Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 482

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Chapter 482

A few days ago, I was still in a coma? Why, why did you wake up today?
"Really, really wake up?"
Shangguanyan and Qin Dynasty's big eyes and small eyes, you look at me, I see you, after a long time. Shangguanyan suddenly blushed, her eyes turned to Hu Ke and asked.
"Dr. Hu, no, isn't it that he may become a vegetable?"
Shrimp? The face of the Qin Dynasty was unhappy. When did I become a vegetable? Now I can jump!
"You are a vegetable
"Fuck you!" Shangguanyan's face has not gone down, subconsciously put the hand of durian, facing the Qin Dynasty on the hospital bed in the past.
This Qin Dynasty just want to subconsciously catch, but a hurry, stretch out the arm, immediately burning up.
Mother, although the vitality began to recover, but this body injury for a while and a half will not be healed ah!
"Dong!" Well, the larger durian was immediately photographed on the face of the Qin Dynasty. If it's not the body of King Kong, I'm afraid the face of Qin Dynasty will be broken.
"Damn it!" Rao is so, the Qin Dynasty was also hit by anger, "such a big durian, you want to kill Laozi ah!"
"Oh, you, why didn't you hide." In the eyes of shangguanyan, Qin Dynasty is a superman like existence. But I didn't expect that he could not hide the durian that he threw out now.
"Nonsense, didn't you see that Laozi was injured?"
Qin Dynasty opened his patient's clothes, revealing the gauze wrapped in it.
"Puchi..." The shangguanyan, which was originally shy and pretty, suddenly couldn't help being happy.
"Laugh, laugh what." Qin Dynasty heart a burst of crazy jump, you don't say, this girl a smile, pour is very good-looking appearance.
"You make it like a mummy." Shangguanyan covered her mouth and said.
"Er..." The Qin Dynasty subconsciously remembered that once upon a time, there was a lovely little Lori, pointing to herself, saying that he was mummy millet.
By the way, from that day on, my life became wonderful.
"Yes, Miss Shangguan." Hu Ke couldn't help chuckling at the two men's seemingly flirting, and explained to shangguanyan, "he is just from the medical point of view, it is possible to become a vegetable. But fortunately, he's very lucky. He wakes up in less than a month, which means he's OK
Cut! Qin Dynasty secretly turned his lips. Lao Tzu is a great demon God of a generation. How can the future divine power become a vegetable!
If you really want to do that, it will be too cruel!
"Well, this guy is OK." Although shangguanyan is exaggerating, she is secretly relieved in her heart. "At least he's also my Savior. Although he's not very good-natured, I'm sorry if I die like this."
"Shit!" The Qin Dynasty found that shangguanyan was very fond of fighting with him and seemed to be enemies in her last life.
"By the way, shangguanyan, how did you know that I was hospitalized?" The Qin Dynasty couldn't help asking.
"Liu Chang told me that!" Shangguanyan's voice seems to have a trace of vinegar, raised eyebrows, some strange looking at the Qin Dynasty, "I don't know when, you should have such a close relationship with that girl. She knows exactly what hospital you live in. Oh, is it that my family, Liu Chang, finally has a spring heart? "
The Qin Dynasty was speechless. Is shangguanyan a lesbian?
"If you're the only one who knows, that's fine." Qin Dynasty was relieved. The less people know about their own injuries, the better. After all, too many people in southern Jiangsu knew him in the Qin Dynasty. If we all know, we will lose face.
"It seems that I know it alone..." Shangguanyan suddenly raised her eyebrows. She seemed to remember something, "but I remember that there was something on yesterday's evening paper..."
"Eh?" The Qin Dynasty had a bad hunch, "why do you say it looks like two words..."
"Here it is." Hu Ke seems to have the habit of reading all kinds of newspapers. As soon as she flipped, she pulled out yesterday's Sunan evening news from a pile of thick newspapers at the head of her bed.
In the headline above, it was a news that stunned the Qin Dynasty.
"I miss my friends and do good deeds for the righteous."
It is recorded that Su Cheng, a common bandit in Qinnan City, was seriously injured in the hospital.
But the Qin Dynasty was alone, helpless and unable to contact his parents. Now his medical expenses have been unable to pay for his continued treatment. Therefore, the author appeals to the majority of enthusiastic people to contribute money and contribute to the fund of this brave young man.
The address of the hospital is attached below.
Well, there is also a picture of the Qin Dynasty. It shows the appearance of the Qin Dynasty in a coma. I don't know who took the picture. It makes the Qin Dynasty look pathetic, as if it will die at any time.
"Lying trough!" The Qin Dynasty almost tore up the newspaper, "who's the son of a bitch who's trying to get rid of me?""Li Baishan, your boss." Hu Ke recaptured his newspaper and put it in its original position.
