Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 763

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Chapter 763

Mo Tianya, finally stood up. This guy, saw the Qin Dynasty there for a long time, he hated his teeth itching.
"The end of the world, don't go."
Tan Hai looked at the disciple of his immortal body and said.
"No! I must go. "
Mo Tianya bit his teeth and said, "whether it's because of elder martial sister or because of the humiliation of the first world war that day! Today's scene, I want to find it back! Otherwise, master, he will be my devil
Tan Hai seems to want to persuade what, finally, did not speak, just closed his eyes.
"Lord Qin, come to me."
Although the Qin Dynasty hate teeth itch, but how to say, politeness is still required, this is the noble and decent. Therefore, Mo Tianya went up and arched his hands to the Qin Dynasty. Just, look between, a little disdain.
"It turned out to be Comrade Mo, long time no see, long time no see."
The Qin Dynasty looked at the proud son of Shu mountain and said with a smile, "I defeated you once last time. How can you insult yourself this time?"
"Ha ha!"
Mo Tianya was smiling. "Last time, you just relied on the magic of big Yin Yang evil king sword. Qin Dynasty, with foreign objects, your growth will only be slower and slower! Without those, you are at best a practitioner at the end of the first trimester! "
Mo Tianya a word, let Qin Dynasty all over a shock.
It seems that it is really in the way of
He himself was just a practitioner at the end of the first trimester.
The reason why we can be proud of others today is the sword of the great Yin and Yang evil king, and the Jiulong Huanai
it seems that they are not their own strength
"Master, don't be bewildered by that nuisance!"
At this time, a Li's voice sounded in the mind of the Qin Dynasty.
"Ali belongs to the master. We are one. Master, don't you feel that there is a sense of flesh and blood in the ring of nine dragons in you? "
"That's right. Don't listen to that kid fooling you!"
Because the hermeneutics were defeated, rod, who returned again, also said, "as you said, this is your great luck, great cause and effect, and great fate. If you give up using these powers because of that boy, you are a fool. "
After hearing the words of rod and Ali, the Qin Dynasty was awakened.
Yes, whether it's the sword of the great Yin and Yang evil king, or the Jiulong ring, it's their fate.
In particular, as early as ancient times, Jiulong ring was a magic weapon created by ourselves. Oneself, just, is to take back the strength that once lost.
"Ha ha, comrade Mo, you are very good at heart attack strategy."
Qin Dynasty restored calm and sneered, "by the way, since you are here today, I would like to ask. How is your wife on the mountain of Shu
Mention Shen Qing, Mo Tianya immediately whole body anger. He said, gnashing his teeth.
"Don't worry. I'll take care of her! You don't know, your two children are already born
Hearing his children's affairs, the Qin Dynasty could not help but lose his mind.
Calculate the time, it seems that it is almost the same.
Did Shen Qing give birth to the twins?
"Oh, it's a pity that you can't see it."
Mo Tianya said, "two children, it is very lovely. However, they do not know that their father is a devil. If you know, I'm afraid you will die of shame. "
That Mo Tianya said behind, the Qin Dynasty has no idea.
"What is the right way and what is the evil way?"
The Qin Dynasty stood there, standing tall and upright, "I stand here today, dare to say a word. Although this seat is not a good person, but all the things we have done are worthy of heaven and earth! It's you who are righteous people who often kill innocent people under the banner of killing demons and demons, but tell me about you in turn. What a joke
"You dare to insult me
Mo Tianya is more angry.
"What do you mean, Tao?"
Qin Dynasty curled his lips, "go to practice for hundreds of years, or maybe I will pat your head and tell you that you are sensible."
"Looking for death!"
Mo Tianya reached out and pointed to the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty eyebrows jumped, stretched out his right hand to block in front of his body.
Sparks come out. This is the invisible sword spirit of Mo Tianya!
"In the Qin Dynasty, although you know the Tibetan swordsmanship of Shu mountain, you can upgrade your accomplishments to six levels of gold body, and you can rely on the killing of the evil king of yin and Yang! However, you may not know that Tibetan swordsmanship, in fact, can only play its real power if it is more than seven times of gold body! "
Mo Tianya said, pulling out his own free sword.
The cold light was everywhere, and many practitioners around him could not help but close their eyes.Mo Tianya of the body of immortals, young, has already cultivated to the golden body of seven. His future, it can be said, is bright.
However, this disciple, his name, is only popular in Shushan. But the outside people, but very few people know. Only because Mo Tianya often goes out to travel and seldom appears in front of the world.
Therefore, Shen Qing was judged as the first person of 36 generations in Shushan.
The elder martial sister didn't know much about herself when she was too young.
