Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 680

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Chapter 680

"Wait, wait, wait!"
Qin Dynasty looked at the SUV parked beside him. The ponytail girl inside waved to himself.
"This friend, everyone is out of the house. You may as well take my car and go up together."
"The idea is good."
The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's just that private cars are not allowed to go up Wudang Mountain. There is only one way to go up the mountain. "
"Ah?" Ponytail heard not to drive up the mountain, suddenly surprised, "then, how to get up?"
The Qin Dynasty pointed to a ticket office at the foot of the mountain. There was a parking lot around it, full of all kinds of private cars. There are also luxurious ones and ragged ones.
"If you want to go up the mountain, you have to buy a ticket. The ticket includes the cost of taking a bus. There is a bus in Wudang Mountain to take the passengers up the mountain. "
These, are in advance, the Qin Dynasty from Li Baishan there to hear.
"That's boring"
the girl curled her lips and said, "you can't drive up the mountain by yourself. It's a lot less fun."
"It's also for your sake. I'm afraid you'll fall." Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, "in the ticket, also included the insurance."
In fact, according to the meaning of the Qin Dynasty, he wanted to direct the sword to the mountain.
But Li Baishan, at that time, denied his idea.
"Visitors who want to visit, like tourists, go up the mountain respectfully. Do you know, in Wudang Mountain, there are some swordsmen. If you go up the mountain directly, you are disrespectful to Wudang Mountain! When you get there, you will be ready to face the siege of thousands of people. "
Therefore, the Qin Dynasty will appear here.
"What a trouble..."
The ponytail pouts, but soon laughs again.
"In any case, acquaintance is predestined. Hello, my name is Yang ting
"My name is Qin Dynasty."
"Get in the car. Let's park together and go up the hill."
Yang Ting's enthusiasm made Qin Dynasty a little confused.
Is it that I am so handsome that I am fascinated by this girl?
Cough, but, the other side looks at oneself in the eyes, also does not have any idea, looks like looks at an ordinary friend.
Qin Dynasty also did not want to consider too much, since the other side asked for companionship, he should be under it.
Two people went to the parking lot to park their cars and bought tickets.
One ticket is 210 yuan, including scenic spot tickets and bus tickets.
Since they were going up the mountain, they paid for it.
The bus goes up and down the mountain and the bus goes steadily.
"Qin Dynasty, what do you do?"
On the bus, more boring, Yang Ting waved her ponytail and asked.
Qin Dynasty smiles.
"Ah, security!" Yang Ting said, "what a coincidence, my uncle also opened a security company. Do you think the current company is satisfied? If you don't like it, go to my uncle. His company is quite famous. "
The Qin Dynasty felt that Yang Ting was a little over enthusiastic, "what's the name of your uncle's company?"
"Venus security company!"
Qin Chao really wants to say that the world is too damn small.
"Do you have a cousin Is it Feng xiaorou? "
"Ah, yes, that's my cousin!" Yang Ting seemed very happy, "so you know each other!"
"Well, we are the right company." Qin Dynasty but smile, "I am an employee of blue shield company."
It seems that I have heard of some festivals between the two companies, and Yang Ting is a little embarrassed.
"Then you With my cousin, isn't it
"Well, your cousin is a very nice girl."
Thinking of Feng xiaorou, the Qin Dynasty couldn't help laughing.
That girl who loves and dislikes clearly is really rare.
"In the way of Do you like her
Yang Ting couldn't help asking.
Qin Dynasty is taking the mineral water from the car to drink water. Hearing this, he spurted it out directly.
"I'll go. How can that be possible?"
"That's good. That's good."
Yang Ting nodded and said, "my cousin, ah, devoted herself to Ye Qing of their company."
"Ha ha."
Ye Qing, this man has a grudge against himself. Of course, Qin Dynasty didn't put the other side in the eye, but the other side hated himself too much.
Two people on the mountain, came to the door of the magnificent Zixiao palace, wandering in it for a few times, but did not know where to go.
The Qin Dynasty wanted to find a path hidden in Wudang Mountain, but he asked one or two little Taoist priests in the past, and the other side didn't know.And that Yang Ting, also seems to have some thoughts, even asked a few small Taoist, where is the real person of Taiqing. But the answer was the same as that of the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty had no choice. He remembered what Li Baishan had said to him.
When you get to Wudang Mountain, ask the Taoist priest first. If the little Taoist doesn't tell me, he will go to Nanyan, where there are winding paths leading to secluded places.
Wudang Mountain is very big, many places are uninhabited. Fortunately, the place where the Qin Dynasty is going is still a famous scenic spot. As soon as he inquired, he found the direction.
Yang Ting seems to rely on the Qin Dynasty, has been following him.
"Yang Ting, what did you come to Wudang Mountain for?"
Qin Dynasty is not good to directly refuse this girl, so casually asked.