"I'll go. Can't he get along with Laozi?" Some of the Qin Dynasty are going crazy.
"He said he had to pay you a huge salary and wipe your ass for what you did on the island. So I don't want to pay more for your medicine. "
Hu Ke shrugged his shoulders and suddenly remembered something. He took out a can of sprite from the bedside table and put it on it. "This is the consolation he gave you."
I went there. The heart that Qin Dynasty cries has.
"You're an interesting boss." Shangguanyan saw the Qin Dynasty eat shriveled, especially a bitter gourd face appearance, her mouth can not help but hang up a smile, "by the way, what do you do?"
"The circus!" Qin Dynasty now also hate the seventh section, hate to die. Niang, how could he be so obsessed at that time that he followed Li Baishan as his subordinate.
Now, he's playing monkey.
By the way, I'm back in southern Jiangsu. It's time to talk to Su Xianqin. The five million project, hem, has already been completed.
"Well, seeing you're OK, I'll go back." Shangguanyan felt that she was always a little flustered when she stayed here. She picked up the durian rolling on the ground and turned to go out.
"Well, isn't that the durian for me?" Although not a greedy ghost, but the Qin Dynasty can not help but ask a question curiously. Shangguanyan should not be so stingy. Do you want to take back the things you sent?
"Ah?" When shangguanyan noticed the durian in her arms, she immediately blushed. I'm in a panic. How can I take this guy back.
"I, I just picked it up for you Here you are... "
Don't look at the face of Qin Dynasty. Don't go over your head and throw out durian.
"Ouch Obviously, the Qin Dynasty got the second time.
This guy is sitting on the bed with tears. He is really bullied by the dog when the tiger is down I'm seriously injured now. Even a Durian bullies me. Damn it, if you don't live, what's the fun in this life.
"Ah, I didn't mean to..."
Knowing that she had "humiliated" the Qin Dynasty again, shangguanyan apologized.
She didn't know that she had done what island governments wanted most, but couldn't.
"Sister, this is my sister!"
The girl was just about to slip away when a girl's voice came from outside the door.
In the twinkling of an eye, a beautiful girl with golden hair came running in.
"Sister Shangguan! You're here too The girl said hello to shangguanyan, and then ran to the ward, and then plopped to the bed of the Qin Dynasty.
"Ouch Qin Dynasty was filled with that girl, and her body was burning with pain.
"Oh, dear, brother Qin is awake." Liu Ying bumped her head into the chest of the Qin Dynasty and rubbed it back and forth. "Brother Qin is scared of Xiaoying, because you can't wake up!"
"If you hit me two more times, I won't wake up!" The Qin Dynasty could not laugh or cry.
This is the nth time shangguanyan saw Liu Ying after returning to Sunan city.
Although I know that Liu Chang has a younger sister, she often tells her stories about her sister. But for a while, she didn't mention this sister to herself. Shangguanyan thought that the two sisters had quarreled.
Now it seems that the feelings are very good.
"Xiao Ying, get down quickly. What does it look like for a girl to jump onto a boy's bed?"
Sure enough, Liu Chang then ran in flustered. When she saw Qin Dynasty sitting on the hospital bed with her nose pinched, her eyes suddenly filled with surprise.
"You, are you awake?"
"Why do you treat me as a vegetable..." The Qin Dynasty was depressed. At this time, Liu Changyi reminded him how ambiguous Liu Ying and her posture were.
What's more, Liu Ying is wearing a small black skirt with black tights on her two slender legs. As Liu Ying stretched out her legs and put them on the waist of the Qin Dynasty, a pair of pink underpants loomed in the eyes of the black net.
Tut After the little girl dressed up like this, she was more beautiful and wanted to be killed.
"Oh, sister, what's the matter?" Little Liu Ying casually put her arm around the neck of the Qin Dynasty and said, "brother Qin, you've seen Xiaoying's naked body. Now it's no big deal."
"What, what!" Liu Chang helplessly covered his face, while the shangguanyan beside him widened his eyes.
"You pervert, sex wolf, erotic!" Shangguanyan did not know where the anger, burning, the universe broke out completely, "you saw my mother's naked body is just, now even the little girl you don't let go!"
"What!" This time it was Liu Chang's turn to be surprised, and then he looked at the face of the cold sweat of the Qin Dynasty.
"Hee hee, brother Qin is so colorful..." Little Liu Ying didn't mind. She rubbed Qin Dynasty's face affectionately, and then asked curiously, "well, brother Qin, tell Xiaoying, is Shangguan's elder sister big?""Er..." Several people in the room were defeated by Liu Ying.
Qin Dynasty is a sweat.
"No, I didn't care about my chest I just don't think it's a good idea Underwear is also sexy... "
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