Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1181

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Chapter 1181

Shuimu's new album release conference, finally in the group of Tianyang entertainment company Red Star Hotel started vigorously.
Shuimu has a large number of crazy fans in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Before the launch, the hotel's gate was already full of people.
Everyone hopes to get the first limited edition of Shuimu Album CD.
"That's great. I didn't expect that Shuimu's latest album was on sale in Hong Kong
"Well, if only I could see Shuimu himself."
"How can it be? Shuimu has always been low-key and does not show up."
"Cut, it's just a group that dares not show up. What's good about it?"
"Sleeping trough, whose dog has been released! Hit him
A group of people suddenly burst into action, and the troublemaker who had been put in by the other entertainment company fled in confusion.
He did not expect, Shuimu fans, should be so united.
In the past, splashing dirty water and putting on gossip was still very feasible. Why not today?
After all, he failed to understand this problem.
"Look, how influential you are"
LUO Qinglin said to the Qin Dynasty, still dressed as bodyguards.
Two people were standing on the upper floor of the hotel, looking out the window at the dark crowd.
It's not the time for him to show up, because before that, there's a good show.
"These are the results of your efforts. I just sang a few songs for you."
Qin Dynasty embraces Luo Qinglin's waist gently from the back, Dao.
"How can I repay you for helping me so much?"
"It's just the so-called love debt flesh to pay, right..."
The Qin Dynasty says, the hand is a bit dishonest, toward Luo Qing Lin's chest to touch.
"I hate it. It's time to go downstairs. What a mess!"
Luo Qinglin very impolitely patted off the salty pig hand of the Qin Dynasty, and then led the unwilling Qin Dynasty down the stairs.
In the hall on the first floor, there are many people around.
There are staff of Tianyang entertainment, journalists and many other relevant personnel.
According to the process, Luo Qinglin will immediately open a simple press conference, and then start selling new albums.
Before releasing the album, we need to open a champagne to celebrate.
Just as the staff were nervously arranging the meeting place, the sound of the police car suddenly sounded outside the door.
The fans outside were surprised and said, "what are you going to do?
"Get out of the way! Let's go in! "
Liu Yiming sitting in the car, see the front of the dark crowd, can't help but let the police shout.
But this has been shouting for a long time, and no one has made any movement.
What these fans think is.
What are these cops doing here?
Are you here to buy albums?
You think you can jump the queue if you drive a police car. There is no door. Please wait in line!
Liu Yiming was angry when he saw that these people didn't give way.
The police took out their revolvers and fired warning shots into the sky.
Fans saw that the police had pulled out their guns in order to buy the album, and they didn't dare to say anything more.
The fans made way for the police cars outside.
Several police cars suddenly came in and blocked the entrance of the hotel.
Then, the police commissioner Liu Yiming stepped out of the police car, behind a car, Gao Jiacheng and Jin Mingfeng also fiercely followed in.
If Jin Mingfeng is not in a wheelchair, I'm afraid the momentum can be more vicious.
These two people look at stop busy Luo Qing Lin, heart secret way.
Well, girl, you're dead now.
"Miss law, I didn't expect that we would come again."
Jin Mingfeng is sitting in a wheelchair with Xiao Ming pushing behind him. He talks in a strange way.
It's no wonder that his tone, his legs have been discounted by other people's subordinates, how can he not have resentment in his heart.
If it had not been for the police, he would have ordered his men to smash the field and rob people.
But today he doesn't play the leading role. This is the Commissioner of police.
"Oh, it's Mr. Kim."
LUO Qinglin is not surprised at all, and she looks like she should be.
"I'm so free today. Are you here to support the launch of Tianyang entertainment? But I'm sorry, I didn't remember to send an invitation to Mr. king and Mr. Gao? "
"Well, Miss law, you can still be calm."
In the gaze of a large group of people, Jin Mingfeng said coldly, "I come here today to collect debts for my leg and a dozen of my brothers."
"Debt collection?"
Luo Qinglin laughed. "I'm sorry, Mr. king. I don't remember that I owe you money.""Of course, what you Miss Luo owes is not money, but life."
Jin Mingfeng finished and looked at Liu Yiming beside him.
Liu Yiming immediately stepped forward and said to Luo Qinglin.
"Miss lo, I am the director general of the Hong Kong police force, Liu Yiming. Now I am arresting you and your bodyguard for intentional homicide."
With that, the police in the back immediately gathered around.
The words shocked the audience.
All people are surprised to see Luo Qinglin, such a beautiful woman, can kill people?
Is it really the legendary beauty like scorpion?
