Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 997

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Chapter 997

The people thought, "is this woman a madman?" she even applauded with such a stroke!
And Zhao Jingjing next, with her own strength, confirmed that her spirit is absolutely no problem.
She stretched out an arm, and when Wuchang kicked it that night, she quickly patted her calf next to her.
A crisp sound.
Night impermanence screamed, he only felt his leg as if the fracture of the same pain.
Zhao Jingjing's attack is not over yet. After she patted off her opponent's foot, she quickly clasped the other party's wrist with her left hand. With her right hand, she also grabbed up Zhao Jingjing's legs and smashed him to the ground in front of her.
The earth trembled, and a huge pit in the shape of a man was smashed into the ground.
Night impermanent body lying in the pit, in a mess.
But it's not over.
Zhao Jingjing is never a person who likes to end each other with one move.
She clenched her fists and smashed the night Impermanence in the pit.
The earth trembled for a second time.
The white energetic light waves burst into the sky and flew high into the sky, forming a columnar vortex, which shocked all the practitioners present.
What a powerful woman!
The most miserable is the night impermanence, originally want to take advantage of Zhao Jingjing a move did not receive, suddenly attack, hand to teach this woman.
Who knows, stealing chicken does not become the erosion of rice, it is to make themselves extremely embarrassed.
Zhao Jingjing this boom, can be said to be shaking the ground, so that all the practitioners present are looking at it with admiration.
How can this woman be so strong!
Oriental cherry is also tightly biting silver teeth.
She suddenly remembered the scene of the Qin Dynasty's rescue of Huaniang.
Hua Niang, who has only a heavy body of gold, had her accomplishments in the middle of thunder robbery after she didn't know what kind of magic she used in the Qin Dynasty!
Is it all that the man is doing!
Damn, how horrible he is!
Even if they are powerful, how to make the surrounding people so powerful!
Is he really a God?
It's too exaggerated to think about it.
You know, it takes a long time and a lot of material resources for a sect to cultivate a master in the golden period.
And the Qin Dynasty, in a short time, can quickly become a master of thunder robbery period.
It's against the weather!
Let's open the goods!
Puppets don't understand natural magic.
Even rod at that time did not really perform magic puppet release in front of people.
Everyone knows that rod is strong, and his puppet is not weak, but he is definitely one level lower than him.
And in front of these, obviously and the Qin Dynasty when using the secret arts are the same level!
How terrible!
"Keep people under your command!"
When Zhao Jingjing wants to continue to bombard the poor night impermanence, a purple light flies out from the side and bumps her aside.
"Let's go together!"
Zixia cave master rescued the night impermanence, said to the night impermanence which appears to be very embarrassed.
"Good! Kill her! Let her know, what is the anger of the respectable
Ye Wuchang, as the leader of Qinghong, was beaten to no avail, which made him hate his teeth itching.
He wants to recover the dignity of the leader of the eight sects!
"Dragon absorbs water!"
Night impermanence howls, suddenly to Zhao Jingjing in the distance, displays a more advanced dragon water absorption.
He took a long breath into his stomach with his mouth open.
Like a dragon swallowing an elephant, the air quickly circulates and sucks madly into his mouth.
At this time, his Dantian, like a terrible black hole, crazily devouring everything.
"Purple spirit coming from the East, reform!"
Zixia cave master also releases a spell beside the impermanence of the night.
His purple light, like the burr of a hedgehog, turns into sharp cones, standing on both sides of the night impermanence's body, waiting for Zhao Jingjing to be sucked in and then pricked into a sieve.
It seems that the situation is somewhat unfavorable to Zhao Jingjing.
Because all the people present can see that the beauty is good at sports.
The other two people, are using magic to greet her, do not know if she can take down.
And Zhao Jingjing at this time legs into the ground inside, blocking the night impermanence a move, dragon water absorption to her pull.
He is worthy of being the leader of Qinghong. He is very good at absorbing water.
The land on that land has been sucked hard and thin.
Zhao Jingjing in the face of this move, the joint efforts of two people, the pressure is also some big."Your elder martial sister can't have a problem!"
"Hua Niang, who doesn't have much contact with Zhao Jingjing, asks," if it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will suffer. Do you want me to help you? "
The Qin Dynasty quickly waved his hand and said, "with the two of them, it's too difficult to defeat the elder martial sister. Trust her, no problem. If you help now, the elder martial sister will not thank you, but will blame you. "
"All right."
Flower Niang had to say, "you are really worthy of the elder martial brother, are all strange temper."
"What is strange temper..."
Qin Dynasty a cold sweat, "this is called self-confidence is not good."
This side is just saying, there are some dangers Zhao Jingjing.
Her feet began to leave the deep ground, a little bit toward the opposite night impermanence and Zixia cave master two people slide.
"I'll see if you're going to die!"
Zixia cave master's face floating up a Yin Cen smile.
Night impermanence does not speak, but the eyes also flash with unspeakable pride.
