Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1137

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Chapter 1137

Qin Dynasty put away the gun, while looking at some angry Cheng Ying, he couldn't help laughing and said, "why can't you shoot? They have threatened me to protect people's lives. And, unlike you, I don't need to report when I shoot. Besides, I have immunity to kill. Even if I do kill them, it doesn't matter. "
"I know you are a cow, you are strong, but you can't ignore ordinary people's lives so much!"
Cheng Ying was very serious this time, and was very angry with the Qin Dynasty, "they are ordinary little hunks, and have parents' families. What if your family killed you? Can you respect life? "
"If you want others to respect you, you must first learn to respect them."
The Qin Dynasty also said word by word, "these people, who has respected your life? They're going to kill you, don't you remember? "
"Well, that can't be..."
"Don't talk big with me in Qin Dynasty!"
The Qin Dynasty said coldly, "I have never believed in those great truths. All I know is that this is a predatory society. If you show weakness, you will be eaten by others
It is a cannibalism society, whether it is the true world or the real society.
"I can be polite and nice to people. But if other people are not polite to me, I will never let him go. Of course, because I also have the strength! "
The Qin Dynasty said haughtily.
"Well, I can't help you. You are all reasonable in the Qin Dynasty. "
Cheng Yingqi didn't know what to say, only thought that Qin Dynasty was a rogue!
"Ah, how do you know!"
Qin Dynasty looked at the girl in surprise, "don't you You've seen You rascal
The Qin Dynasty covered his shoulders and looked frightened.
"Who, who has seen it! You can't be serious
Cheng Ying couldn't help but run away.
It's really hard to communicate with Qin Dynasty.
He can always turn you to a dirty place and beat you with his rich experience.
"What's wrong with me? You point it out to me! "
In the Qin Dynasty, there was a bad smile on his lips.
Cheng Ying wants to kick the eggs of Qin Dynasty.
But she knew it was just a beautiful fantasy.
"You I won't tell you! I want to sleep
Cheng Ying was bored to death. She came to lie on the bed and closed her eyes to completely forget the world.
But by that what yellow hair a make, Cheng Ying sleepless.
She closed her eyes and her head was full of scenes of kissing Qin Dynasty nose.
Hate the Qin Dynasty, how to stay in their own head, how to swing also can't swing!
He must have cast some magic on himself!
Yes, that's it!
Didn't the master say that they were proficient in any magic
The villain of Qin Dynasty must have some ideas about himself, and then he confused his heart with magic!
Qin Dynasty, why are you so hateful!
I hate you!
"Qin Dynasty! You untie my magic
Thinking of this, Cheng Ying can't sleep any more, just feel restless all over the body.
So, simply open your eyes and pull the Qin Dynasty, who is about to fall asleep, and says.
"Ha? What magic? "
Qin Dynasty is stupefied for a while, oneself cast a spell to Cheng Ying? No
"Did you cast me any magic to confuse my mind?"
Cheng Ying bit her lips and asked.
"No, how could it be?"
Qin Chaoxin said that his only magic of this type is to destroy the heart.
But as soon as the spell was put into practice, the girl became demented.
"You talk nonsense! You're sure to do that! "
Cheng Ying confirmed that this was what the Qin Dynasty did.
"I do have such a school However, that spell will make you an idiot. Well Do you think you're an idiot? "
"Bah! You are an idiot
Cheng Ying spat, "in addition to this, there must be, there must be other!"
"Any more?"
Qin Dynasty touched his nose.
"Master, don't forget me!"
The phantom sound, rings up.
"Oh, yes, yes, yes, indeed."
The Qin Dynasty said, "there is such a magic It can confuse people. "
Magic, this is the dream purple dragon's most proud ability.
It can be used to make people see the illusion directly.
"That's right."
Cheng yingdun nodded, "you must have used this spell on me!"
"Impossible."The Qin Dynasty waved his hand, "this magic is a magic, which makes you see something that doesn't exist Why do you say I use this spell on you
"Because I have you in my head and you in my heart! It's impossible for me, it must be a good thing for you
Cheng Ying confirmed that it was the Qin Dynasty, so he said with a straight face.
The Qin Dynasty was a little embarrassed.
"That's impossible."
The Qin Dynasty waved his hand, "my magic is illusory. If you have this kind of mind, the first thing to do is to turn me in your eyes into Zhou Subin. You don't think I'm that idiot, are you? "
"How could you be Zhou Subin."
