Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1036

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Chapter 1036

"You, what do you want?"
The sock in Sloan's mouth has been removed, and he can finally ask what he wants to ask.
"Oh, my secretary, how could you say that?"
While enjoying Suji's gentle massage, the Qin Dynasty asked, "you are the eldest young master. Generally, people ask you about this, right. My eldest young master, what do you want to do to let me go "
" you, you... "
Sloan choked.
That's right. I often hear people who are bullied by him.
But in Si Longkang's mind, those people are not worth mentioning at all. He is the only one who wants to do what he wants, because he is the young master of Si family.
In his mind, there has never been a word for fairness.
Since God let him live in a wealthy family, it is to give him the right to enjoy. Those who were born in civilian families are naturally destined to be bullied by tasilongkang.
What is this? This is the will of God!
But he Si Long Kang did not expect that a security guard met today, in turn, used force to subdue him!
The present plan is to yield first. As the saying goes, a hero does not suffer from immediate losses.
When he goes back, he will use the power of the Secretary's family to let this guy know what's the end of provoking himself!
Therefore, Si Longkang wants to open up, no matter what unreasonable request this man puts forward in front of him, he will agree.
"Do you want money or something? Go ahead."
Enduring humiliation, Si Longkang hung his head and asked.
No one doesn't like money, and no one doesn't like power.
These two things can turn a good man into a bad man, and a virtuous and virtuous woman into a concubine.
Everyone has his own price. As long as he has enough money, this seemingly arrogant security guard will eventually kowtow to himself.
Qin Dynasty eyebrows pick, this si family big young, seem to have no idea what kind of environment they are in, even talk to themselves about money!
"In your mind, as long as you have money, you can handle everything?"
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help asking.
"Do you have any money to do something?"
Si Longkang asked.
He has lived to this day, and has never met anything that he can't afford to spend money on.
Even if those women who have been playing with them cry with their boyfriends who have been beaten, and after they have dumped a sum of money, they are all well-off.
"I gave you a million dollars, and you let me go."
Si Longkang said an amazing number.
The students beside them were all surprised.
This company is big, little and big, open mouth is a million!
"A million?"
The eyes of Qin Dynasty are strange.
"That's right. It's one million yuan."
Si Longkang thought that the Qin Dynasty was a little moved, and then said, "think about it, you may not earn a million in your life. Not everyone can have such a fortune. This is your opportunity and you should cherish it. "
I gave it to you today.
Tomorrow, you have to spit it out for me!
This is the thought of Si Longkang.
"A million is not a small sum indeed."
The Qin Dynasty bent down slightly and looked at Si Longkang lying on the ground.
Si Longkang's face moved and was about to speak when the Qin Dynasty said again.
"Go and call Zhang Li and Wu Hao, and bring the two students who were beaten in the daytime."
"I see, brother Qin."
Next to the small security, rushed out.
All of them were confused. What did Qin Dynasty do. One million, he took it. How could he call someone over.
This guy, what's in the gourd?
Si Longkang didn't know what the Qin Dynasty was going to do. He was just worried about his legs. If he didn't go for treatment in time, there would be any problems!
However, the speed of the security guard was very fast. After a while, he came with tension and Wu Hao, as well as two trembling students.
"It's hard to find these two students. Thanks to Xiao Wang's acquaintance with them, this has brought them."
The little guard wiped his sweat and said.
"Hard work."
The Qin Dynasty nodded to the little security guard, which made him a little flattered.
This is brother Qin!
It's called Lord Qin on the road.
"It's not hard to help brother Qin."
The Qin Dynasty asked Zhang Li to come over and stand beside them. Then he said to Si Longkang.
"That's a million dollars. It's the mental damage you paid for harassing my wife. I'll take it. I'll take it. However, you beat these people, you must kneel down and apologize to them one by one. After apologizing, I'll let you go. "The Qin Dynasty sat there, spitting out a few words that surprised everyone.
Boy, take care of a million and do as you like!
"You, you..."
Si Longkang's face was livid.
"Why, no?"
Qin Dynasty laughs, "that good, and division big little frame goes out, don't let our Mr. Chen wait impatiently."
The little security guard came over excitedly.
"No! Don't
As soon as Si Longkang heard that he was going to be attacked by chrysanthemum, he immediately broke into a cold sweat and cried out, "you, you let me say a few words!"
"Yes, I'm a reasonable man."
The Qin Dynasty waved his hand and let the small security guard stand aside.
Si Longkang spits blood. You are the only one who is reasonable! I Pooh! Your face is watering!
"I'll give you one hundred thousand yuan and calculate your medical expenses. How about this matter?"
Sloan looked around at the men.
The eyebrows of Qin Dynasty wrinkled.
He didn't expect that slonkan took money to pressure people again.
