Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 757

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Chapter 757

Although I don't know what Wanquan and Jiulong armor are, the Qin Dynasty didn't mind trying.
"One more time!"
Taotie double hammer smashed Qin Dynasty to the ground, ready to make up another hammer.
At this time, the Qin Dynasty, who had been lying on the ground, suddenly stretched out his right hand and held down the sledgehammer.
The clear collision sound diffuses to let Taotie slightly stunned.
Then, the body of Qin Dynasty, askew ground, climbed up from the ground.
He had hung his head, and sometimes, he also raised his eyes, which made Taotie a little strange.
"The master's body, Ali took over temporarily."
What the Qin Dynasty said was strange.
"Perfect body?"
Taotie seems to correspond to some of the forces of the day, very understanding.
At this time, there were some changes in the Qin Dynasty.
From the black armor, began to spread. Pieces of armor appeared on him. Soon, he was wrapped in Dragon Armor.
In the end, the black cape bounced from behind. The shape of the cloak is strange. It is distributed on both sides and short in the middle. It looks like a pair of wings.
"Look at my Ali's human dragon's violent march!"
Qin Dynasty's body suddenly moved, unexpectedly pushed away Taotie that pair of heavy animal head sledgehammer, and then bullied into his body.
"I fight!"
His fist is coming out from the top, from the bottom to the left.
Very dull voice, gluttonous body, suddenly flew high, into the sky full of rain.
"Fight again!"
And the figure of the Qin Dynasty, wearing the black domineering armor, appeared in the sky in an instant. His hands clenched his fist like a pair of hammers, which hit the gluttonous back fiercely.
Taotie can be a bit miserable, just flew up, and was smashed down, became a tennis ball.
The ground exploded and a dark figure lay inside.
Rain, constantly hit the figure above.
"The last blow!"
A li felt the rapid loss of all his strength and knew that he could not hesitate any more. She controlled the Qin Dynasty. Her right hand pressed on her left hand, and she pulled out a black two handed broadsword from inside.
"Come out, Jiulong should be killed by heaven!"
A left the body in the air, holding high the black hands of the big knife, aimed at the glutton on the ground.
The rain in the sky seems to have received some kind of traction, and it even flows backwards and leaves this space.
In the clouds, thunder rolled like a dragon roaring.
The glutton lying in the pit seems to feel the coming of death. He was sweating and wanted to escape, but he found that his body seemed to be bound by something and couldn't move.
When he tilted his head, he saw a huge translucent black dragon claw, pressing on his body.
"Let me send you to the endless hell
Ali said, Jiulong should be cut down.
But at the moment when Taotie was about to die, Xuanyuan Yingji, who had been holding up an umbrella, suddenly moved.
Her delicate body appeared in the Qin Dynasty. His right hand slapped the face of Qin Dynasty.
The body of the Qin Dynasty, as if turned into a shell, smashed out and finally hit the truck again. This time, the truck was also hit and flew.
"The little dragon clan, dare to bully me
Xuanyuan Yingji stands there, the fierce beast king's arrogance, plagiarism unceasingly.
Beauty to such, also fierce to such, let a person feel the contrast is very big.
A Li's complete body state, under the power of this slap, is instantly broken up.
Qin Dynasty spewed out a mouthful of blood, with the body's tattered armor, slowly stood up from a big pit on the ground.
"It's true that The king of beasts. "
Qin Dynasty's face some pale, seems to have suffered some internal injuries, "as expected, strong and domineering."
"Yingtian, don't you know my strength?"
Xuanyuan Yingji stood there, looking at the Qin Dynasty, said quietly, "I am the only special existence in the three realms. Because I am the daughter of human respect and ghost respect, and I have had fish water love with this immortal Zun. Therefore, my power, even beyond the rules, can survive in any of the three realms. The only disaster on your body is covered by your strength
"You said you Not bound by rules? "
The Qin Dynasty frowned.
"Of course." Xuanyuan Yingji nodded, "and, in the mountain sea tomb, I still keep practicing with hatred and missing you. Now, my power, has reached the realm of immortality. Even the emperor of heaven, seeing me, dare not call my name at will. ""Immortals..."
The whole body of the Qin Dynasty was shocked.
This is the highest floor of jiuchongtian!
Unexpectedly, this Xuanyuan Yingji, unexpectedly, has this terrible strength.
How can he, a little monk at the end of the first trimester, fight against him!
Yingtian, Yingtian, you are a big joke to me!
"I said, I won't kill you today."
Xuanyuan Yingji reached out and helped the gluttonous food on the ground.