Cheng Ying skimmed her lips, "he's not as obscene as you are."
"Cough, let's not discuss whether I am so obscene..."
The Qin Dynasty coughed twice and continued, "I can still perform a magic trick, which is to tamper with your memory. In that case, you should treat me as your boyfriend. You say, am I your boyfriend
"Bah! You want it
Cheng Ying spat, "the United States your big nose bubble!"
"Cough, don't say such childish words. So, I didn't cast any magic on you at all. "
The Qin Dynasty solemnly said, "although magic is magic, it can't make people like another person..."
Cheng Ying was suspicious and suddenly became angry.
"Who likes you! You have the cheek
"Keep your voice down. It's time to wake up Zheng Siqi."
In fact, Cheng Ying is very flustered now. She lies down again and turns her back and buttocks to Qin Dynasty.
Do you really like the Qin Dynasty
How can it be that he is so bad, so lustrous, and so obscene
I like this color embryo because I have many tastes
The Qin Dynasty didn't know that he was in Cheng Ying's mind. It was such an evaluation.
If you know, you will die of vomiting blood.
Wu's image has been tarnished like this.
"I said..."
Cheng Ying had been quiet, suddenly turned around and pulled the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty was appreciating Cheng Ying's warping position. The girl suddenly turned around and startled him. She thought she had been found.
Also said in the heart, is Cheng Ying's buttocks also long eyes?
Cough, evil.
"I want to know about your spells..."
Cheng Ying thinks that she should change the topic and talk about something else. Maybe it will be better.
The Qin Dynasty blinked.
"How do you know?"
"You know, I'm a soldier, I'm a materialist, I don't believe that."
"If you don't believe it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist."
Said the Qin Dynasty.
"I understand, so I want to see it with my own eyes."
"You don't see enough?"
"I didn't see anything I just saw you blow up a tank. Is this magic? "
Cheng Ying's eyes twinkled with light.
"It's just one of them, body protection."
The Qin Dynasty said, "this also makes Zheng Siqi mistakenly think that I am the so-called man-made. So, that night on the boat, she came over, with a scalpel and a cutter saw, trying to dissect me
"So it is..."
Cheng Ying is a little relieved.
It turns out that nothing happened to the two people.
However, their posture, too easy to be misunderstood.
"Besides body protection magic, is there anything else..."
Cheng Ying began to be curious.
"Yes, there are You want to see it? "
Looking at Cheng Ying lying there, looking at himself like a curious baby, the Qin Dynasty had to say, "that's OK, but just take a look. Don't drag me to the zoo for exhibition, or take it to the Chinese Academy of research..."
"No, I'll burn you on the cross at the most."
"Yes, I'm not a witch."
Qin Dynasty rolled a white eye, then two people sit on the bed.
He held out a hand and rushed up.
"Take good care of..."
With that, a white flame leaped up in his palm.
Cheng Ying stares at a pair of watery eyes.
"There's a fire coming out..."
"There's more."
The other hand of the Qin Dynasty held out a finger and drew a circle.Crystal clear water flowed out, forming a thin line, winding in his fingertips.
"Water, the water is coming out!"
Cheng Ying has some surprises.
The Qin Dynasty was full of cold sweat.
I'll go
That's too lewd - a little too much.
Fortunately, I am a gentleman. I can't understand.
"But what's the difference between your powers and those two powers?"
Cheng Ying asked.
"Of course there is a difference."
The Qin Dynasty said, "a power is a magic power obtained by accident. This kind of magic power, can have one in 10 million people, even if is strange. And it's not easy to control. "
The Qin Dynasty said, raising his hand, palm flashed white fog, "but we practice, but everyone can practice, is a mouthful of vitality. With this breath of vitality, we can communicate with the vitality of heaven and earth and turn it into our own use. As for the flame, the waves, they are all our own forces. "
"Ah? Our own strength? "
Cheng Ying some do not understand, "you mean, each of us, can change into a flame?"
"In principle, yes. Because the human body has five elements, the heart belongs to gold, the liver belongs to wood, the spleen belongs to water, the kidney belongs to fire, and the lung belongs to soil. The power of my flame is gathered from the kidneys. However, it is not enough to have five lines. For example, I am a car that can make me drive and need fuel, that is, gasoline. "
"You mean Vitality is gasoline? "
"Well, you are very clever."
"Well, can I learn?"
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