The two students looked at each other and their eyes flashed with excitement.
A hundred thousand! This is not a small number for ordinary families!
"Yes, yes! Thank you
The two students were busy nodding their heads.
Qin Dynasty a burst of sob, got, was beaten, but also had to thank others, he did not know what to say.
"A hundred thousand obstacles..."
Even Wu Hao is a little bit excited.
How many years do I have to work to earn 100000 yuan!
His salary is 4000 a month, plus the year-end bonus, the maximum average is about 5000.
In other words, if you don't eat or drink for two years, you can earn 100000 yuan!
With this 100000 yuan, he is trying to scrape together to buy a small house down payment! With a house, the problem of girlfriend will be solved easily!
What an important hundred thousand dollars! It's not in vain to get this kick!
"Brother Qin, since he is willing to lose money, let it go."
Wu Hao said.
Qin Chao sighed.
Even Wu Hao was bribed by the 100000 yuan.
Sometimes, although a lot of people look very angry, but in the money offensive, it will soon collapse.
Not all people can be like Tao Yuanming, not to bow down for five Dou of rice.
The Qin Dynasty was thinking, if he didn't enter the practice, or if he was the unemployed person who ran twice a day to find a job, would he give up his dignity?
He was a little confused.
"Who wants your stinky money?"
Unexpectedly, the tension of a word, but let all people for a lift.
"I make money by my own mind and strength, not by my face!"
Zhang Li looked at Si Longkang lying under his body and said word by word, "I don't have your rich father. I don't know what it's like to buy my own face with my family money. But I only know that if I take your 100000 yuan, I will have no face after tension. In front of my friends and brothers, I will never be able to raise my head again! This 100000 yuan, leave it to you to buy your own coffin! I'm so nervous, I'll fight you to the end! "
This made the Qin Dynasty a shock.
He seems to be in the tension body, found his shadow at that time.
Yes, he used to be like this. Otherwise, he would not have risked so much to kill Fang Hua.
It seems that, with the contact with more things, their mentality has gradually changed.
"You, are you an idiot?"
Si Longkang looked at the tension in surprise and said, "100000, how many years do you have to earn for the security guard?"
"When you die, I'll give you a million."
Tension said with a cold smile.
In any case, he would not accept Sloan's money.
Today, elder brother Qin made such a big deal just to give himself a face.
If he asks for money, he is shameless.
If he doesn't want to face, where does brother Qin's face go!
Some people say, don't live on the face, for a face live so tired, as for?
But what else can a man have if he loses his dignity?
"I'll give you 200000 yuan. You'll forget about it!"
The secretary looked at the tension of the forehead injury, heart said 200000 give you the whole capacity is enough, you don't be satisfied.
"It's no use giving me a million dollars."
Tension cold face, continue to say, "I tension is an ordinary person, even if I give me a million, I don't know how to spend. But I know that I have to keep this face, or I can't be a man in the future. "He turned his head and looked at Wu Hao.
Wu Hao had a fever on his face and did not dare to face up to the tension in his eyes.
In fact, he thinks tension is a bit silly. Why not use so much money.
What's the meaning of that little thing on your face.
"Then I'll give you a million!"
Si Longkang doesn't believe it. Tension is as beautiful as what he says.
Wu Hao took a breath.
Grandma's, had known oneself before also persisted!
This one hundred thousand yuan, turned ten times in a flash!
With this one million yuan, what kind of security guard would he do? He would quit immediately, either do some business or play everywhere!
Even if you look for a beautiful lady, one day for another, it will be enough to play for decades!
"I said, save it to buy you a coffin."
Tension's answer, again let everyone surprised.
Is this a fool?
Not a million?
"You, are you stupid? That's a million
Si Longkang also grew up and didn't believe it.
"I admit, I love money."
With money, I can buy beautiful clothes and pearl necklaces for my girlfriend. I can take her to Hainan and xinmatai for a tour. But I don't know how to explain to my girlfriend and my family how the money came from. If I told them that I bought it with my face, I'm afraid that they are as unstable as I am! If money can buy off my tension, I will not be called tension, and I will be renamed Wu Hao! "
If Zhang Li's words are stabbed, he makes Wu Hao feel embarrassed.
The Qin Dynasty was moved.
There are several things in this world that money can't buy. One of them is loyalty.
It's tension's loyalty to itself.
"You hear me."
Qin Dynasty stood up, looking down at the Si Long Kang under the body, "kneel down to apologize to my brother. Otherwise, I don't mind if I step on your other foot
He didn't expect that he would meet a fool who didn't like money.
Do you really want to apologize?
In that case, the family of the Secretary, let him to lose all!
At that time, he may be locked up by his family, or sent abroad, like his cousin Si Zhengkang, and lose his status as the heir of the family!
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