This time, the woman will die!
"Even if you can't hide, then you can charge head-on!"
Zhao Jingjing dropped her fist, and her energy was no longer tight, but she swam away crazily.
Soon, a black hole appeared in her right fist.
It's the ultimate use of power.
It's also the most domineering move of the giant elephant puppet, the destruction fist!
After condensing the destructive fist, Zhao Jingjing no longer controls her body. With the Dragon absorbing water, she rushes towards the direction of night impermanence and Zixia cave master, and raises her fist high.
"Is this woman crazy?"
Zixia cave master looked at Zhao Jingjing, and could not help exclaiming.
"I may be too scared to know what to do."
Yewuchang said coldly, "since she is going to die, let's understand this crazy woman."
Two people said, at the same time increased the control of vitality, trying to kill directly.
And Zhao Jingjing blink of an eye, in front of them.
At the same time, behind Zhao Jingjing, a huge white elephant emerges.
This is only thunder robbery period master will emerge out of the potential!
Their strong vitality, invisible leakage, according to their own energy properties, and naturally formed in the air a potential!
Under the pressure of that potential, Zixia cave master and yewuchang feel a shiver from the soul.
This blow is absolutely extraordinary!
There seemed to be a voice howling in their ears.
Hide, hide, or you'll die!
But the dignity of being the head of a door makes them violate the judgment given to them by the soul.
With that huge potential, Zhao Jingjing's punch finally fell down.
This blow, impact on the purple light cone of Zixia cave master, directly defeated those sharp spikes.
The first thing to break down is the impermanence of night.
His chest, directly concave a piece, looks very strange and terrible.
And his back, burst out a huge white light, but also with the impact on the body of the Zixia cave master.
The master of Zixia cave immediately flew out. The whole person was still spinning. He broke more than ten stone pillars standing on the square, and then fell on the mountain top in the distance, which blew up a huge hole in the middle of the mountain.
Smoke and dust billowed.
The night is more terrible.
He opened a blood hole in his chest.
The blood hole on the body is only the size of a fist, while the blood hole behind it is almost as large as the area of the whole back!
Blood, don't flow down like money.
All the members of the Qinghong Wuji gang were so frightened that they stood up straight in front of each other. Even their leader was beaten to death?
This, this is incredible!
That's the leader!
"It seems that there is still a breath of breath"
Zhao Jingjing took back a bloody blow and couldn't help saying, "I'll give you another punch and let you directly become the blissful place."
With that, she was about to give night impermanence another blow.
"Amitabha! Benefactor, you can stop
At this time, master Shitian of Baotai temple in Songshan finally made a move. The old monk, who had lived for many years, stretched out his hand, made a golden palm print and flew to Zhao Jingjing.
"Dragon King spits beads!"
Zhao Jingjing quickly turned back and pushed her hands out.
The white air column and the palm print impact together, in the end, Zhao Jingjing is the major repair of the thunder robbery period, and soon breaks the golden palm print.
At this moment, the dying night impermanence was rescued by other sects."Why, do you want to run if you can't beat it?"
Zhao Jingjing disdained to say, "in the end is a group of so-called well-known and decent, it is really shameless."
Master Shitian quickly recited the name of Buddha, "benefactor, this is not right. As the saying goes, you have to forgive people. The benefactor has won. Why do you have to work hard to take his life? "
"You are a great monk."
Zhao Jingjing laughed, "just when they were going to kill me, why didn't you say two words for me?"
"The benefactor is laughing."
Master Shitian put his hands together. "The benefactor is the cultivation of thunder robbery period. Even if they try their best, they can't be your opponent. It is worthy of being the venerable of the luochamen. This profound cultivation is really admirable. "
"The big monk is joking. I have nothing to admire."
Zhao Jingjing followed Qin for a long time, but also became a bit sharp mouthed. "I'm just a weak woman. I only know that two dozen one is already bullying people. I didn't expect that I would be beaten by others and said that I was bullying the weak. "
"Amitabha, good and good..."
Master Shitian didn't know what to say, so he had to recite the name of Buddha.
"Luochamen has some skills indeed."
Dongfang Ying didn't pay attention to them when she saw the situation. After seeing some power of luochamen, many noble and decent sects began to retreat and said, "surely, with such skills, you killed those poor disciples of our noble and decent sect."
"Do you want to keep splashing dirty water on this seat?"
After watching the excitement for a long time, the Qin Dynasty finally said, "if you want to play this seat, then you don't have to make so many excuses. I don't pay much attention to you hypocritical guardians. "
The arrogant words of the Qin Dynasty immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of many practitioners.
"Let's fight together!"
"There is no need to talk about morality and morality when dealing with evil and evil ways!"
"Kill them, kill them!"
But these people are called Huan, but none of them really do it.
Qin Dynasty seems to have expected, hanging a sneer, looking at the oriental cherry.
But at this time, a woman's roar came out of the sky.
"Qin Dynasty, luochamen, let me destroy you!"
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