Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 829

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Chapter 829

"Qin Dynasty, how many women do you have?"
Su Fei was so angry that she didn't know whether she was aggrieved for her sister or for herself.
Why, their sisters are so miserable that they have a fancy to such a romantic man.
"Sister, don't say it..."
Suu Kyi grabbed her sister and shook her head at her.
Sufei knew that Suji had once again given in to such a serious matter.
She really loves the Qin Dynasty, although she is usually very angry and bullies the Qin Dynasty. But when things really happen, it's their sister who is willing to give in.
"I can accept this child..."
Su Ji looked at the Qin Dynasty and said.
Because, between them, there will only be such a child.
A man born with a demon body should be a gift given to him by God if he can have a child. As his lover, he should not deprive him of his right to inherit his family.
"Heaven's hindrance..."
Su Fei thinks her sister is really crazy.
"Don't be sad, little mother."
In her father's arms, Qin Ying held out a small hand to Suji and wiped away a tear from the beauty. "You are father's wife, that is, Xiao Ying's mother. Sakura will hurt her mother and love her mother. So don't be sad, your sad dad will be sad. When dad is sad, Sakura should be sad too. "
Finish saying, small cherry sobs a nose, this pitiful appearance, immediately aroused Su's sisters great pity.
"Sakura is not sad, and so is her mother."
Suji came and put her arms around Qin Dynasty and Xiao Ying, "you are my daughter, and I will love you well."
"Long live my little mother."
Qin Ying tears into a smile, this lovely Lori has conquered the hearts of the two women in front of her.
Even Princess Su had to admire her in her heart. She was really a clever and sensible girl. Qin Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, your family, to our Su family too much damage.
"Little mom, it's the first time for Xiao Ying to come to the amusement park. Let's go and play together."
"Good! What do you want to play, my little mother will take you to play! "
Suji soon became happy again, because she saw deep love in the eyes of Qin Dynasty.
No matter when he loves his heart, he will not become.
This is enough.
"Sakura wants to ride the roller coaster!"
Qin Ying stretched out her little hand and pointed to the roller coaster that had been driving. One side of the princess Su, suddenly some legs soft. Qin Dynasty is a monster!
"No way."
Su Ji shook his head. "You are not old enough to play some plain games. How about a little mom taking you to the bumper car? "
"Yes, yes, little mother!"
Qin Ying is very happy and reaches out to Suji.
Su Ji happily picked up Qin Ying, holding the best little Lori, and led the crowd to the bumper car.
Qin Ying in Suji's arms, to the Qin Dynasty behind her, made a Ye gesture.
Qin Dynasty couldn't help laughing. What a lovely daughter she was, she even knew how to help her father to pick up girls.
"Qin Dynasty, I hope you can take good care of your daughter."
At this time, Shen Yu stood on the air rail of the amusement park, looking at the family of the Qin Dynasty below and murmured, "otherwise, I will definitely take Xiaoying back..."
As the voice fell, her body turned into a sword light and disappeared in the amusement park.
At this time, in another corner of the amusement park, a dark shadow slowly followed them in the Qin Dynasty.
In his hand, with a book, he was constantly recording something.
"Yingtian's daughter Tut Tut, I don't know what Wang would think if he knew about it. "
He looked at the little Lori and said to himself.
"If he kidnaps his daughter, what kind of reaction will Yingtian have?"
As he was saying this, the little Lori, as if vaguely, looked at him through the crowd.
The man with a proud smile just now fell on his knees, crushing the floor under him.
His book also fell to the ground, sweating and panting.
"This, what power is this..."
Tightly was looked at, his heart was like a hard knock, jump fierce, very flustered.
Cao Yu looked at his shaking hands, trying to pick up the book and pen. But as soon as the pen was picked up, it fell off again.
In the end, he had to hold each other's hands to calm himself down.
What terrible power!
That girl, can't be provoked, really can't be provoked
He estimated a little, this girl, proficient in the power of terror!
She is as powerful as Wang!Not only that, the girl has other powers, each of which is very powerful. Yingtian, Yingtian, what kind of monster did you have!
"Little mom, Dad's coming from behind. Hide, hide!"
Qin Ying and Suji sit together and control a bumper car, dodging the attack between Qin Dynasty and Sufei.
"Hum, Xiaoying, we are not afraid of them. Let's see how the little mother knocked your father over!"
Suji controlled the car body, made a flexible turn, avoided the pursuit of the Qin Dynasty, and then bumped into his body.