"Find life for my father." Yang Ting replied directly, "my father has a strange disease. Recently, he doesn't eat or drink, and the whole person is very cloudy. What's more, he also made some strange orders to the company, taking away a lot of working capital. I don't know what he wants to do. I found a man with a moral character and asked him. He said that his father was evil. His conduct is not enough to exorcise evil spirits. The only way to solve this problem is to find the Taiqing immortal of Wudang Mountain. "
The Qin Dynasty nodded. Do you want to save her father? This girl is very filial.
"And you?"
Yang Ting couldn't help asking.
"Me? I'm here to find a way to save my girlfriend. "
"What's wrong with your girlfriend?"
“…… It's also a very complicated disease. I can't tell. "
The Qin Dynasty can't tell Yang ting that her girlfriend has become a vampire.
However, look at her appearance, should also can only go to a eyebrow way to solve.
Forget it, anyway, if you are a good person in the end, just take her to one eyebrow. Those smelly Taoists should not be embarrassed by a little girl.
The Qin Dynasty and Yang Ting, against the cold wind, went to Nanyan.
There are also a lot of people here who pay homage to the confession.
Qin Dynasty looked at these people, he led Yang Ting, walked to the side of the less crowded forest.
At the same time, I found the thickest tree and patted it three times.
This is not a random clap, but three times with the vitality of the hand.
This pine tree is called welcome pine.
The reason why I asked the Taoist priest before was to pass on the news that he had come to Wudang Mountain to Yimei Dao.
Then, come here to welcome the guests, and clap three times to show that the guests are coming. One eyebrow way, own person to welcome.
That Yang Ting did not know these, looking at the Qin Dynasty three times, thought he was patting pine nuts.
"There are no pine nuts in this season. Besides, the tree is so thick that it can't be moved... "
Yang Ting asked.
But the Qin Dynasty made a sign of Shhh. It is not allowed to make loud noise here.
Just when Yang Ting was strange, a little Taoist in a black and white Taoist robe suddenly came over.
"Two, this way, please."
"Thank you."
The Qin Dynasty quickly let Yang Ting follow himself, along with the little Taoist.
The little Taoist went to the edge of a cliff, without hesitation, in the voice of Yang Ting's exclamation, he directly stepped out.
His figure suddenly disappeared in the fog on the top of the mountain.
Yang Ting was surprised, "he, where did he go! Is it hard to think of it? "
"Want to save your father?"
Qin Dynasty did not answer, just asked Yang ting.
"Of course! Or what am I doing here? "
Yang Ting gave the Qin Dynasty a white look.
"Then come with me."
The Qin Dynasty can not help but say the ground, pulling Yang Ting, then stepped into the cliff.
Yang Ting suddenly screamed, a sense of weightlessness, suddenly appeared, and suddenly lost.
The feeling of falling from the height did not appear. I still step on the solid ground.
Yang Ting couldn't help but open her eyes and found another world in front of her.
A towering hall stands in the distance. In front of them was an open hillside.
A white stone tablet stands not far away.
There are three big characters on it, "Xie Jianshi."
Three Taoist priests stood beside them, holding a long sword in their hands.
"Well, what's the problem..."
Yang Ting is a little silly.
"The real Wudang Mountain."
Qin said, two steps forward.
"Stop coming!"
A Taoist priest, with his sword in his hand, stopped the Qin Dynasty and said, "who are you from? What are you doing here? Name it!"
"In the Qin Dynasty, I would like to meet the leader of Yimei road."
people, Yuan Dan, this kind of thing, it is estimated that only the head has the final say."Demon disciple!"
The three Taoists immediately fell in front of the enemy. Their swords came out of their scabbards and pointed to the Qin Dynasty, "what a brave monster, how dare you break into Wudang Mountain!"
"I came here to ask for something, not to play in the field..."
The Qin Dynasty was quite helpless.
"What good things can happen to the devil gate?"
One of the leading Taoists said, "demons and demons, my righteous disciples, will be punished by everyone! With you, there's nothing to say! Younger martial brother, go up, take him down
As the three Taoists said, their swords turned into silver dragons and attacked the Qin Dynasty.
"A bunch of idiots."
The Qin Dynasty had no choice but to ask Yang ting to step back two steps, and said to the Taoists who launched the offensive, "this girl is just an ordinary person. Don't hurt her. I'll fight you. "
"Don't talk nonsense!"
The first Taoist had already arrived in front of Qin Dynasty, and his sword was shining with silver light and split on the body of Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty practiced the Vajra Sutra. How could he break the defense.
When he heard a crisp sound, he felt numb at the mouth of the tiger, and the sword in his hand trembled and retreated three steps in succession.
"If you can't, you'd better call the leader."
In the Qin Dynasty, it was well advised.
"Come on
The Taoist priest immediately became angry, "I'm the headmaster of one eyebrow way. Can you see this evil spirit! Younger martial brother, prepare the charm
The most powerful thing in one eyebrow is not swordsmanship, but charm.
This can be seen from Xi in Qin Dynasty.
A young Taoist appeared behind the Qin Dynasty and stuck a piece of Rune paper on his back.
"Lei Fu!"
A ball of lightning suddenly exploded on the back of the Qin Dynasty.
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