Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 639

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Chapter 639

"Hey, hey, hey..." Jiang Wei, however, grinned strangely according to his forehead. His laughter grew bigger and more ferocious. "Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, you are the same as rod, you are the same stupid, the same can only use force to do things."
He stood there, covering his chest, and said, "we, Yama gate, were not the strongest among the six gates of the devil's road, but no one dared to provoke them. Do you know why? Because we have the same taboo magic! Everyone is afraid! However, with the development of time, I did not expect that the present yanluomen people, greedy for life and afraid of death, have abandoned this taboo magic
When he said this, Shen Dong was in the back and his face twitched.
"Now, I'll show you how powerful this forbidden magic of Yama gate is
With that, Jiang Wei stretched out his finger and pulled down his face. His bloody face was still smiling.
"The devil of hell! Call you with my soul and honor! Come down
His voice dropped, and his face fell slowly to the ground.
In the sand, a black locust tree suddenly appeared. In the blink of an eye, it grew to more than five meters high.
At the same time, several branches twisted around Jiang Wei's neck and lifted him into the air.
Those branches seemed to have a kind of terrible magic. After a while, Jiang Wei's flesh and blood began to fester, as if they had been sucked away.
In the blink of an eye, all he had left was a skeleton hanging on the locust tree.
"Rod It's time for you to die... "
A skull's mouth, can continue to speak.
"Xiaolian I'm here to accompany you... "
In the end, his soul was captured directly by a huge arm that came out of the ground.
Then, a huge array appeared on the ground, and the locust tree was the center of the array.
A huge force came out of the array, which made everyone feel the wind blowing and shaking.
But the Qin Dynasty felt that the power seemed to be familiar.
Long horns come out of the array. Then there are the big red arms.
"Who called my heartless King Luosha from the city of bliss
"Damn it, it's a heartless king of Luocha
The Qin Dynasty still remembers the scene when he went to the underworld. He broke into the blissful city and was defeated by the unintentional king of Luocha. In the end, it was rod who saved his life.
This unintentional king of Luocha, who dominates the blissful City, is a very powerful ghost king.
With the heartless king of Luocha, the huge body more than 10 meters high came out of the array. The sand that has been lifted up is also constantly falling.
Leizi and they were all shocked. After living for so many years, it was the first time that they saw such a terrible thing.
At this time, Feng xiaorou knows who AI Xiaoxue is, who is much stronger than her.
In addition to the Qin Dynasty in front of you, who will be there?
The sword all over the sky proves that he is powerful.
In this scene, the only thing that may not be afraid of is that little Yang Li. At this time, her eyes, straight stars.
This is my brother Qin! It's so powerful! If he was willing to be his boyfriend, she would do anything!
"It's you!"
The heartless king of luochawang, a pair of large yellow eyes, stared at the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"I can hear you! Wang, you were hurt in the city! Ah, ah, the king has found you at last, and will kill you today
With that, he stepped on his huge hooves and his red armor, stepping towards the Qin Dynasty.
That cow hoof, like a big truck, was pressed on the top of the Qin Dynasty.
Feng xiaorou could not help but exclaimed and closed her eyes.
The body of the Qin Dynasty, who was born, must not be trampled into meat pie by this foot!
"My God! I'm carrying it
Who knows, the thunder son next to even shout with cry, "worthy of is Qin elder brother, is formidable!"
Hold it?
Are you kidding? How can a person's strength carry this foot?
Feng xiaorou couldn't help but open a slit in her eyes and looked out.
I saw the Qin Dynasty standing there, legs not into the sand.
And his arms, held high, just with a head less than two meters, resisted the foot of a ten meter tall Minotaur.
From the nostrils of the heartless king of luochawang, a green flame came out.
He raised his feet, which was burned by the fire, and stepped down heavily towards the Qin Dynasty."Kill yourself!"
In the hands of the Qin Dynasty, there was a black sword.
This is the big Yin and Yang evil king sword. In the body of Qin Dynasty, I don't know how long it has been moistened, and now it has reached a complete perfection.
The Qin Dynasty leaped up, and he waved the sword of the great Yin and Yang evil king.
"Brush, brush, brush!"
The incessant black light came out. The ox hoof of King luochawang, together with the lower leg, was cut into several pieces, sprayed with spiritual power, and disappeared in the air.
His huge body suddenly lost its balance and fell to the ground.
"The evil king kills the moon!"
Qin Dynasty in mid air, to the fallen giant, threw out a black crescent.
The crescent, seven or eight meters long, swept away from the body of the unintentional king.
"You, you..."
