"
Si Zhengkang disdained to quibble, "you such upstarts, simply do not understand, our big family's real strength lies!"
"Brother Qin, I bought the noodles back!"
As he was talking, Liu Chuan's loud voice began to shout from the door. Then, holding a bowl of noodles, he ran in from outside.
At this time, a man in a dark blue robe just came in and hit Liu Chuan with his shoulder.
Liu Chuan, this bowl of noodles, immediately out of hand, smashed to the ground.
"Well, what's the matter with you?"
When Liu Chuan saw that the face he bought for brother Qin fell, he was immediately annoyed. "Walking doesn't grow eyes"
who knows, the man in the Tibetan blue robe not only did not apologize, but coldly looked at Liu Chuan and disdained to spit out two words.
Liu Chuan's eyebrows suddenly raised.In the whole North, for the first time, someone dared to call him Liu Chuan.
"Brush, brush, brush!"
A group of black suits immediately surrounded the man in the dark blue robe.
All of these people took out flying knives from their arms. It seems that they are all from Qinglong hall.
"I can't do more than I can."
The man snorted coldly and reached for a finger. A golden ghost knife suddenly flew out and floated in front of him.
Those people in the green dragon hall were stunned and didn't know what he had done.
"What are you doing? Shoot him!"
Liu Chuan waved his hand, and the people of Qinglong hall immediately threw the throwing knives out.
At one time, dozens of flying knives were particularly dazzling.
The man in the dark blue robe was sacrificing his magic weapon. A golden light came down to form a shield, which blocked all the throwing knives.
These people in Qinglong hall are scared. What's the situation?
"Dragon shadow!"
Then, the figure of the man with the blue robe seems to have become countless, constantly flashing around the disciples of the Qinglong hall.
Then there was the dull noise in the air.
"Bang bang bang bang bang!"
When the man with the blue robe stood in his place again, all the black suits, including Liu Chuan, fell to the ground.
Fang Baichuan, the old chairman of the board, was startled. He did not see such a battle. He held his wife and shivered beside him.
"Jinzhenren, you are here
Seeing that all the people of Qin Dynasty had fallen down, Si Zhengkang's face again hung a smile.
The Qin Dynasty thought that he was very great. In fact, how could he understand that there was a kind of person in the world who was much stronger than him!
It's just a mole ant. How can you understand that there are still practitioners in the world!
"Xiaokang, who has offended you? I will deal with him by Jin Ruifeng."
The Jin Zhenren walked forward two steps and stood beside Si Zhengkang.
"That's him!"
Pointing to the Qin Dynasty, Si Zhengkang said.
Fang Wen was frightened, for fear that her elder brother Qin was in danger. She stood up and stopped in front of the Qin Dynasty and said to Si Zhengkang.
"Si Zhengkang, what skills do you have depending on others? Do you come by yourself?"
"Oh, what's the matter?"
Si Zhengkang said with a smile, "Jin Zhenzhen is my friend, naturally he helped me. You brother Qin, don't you have to lean against the garbage behind you. "
"Wen Wen, you don't want to participate, come back quickly!"
Jing Li's face turned white.
"I don't!"
Fang Wen but firmly shook her head, "this matter because of me, I must protect the safety of elder brother Qin."
"Lord Qin, do you dare to hide behind a woman?"
Si Zhengkang said sarcastically.
At this time, the people of Qinglong hall, rubbing their arms and legs, stood up.
"What a hell..."
"Who is that man, my God"
"come on, we have to protect brother Qin!"
Liu Chuan picked up the seven hole knife and rushed forward again without fear.
"Hold on!"
Qin Dynasty but a hand, stopped them, "Xiaochuan, you stand aside, here I will deal with."
Liu Chuan listened to the words of the Qin Dynasty most. He also knew some skills of the Qin Dynasty. Now that he had spoken, he stepped back a few steps and made room for the Qin Dynasty.
At the same time, he held out his hand and pressed Fang Wen back to her seat.
"Wen Wen, just sit here and watch. When have you ever been afraid of others, brother Qin? "
"It seems that you don't know how terrible the person you are facing"
Si Zhengkang ridiculed the IQ of the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty didn't pay any attention to him, just took a look at Jin Ruifeng.
"Hello, my name is..."
"I'm not interested in hearing the name of a dead man."
Jin Ruifeng said coldly. At the same time, he raised his right hand and aimed at the Qin Dynasty, "I remember in my next life that some people should not be provoked!"
With that, a dragon batter took it out of the chest of the Qin Dynasty.
Jin Ruifeng, as a practitioner in the foundation period, can directly catch people into pieces.
In his eyes, the Qin Dynasty is already broken meat.
But what he didn't expect was that he was held firmly by an iron hoop like hand, unable to move.
"Sorry, I have a habit. That is, we must first introduce ourselves before we go to war. "
Jin Ruifeng moved his hands twice and found that he could not get rid of the shackles of the Qin Dynasty. He could not help but change his face.
This man is not an ordinary person at all. He must be a practitioner!
"You, who are you?"
"I'm afraid you'll be scared to death if you say it."The Qin Dynasty looked at this small foundation period cultivator, and his eyes were filled with disdain for the weak, "if you want to change your name, if you sit down, you will be given the name of Qin Dynasty."
"You, you are the Qin Dynasty!"
Jin Ruifeng, who was arrogant just now, flopped and knelt down to the Qin Dynasty.
"Is there anyone else in this room who pretends to be?"
Qin Dynasty's eyes were full of murderous spirit, "good you Jin Ruifeng, as a practitioner, how dare you kill innocent ordinary people! You really shouldn't have such accomplishments. You'd better discard them! "
With that, the hand of Qin Dynasty moved, and a pang ran strong force rushed into Jin Ruifeng's body in an instant.
"Bang bang bang!"
I heard the joint of Jin Ruifeng burst a few times, and then he screamed. It was as painful as being cut by a chainsaw.
"Don't get in the way of In the meantime
You are not good at all.
The strength quickly passed, and Jin Ruifeng collapsed on the ground, sweating and unable to move.
The strength of the foundation period that he worked so hard to build up is now nothing left. It has turned into the past and gone with the wind.
"Jinzhenzhen, jinzhenzhen, what's wrong with you?"
Seeing the situation turn rapidly, Si Zhengkang felt a little flustered. He helped Jin Ruifeng up and asked repeatedly.
"I, I..."
Jin Ruifeng's face suddenly showed old-fashioned manner. He himself is more than 60 years old, and now he has no cultivation, his body begins to age a little, "I have been a waste man..."
Si Zhengkang was a fool.
In his impression, Jin Ruifeng is a very powerful master!
Just now, those black suits throwing throwing throwing throwing knives were knocked down by him!
"Si Zhengkang You, you got in my way this time... "
Jin Ruifeng tearfully shook his head and regretted how he had provoked the evil star of Qin Dynasty.
"Si Zhengkang, I only give you 30 seconds. If you don't disappear in front of me, I can't guarantee that you can leave Sunan alive. "
"You, you wait for me!"
Si Zhengkang also knew that he was gone. This guy didn't even care about Jin Ruifeng and ran out.
"Brother Qin, what should I do with this man?"
Liu Chuan pinched his joint and took a look at Jin Ruifeng on the ground and sneered.
"This man has lived enough. Throw it into the river. As for Si Zhengkang, inform Yu Lu that he will use commercial war to bring down their family slowly! "
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