"I will save time to torture you slowly and slowly. Be ready to accept my anger. "
She said, very nostalgic, and looked at the Qin Dynasty. Then, with a gluttonous, umbrella, slowly disappeared in the rain.
"The king of fierce beasts, too strong..."
Even rod had to sigh.
"It's a fairyland! How terrible
"What is that?"
Ah Li said defiantly, "my master is still xianzun It's just that the strength has fallen a little bit for the time being... "
"I'll go. It's not a step backward."
Rod exclaimed, "how much difference is there between xianzun and the last stage of Yuanying! How many earths
"Oh, anyway, my master has recovered his chaotic vitality and will return to practice sooner or later. If Xuanyuan Yingji is fierce, isn't she just proficient in the power of immortals? "
Qin Chao shook his head and said, "what she practices is also the power of God. I just felt it
"My God!"
A Li exclaimed, "master, ghost Zun and Ren Zun are forbidden to practice the power of God for fear that their daughter's power of disaster will be led out! Did you teach her that year? "
"Or, perhaps..."
Qin Dynasty has a feeling, that should day, should also be a guy who does not play cards according to common sense.
Although it's called Yingtian, it seems that we don't do things that conform to heaven's will.
"What about the crowd over there?"
Qin Dynasty turned to see the staff hiding under the stadium and asked.
"It's easy. Just wash away their memories."
Rod said casually, "I'll teach you a little magic."
"It's cruel to wash away the memory."
The Qin Dynasty felt that it was a terrible thing to lose some memories.
"Then kill them all."
So said Ali.
"How to use the magic?"
Qin asked in a hurry.
Remember this magic, the Qin Dynasty step by step toward those staff.
Those people were scared. Look at the appearance of the man in black. How did they look like they came to kill people.
"Mom, run
"I'm wrong. I don't know anything. I don't see anything!"
These people, as soon as their feet are lifted, want to slip away.
But in the Qin Dynasty, how could they be released.
As soon as he reached out his hand, his mind was aroused, and they were firmly there.
"My God, I can't move!"
"Help, help..."
"Uncle, don't kill me. I'm young and don't want to die..."
These people, all kinds of states.
Only Chen Xin, whose face was slightly pale and motionless, stood there and looked at the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty avoided her burning eyes and used magic to all other people.
These people, for a moment, fainted in the past, with the release of the Qin Dynasty mind, collapsed on the ground.
"You Did you kill them? "
Chen Xin stood there, saw all the people fainted, and finally said.
"No, I'm not a killer. I've just washed away the memory of this part of their life."
The Qin Dynasty clapped hands and said.
"You, who are you..."
Chen Xin looked at the Qin Dynasty, this moment, suddenly felt that he was very strange.
In college, they knew each other.
At that time, he was just a rehabilitative boy. The body is slightly fat, long is not outstanding, the result is also average.
Mr. Qin is not only the chairman of the group, but also has the power to believe.
Chen Xin had to believe that the pit on the ground and the truck on the side told her what had just happened.
"Some things, do not know is a kind of happiness."
The Qin Dynasty told Chen Xin so.
"I want to know."
"But you don't understand that."
The Qin Dynasty didn't want to explain anything because it was a long story. From the moment he met Suu Kyi, to the present story."You don't want to say it, but I'll figure it out!"
Chen Xin is very stubborn, unconvinced to look at the Qin Dynasty.
"Or I'll erase your memory."
The Qin Dynasty raised his hand like a threat.
"Dare you
Chen Xin seems to be a little afraid, slightly some trembling, said, "you dare to wash away my memory, I, I will go to luoqinglin that accuse you of bad words!"
"Hey, you can still remember that."
The Qin Dynasty laughed.
"All in all, you must not wash away my memory!"
Chen Xin's eyes turned and said, "unless, you don't treat me as a friend."
Qin Dynasty is just to scare Chen Xin. Hearing this, he put down his hand.
"Well, all of them are old classmates. I'll give you some preferential treatment. These people will wake up soon. I think it will stop raining this day. Your car is almost there. Today, I will not accompany you. I have some things to do, so I can only leave. "
The Qin Dynasty waved to Chen Xin, then pulled off some pieces of broken armor on his body, and then disappeared in the rain.
As soon as he left, the staff began to wake up.
"Well, what's the matter? How dizzy. "
One by one, I don't understand what happened.
"Oh, my cell phone is broken!"
"Mine too!"
"Depressed! What a bad day. "
Chen Xin didn't pay attention to these people's complaints. She just bent down, picked up the armor that fell on the ground and put it into her bag quietly.
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