"Miss Luo, you have a father who is a general, so you may want wind and rain in mainland China."
Gao Ka Shing also said, "it's just that Hong Kong is a society ruled by law. If you break the law, you have to pay the legal price for your mistakes."
Luo Qinglin thought it was funny that the leader of Xin Yi'an even said this.
"I think there must be some misunderstanding."
Liu Qinglin said to Luo.
"If it's a misunderstanding, you can go to the court and say it."
Liu Yiming cold face, "I think, that more than ten lives, absolutely will not admit the misunderstanding of these two words."
"Sorry, it has nothing to do with Miss law. I killed those people."
The Qin Dynasty said, suddenly took out two pairs of desert eagles from his arms.
All of a sudden, the police nearby were nervous, holding revolvers one by one, pointing to the Qin Dynasty.
"Put down the pistol!"
They didn't expect that the boy was so bold that he would dare to take out a gun in front of so many policemen!
"Luo Qinglin, what are you going to do?"
Liu Yiming also yelled, "this is Hong Kong. It's not a place where you can go wild."
However, Jin Mingfeng and Gao Jiacheng are secretly happy. They say that they are good boys. You are looking for death by yourself.
when you take out a gun in front of the police commissioner, you think you are a bull, but you are a fool! ha-ha!
"You're too nervous."
Qin Dynasty laughs, carrying two pistols, "I just want you to see, those killing bullets, all out of the self these two pistols. So, this matter has nothing to do with Miss law. Hong Kong is not very legal. We will not wrongly treat good people. "
"Yes, we are legal. Since you have pleaded guilty, we will only take Miss law to assist in the investigation. "
Liu Yiming nodded and took out the handcuffs, "don't you need me to help you wear them?"
Qin Dynasty looked at the handcuffs, and then laughed, "it seems that you misunderstood what, I will not go with you."
"You want to resist arrest?"
Liu Yiming, as the director, has the courage, he laughs.
"You have to understand that Hong Kong police are all here. You have only one person and two guns. If you do anything rashly, I can't guarantee your life. "
"No, no, no, you still misunderstood me. I didn't resist arrest."
Qin Dynasty put down the pistol and said haughtily, "I just want to tell you that I have the right to kill."
Without waiting for Liu Yiming to speak, Jin Mingfeng first exclaimed, "even if it's a * *, you don't have the right to kill people at will! Who gives you that right! "
Qin Dynasty looked at Jin Mingfeng casually, and then in front of Liu Yiming, he took out a certificate, "this is my certificate. I don't know if you know this police commissioner."
Section 7 documents.
When Liu Yiming saw the certificate, the cold sweat came down.
As the Commissioner of police, how can he not know what this thing is!
Maybe others don't understand it, but he does.
It's not just an identity, it's a right.
Homicide immunity!
You may think that in China, this kind of right is nonsense.
You can kill innocent people at will? Is society out of chaos?
But it is flexible.
For example, the Qin Dynasty said later.
"Those men, trying to murder the object of my protection. So, I shot them. Why, director Liu, are you going to arrest me? "
Liu Yiming naturally won't offend the seventh division for a few hooligans.
Not to mention anything else, even if he killed himself here, the director, he could still explain the same thing when he went back.
After all, the Commissioner of police can have as many as you want.
However, there are only one or two of these powerful special commissioners in Section VII.
"Director Liu, what's the matter with you?"
Gao Jiacheng doesn't know why, but Liu Yiming is silent.
Is he still afraid?
He is the Commissioner of police. Who should he be afraid of?"The murderer is standing in front of you. Do you want to ignore the law and let him go?"
"Director Liu, don't forget the badge you wear. If you take our taxpayers' money, you can't help but do things for our taxpayers "
Jin Mingfeng also adds fuel to his words.
Liu Yiming glared at the two men with hatred.
His heart said, "jinmingfeng, jinmingfeng, you deserve to be lame.
"Close up."
Liu Yiming said a word that shocked everyone present.
"Liu Yiming, what are you doing?"
"Jin Mingfeng suddenly flew into a rage," did you ignore the law? "
Liu Yiming is too lazy to pay attention to this guy. It is estimated that he has offended the people in the seventh department, and he will not be able to jump for a few days.
"Miss Luo, today is a misunderstanding. I am deeply sorry for the trouble I have caused to you. I hope your company's press conference will be successful and the album will sell well. "
He politely said a few words to Luo Qinglin, and then took a deep look at the Qin Dynasty and left with his men.
Jin Mingfeng and Gao Jiacheng are stupid.
Two people feel like clowns, completely abandoned here.
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