"I have a magic sword. It's called Xiaoyao."
Mo Tianya threw his carefree sword into the air.
"Xiaoyao · Tibetan swordsmanship!"
"Hoo Hoo Hoo!"
In a moment, the wild wind blows up and down the manor.
The sky, also is the cloud change, by that tornado stir a mess.
When the tornado dispersed, a white robe figure appeared in front of the public.
His hair was silver white.
A white robe, followed by two words Xiaoyao, fluttering with the wind, with unspeakable drift, free and easy.
"When I'm seven heavy, I can achieve eight gold body strength after using Tibetan swordsmanship."
Mo Tianya stroked the silver hair on her forehead and said, "you have no chance of winning under such strength. Whether it's your broken heart sword array or your big Yin and Yang evil king killing, I'm not afraid. So prepare to die. "
Finish saying, his foot slightly move, blink of an eye, appeared in front of Qin Dynasty.
Then, a palm, wrapped in a sharp sword spirit, towards the forehead of the Qin Dynasty, he grabbed it.
However, he only grasped a black sword.
In the Qin Dynasty, with the sword of the evil king of yin and Yang, he looked at the son of heaven in front of him.
"In fact, you are really strong."
"Maybe, if you don't have this seat, you and Shen Qing still have a chance. But it's a pity that you met this seat. "
Finish saying, he a shake hands, a pang ran vigorously, unexpectedly impact Mo Tianya, hit him out.
"In order to represent our respect for you, we are going to fight against you today!"
Then he raised the sword of the evil king of yin and Yang and drank it.
"I have a magic sword, which is famous as the evil king of yin and Yang! Great Yin and Yang evil king, Tibetan swordsmanship
The black sword, turned into thousands of black light, instantly into the body of the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty, which had nine gold bodies, could not make his realm deeper even though he used Tibetan swordsmanship.
But that's what he wants.
Black Whirlwind, impact around. Many practitioners, unable to control, were blown out.
A black long robe with arrow sleeves appeared on the body of the Qin Dynasty, with the words big Yin and Yang evil king written on its back.
"Good, good, today let you die happily!"
Mo Tianya's body changes, appeared on the left side of the Qin Dynasty, a finger pointing to the Qin Dynasty.
Mo Tianya now, the body is the sword.
His finger is full of sword spirit.
"The waning moon!"
The Qin Dynasty, however, threw out dozens of black crescent moon, straight to the Mo Tianya body.
At the same time, the black crescent moon also flew out of Mo Tianya's body.
But Mo Tianya has a smile on his mouth. He is now eight times as strong as a sword. In fact, he should have killed that arrogant maniac!
Gold body six heavy, how can compare with eight heavy!
But then he was stunned.
Because, after the black strength disappeared, a figure suddenly jumped out.
Qin Dynasty appeared in front of him, his fist wrapped in black awn, and hit him heavily.
"Full moon!"
Huge power, as if to tear their own body!
That Mo Tianya wail, suddenly fell from the air, bang to hit the ground.
In the manor, there was a big hole.
"Mo Tianya, today I'll let you know how big the gap is between you and me!"
Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand to the sky, and saw the sky, suddenly dark clouds.
But if you look closely, you will find that those are not clouds at all, but a sword.
However, the number of Swords is too many and too dense to block the sunlight.
"Heaven's hindrance..."
"Well, how many swords must this be?"
"What power is this! What accomplishments
All the practitioners present were amazed.
Ninety nine thousand nine hundred white gold lotus chop, this is the Qin Dynasty now grasp the power.
"GoQin Dynasty a hand, pointing to the earth's Mo Tianya.
From the sword cloud, immediately there is a terrible sword dragon, flying out, toward Mo Tianya on the past.
"Carefree sword!"
That Mo Tianya, also felt the power of the sky sword dragon.
He suddenly turned white, with a huge Kunpeng beast behind his back, flapping a pair of 100 meter long wings, and killed the Qin Dynasty in the air.
Body into sword, plus Mo Tianya's strength of golden body eight! However, in the Qin Dynasty, there was only a sneer at the corners of his mouth.
The giant Stegosaurus roared, turned a corner and ran into the Kunpeng virtual shadow.
"Boom, boom!"
There was a huge explosion, with swords flying everywhere. It was quite loud.
The air waves are rolling, and the sky is in a mess. Those who practice the truth can't see what happened.
At last, they only saw a figure with white swords on his body and fell down in confusion.
The figure fell into the ground and raised a large amount of dust.
One hit, only one strike!
All the practitioners, eyes are staring out.
They looked at the Qin Dynasty, which stood in the sky like a demon.
How powerful this guy is!
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