The city Lord of the blissful city did not finish a word. The whole huge body was divided into two parts, and then it was transformed into spiritual power and dissolved.
"Don't die in vain. I'll give you a good deal."
The left hand of the Qin Dynasty turned into a black magic claw and stabbed into the rest of the body of the heartless king Luocha.
A steady stream of vitality was inhaled by the magic pill.
It is a pity that although it has increased a lot of vitality, it has not helped the Qin Dynasty to break through its accomplishments.
Without the seventh flame and Diyuan elixir, it was very difficult for the Qin Dynasty to enter the seventh level of golden body cultivation.
The Qin Dynasty looked to the ground and found that Shen Dong's group of people from the hell's gate had long disappeared.
The Qin Dynasty held high his sword of big Yin and Yang evil king, and the flying white lotus chop was immediately attracted. All of them gathered together like a dragon made up of a sword and entered into the body of the sword.
He fell to the ground and walked slowly towards Hu Qing.
Although they took the opportunity to run away, but these evil alliance people, do not know why, did not go.
"You're still here."
Qin Dynasty looked at Hu Qing, "it seems, is also ready to die."
"No, Qin Dynasty, I know you are strong, I am not your opponent for the time being, so I will not attack you now."
Hu Qing is not a silly woman, she quickly waved her hand, "I put you together, you also hurt my people, we are now clear."
"I don't want to set up more enemies for myself."
The Qin Dynasty took back its big Yin and Yang evil king sword, "but you only have this one chance. If you attack me again next time, don't blame me for being merciless. I'm looking at, for whose sake Just let you go... "
Qin Dynasty's head was a little confused. He always felt as if someone had been forgotten.
"Thank you, immortal Qin..." Hu Qing looks a little complicated. "In this case, the evil alliance has to do something for immortal Qin. Now, the evil alliance admits that Zhenzhen Qin is the orthodox head of luochamen. After that, we will call you the leader of the Qin clan. "
"It's terrible..." The Qin Dynasty waved his hand, "it's called Qin Dynasty. Oh, by the way, I have one more thing to ask you before I go
"The Lord of Qin said it was."
"Who hired you."
"Since the Lord of Qin is also a member of the evil alliance, I will not conceal you." The success of the Qin Dynasty, Hu Qing seems to want to smile, but found that smile can not come out. She just turned her head and took a look in the direction of Lee tewang.
"It's him. I know."
Qin Dynasty nods, "everybody walk slowly, after still don't take this kind of muddy water."
"It's not that we want to run muddy waters, it's the development of the devil's road. It's really oppressed."
Jiutian angrily exclaimed.
"When I'm done with my business, I'll start to reorganize the roshmen." Said the Qin Dynasty.
"Oh?" Hu Qing's eyes let out a very special look, "then we must look forward to it. However, the Lord of Qin, luochamen, was not completely extinct. In fact, in the dark, there is still a residual force of luochamen. If the leader of Qin clan can collect them, it will save a lot of trouble. "
Qin Dynasty felt that rod in his body began to get excited.
"I want to go back and kill all the remaining evils of luochamen!"
The old man was not nostalgic at all, but a grudge.
Qin Dynasty didn't pay any attention to him, and continued to ask, "can you tell me where they are?"
"Well, it won't be long before they come to you." Hu Qing said so.
"Why?" The Qin Dynasty didn't quite understand.
"Because I will announce to the whole Xiuzhen world that you become the master of luochamen. By then, those guys sitting in the dark will not be able to do it
"It feels like you're hurting me..."
There were some bad premonitions in the Qin Dynasty."The head of the Qin clan is joking." Hu Qing waved her hand, "we are all people on the same front now. The six gates of the magic road support each other. Except for the traitors like Yama, all the other disciples are united. "
"Well, believe it, you're the devil." Qin Dynasty touches nose, "that everybody walks slowly, did not send."
"Good, Lord Qin. I'll see you later."
Hu Qing also arched the way.
However, hearing that she would see you later, Qin Dynasty was a bit evil.
Nine days a shoulder carrying black stripes, the other hand with a wolf, walking in front. Hu Qing, holding Jingru in his arms, took another look at the Qin Dynasty.
"Take good care of my daughter."
"Your daughter? Who is your daughter? " Some of the Qin Dynasty didn't quite understand.
"My daughter is Hu Lili." Hu Qing frowned and said.
"Hu Lili? Who is that? " Qin Dynasty touched his nose, "listen to the name, it is some familiar?"
The little fox on the shoulder licked Qin Dynasty's cheek.
Hu Qing took a look at the little fox, and his eyes seemed moist. She didn't speak any more and turned away.
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