Looking at the Qin Dynasty is hit a Yang, Su Ji and Qin Ying can't help laughing at the same time. The laughter of the beauty and Laurie was like two silver bells, which aroused the admiration of both men and women.
Having such a wife and such a daughter is a man's ultimate dream!
Damn it, why not me!
Such things, envy is not envy. Su Fei was also envious. She was neither a girlfriend nor a child of Qin Dynasty. Well, I can only play with them.
If Qin Dynasty is its own How nice.
Several people played the bumper car and ended up in the fiasco of the Qin Dynasty. They hold little Lori in their arms and continue to look for new projects to play with.
"Dad, look!"
Qin Ying's eyes are very easy to use, suddenly reached out a finger, attracted several people to look in the past.
In one part of the playground, there was a machine for testing strength. It is to give you a hammer to knock the bell placed in the water. The greater the strength, the higher the bell will bounce the pendulum above.
A lot of people gathered there, mostly boys, who ran to the test. Many are couples together, boys in front of their girlfriends to show off their strength, show off their skills.
"Let's have a try."
The boss patted the machine and said with a smile, "those who can make the Grand Slam have prizes. A big bear doll is worth 300 yuan!"
On the table next to the boss, there was a big bear doll.
"Husband, I want it, I want it, I want it!"
A girl whine to pull her boyfriend, exclaimed.
It has to be said that this very ambiguous words, attracted the attention of people around.
Her boyfriend, a boy who often practices bodybuilding and has a lot of muscles on his body, thinks that he has great strength. In the voice of his girlfriend's whine, he suddenly feels that his blood is surging up and down, and both of them are a little upright.
"Good, little darling, let my husband show you a hand."
With that, he gave the boss ten yuan and took up the hammer.
This is a kind of gas hammer. Although it is very strong, it is difficult to ring in water.
The boy shook his neck and lightened his strong muscles, which attracted a burst of sigh from people around him.
"Honey, come on Girls give their boyfriends the air.
"Look at me, hi!"
The boy's face turned red, his muscles bursting hands, holding the air hammer tightly, hammered into the water.
The water spray picked up and wet the boy. But there was only a slight ring, and the pendulum went up less than half way up, and then it hung down feebly.
There were sighs of regret and laughter of schadenfreude. The boy blushed and ran away with his girlfriend.
"Dad, I want to be big too!"
Qin Ying pointed to the bear doll and said.
"Yes, I'll win it back for you."
This is a piece of cake for the Qin Dynasty.
He immediately rolled up his sleeves and walked over.
"Boss, I'll try."
"Oh, good."
The boss was happy and said that you were not as strong as that guy just now, so he came to send me money.
"Tut Tut, can this man do it?"
"I must have been playing with eggs. Just now that guy is so strong, like a calf, he has gone down."
"Hey, his girlfriend is pretty good! Or twins
People around the discussion, Qin Dynasty also ignored.
He took the hammer and went to the pool.
Water itself has a lot of buoyancy, and then air hammer is used. It's very difficult to hit the ring in the water. But this is nothing to do with the Qin Dynasty.
He wrapped the hammer in his vigor, carried it in one hand, and struck the bell in the water.
The spray exploded, and the shape was not scattered at all. It gathered in a vertical position and rose high.
And ring a roar, directly to the body of the pendulum clock to fly, and then hit the top of the gongs and drums.
The crisp impact sound, let the people around marvel, let the boss silly eyes.
The Qin Dynasty left the hammer and asked for the bear doll."Yes, boss."
"Oh, oh..."
The boss is stupid. He has been in business for so long. For the first time, someone wins the bear. But if you say it, you throw it out. If you don't give it to yourself, how else can you play.
The Qin Dynasty took over the bear and asked his baby daughter with a smile.
"Dear daughter, do you want more?"
"Yes, yes!"
Qin Ying is overjoyed, wave small hand, shout a way.
"Good, boss, one more time."
When the Qin Dynasty handed over ten yuan, the boss was convulsed and didn't want to die or die.
"No, no, no, one can only play once!"
If you want to play all the time, I can't do my business.
"In this way..."
Qin Dynasty had no choice but to shrug his shoulders, "my dear daughter, it seems that I can only carry one to go."
Qin Ying pouted her small mouth unhappily.
"Sakura, my little mother will help you win one!"
Suji see Qin Ying is not happy, quickly give small cherry to her sister to hold, and then touch her small face, "give little mother refueling Oh!"
"Mm-hmm! Little mother, come on, come on
The boss laughs, the heart says you a woman, how possible grand slam! You'd better play more and give me the capital!
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