Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 585

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Chapter 585

Shana stabbed a big sword about one meter long into the throat of Qin Dynasty.
It's rare that she played a big sword so freely and skillfully.
But praise goes back to praise, and enemy to enemy.
"When!" He took out a white gold sword from his body and laid it in front of him. With a gentle swing, he knocked open Shana's sword.
How can we compete with the white lotus chop, a powerful sword that combines the power of the Heavenly Sword and absorbs the light and holy flame.
Therefore, after a knock, a visible crack suddenly appeared on Shana's sword.
This surprised Shana.
You know, the big sword, which combines the light and holy flame, is not only very sharp, but also very hard and durable. Don't say it's a normal weapon collision. If you shoot two sniper guns at each other, there won't be any bullet marks left on the sword.
What sword is in the other's hand?
Qin Dynasty saw Shana that surprised expression, heart secretly smile.
This is just the shadow of the sword of the great Yin and Yang evil king.
If you really pull out the big Yin and Yang evil king sword, you must not be scared to death.
What's more, if you just dump a big Yin Yang evil king and kill it, the Vatican cathedral will be split in two.
It's a pity that the sword of the evil king of great Yin and Yang has turned out to be 9999. If you want to break through 10000, you need a lot of heat and opportunities.
Therefore, at this critical moment, we can not take out the big Yin and Yang evil king sword, or we will fall short.
Even if the big Yin and Yang evil king's sword can't come out, a white lotus chop would be enough for Shana to drink.
"Shana, what are you hesitating about! Don't kill him yet
That Argus didn't see the abnormal situation, still shouting.
As soon as Shana gritted her teeth, the crack on her sword suddenly flashed golden light and disappeared.
Through magic, she temporarily restored the sword. Then, chide a, in the wings of the flap, the whole person accelerated to the extreme, once again instantly rushed to the Qin Dynasty.
The long sword in the hand, also with the strong wind, hit the chest of the Qin Dynasty.
"The sword is too bad."
Compared with so many Xiuzhen sects met in the Qin Dynasty, the sword technique of this bright knight is simply crude and ridiculous.
It's all open and close. It's not clever at all.
In the Qin Dynasty, the wrist swings gently, and the white lotus chop pushes the sword away.
Then, the wrist a shake, that platinum lotus chop, along with each other's collision inertia, stabbed at Shana's chest.
Shana's face was flustered when her sword was opened, but she quickly put her left shield in front of her body.
The shield made of the angel's power, as if pasted with paper, was easily pierced by a sword of the Qin Dynasty.
In surprise, Shana with the help of this force, to the side of a flash, to avoid the Qin Dynasty's assassination.
"It's a quick reaction."
Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, cut the white lotus flower in his leg side, looking at Shana half squatting on one side.
This SANA has gold armor on the outside, but a close combat suit inside.
She squatted there, a part of the curve is very beautiful and seductive.
The Qin Dynasty swallowed the saliva and recited the Vajra Sutra silently.
Mallog stood aside and looked at the Qin Dynasty, which was full of emotion.
Before listening to this child said, he killed a lot of werewolves and vampires, his heart is still some do not believe. Now I understand that what he said is true.
I'm afraid those werewolf vampires are not on the table in his eyes.
Even the Knights of the Templar Cross are no match for him.
It is estimated that in the vampire family, only prince, Queen and other people can fight with him.
"Heretics..." That Shana half squats on the ground, pretty face is unconvinced, "don't think this can defeat me! I am a warrior of God, and I will not be defeated! "
As she spoke, her red hair suddenly fluttered and turned into strands of gold.
Her body armor and wings, also more clear, as if almost become the same entity.
"It's a sacrifice!" Marlog exclaimed, "come on, stop her!"
"After the eradication of the heretics, she will return to the embrace of God!" But Argus said with a smile.
"Argus, are you crazy?"
Mallogue's face was so anxious that he even tried to stop it.
And at this time, suddenly an old hand, gently put on Shana's shoulder.
The golden light on Shana's body, as if venting gas, quickly dispersed.
She blinked, with a trace of surprise, at the old man standing beside her.
Then, with all the knights, she half knelt.
"Your Majesty the pope!"
"Children, God has taught us to cherish our lives." An old man in a papal robe, with a gentle smile on his face, touched Shana's red hair and said, "only stupid people don't value their lives. Such people, God will give them up. ""Yes, his majesty..."
There was some shame on Shana's face.
"Bi Your majesty... "
Argus, with a cold sweat on his face, said shivering in his mouth.
The Pope looked at the referee and said, "my lord Argus, you have lost your noble balance."
"I firmly believe that I am doing the right thing!"
Argus, however, was getting colder, and suddenly hardened up, regardless of the Pope, turned and left. Before leaving, I left a word.
"Your Majesty, you will see it!"
"On the way to follow God, Argus is far away from us."
The Pope held out his hands to mallog. He had a Bible in one hand and a golden cross in the other.
"My dear mallog, these are the glories God has given you, and no one can take them away."
"Your Majesty..." Father mallog was a little excited and took back his holy cross and the old bible.
"My child, what is the purpose of your coming here?"
After the Pope returned the things to mallog, he turned his attention to the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty's eyes narrowed slightly. He only felt that the eyes of the Pope were deep and unpredictable.
"I came to seek the help of your teacher. I didn't expect that the hospitality of your teacher was so amazing."
The Qin Dynasty shrugged its shoulders.
He spoke to the Pope, but not at all.
Shana immediately jumped up with a group of knights, and the sword came out of the scabbard, "how dare you be so disrespectful to your Majesty the pope! I'm looking for death
"Shana..." Before the Qin Dynasty could speak, the pope had already said, "I am your guide on the way to follow God. However, I am an ordinary old man. All the people of God are equal. "
"So, my child, what kind of help do you need?"
"I don't want to talk about it now."
Qin Dynasty touches the nose to say. Suddenly, he won the angry eyes of Shana.
The pope said with a smile, "my child, my family is not very polite to you, but you also destroyed half of my old man's house."
He said, gently tapping his left foot on the broken ground.
"We're even, aren't we?"
"My child, only his Majesty the Pope can help you."
Mallog also advised.
And Shana, staring at the Qin Dynasty, means that if you dare to refuse the Pope again, I will cut you with one sword!
The Qin Dynasty gave Shana a a defiant look, and then he said politely to the Pope.
"Since his majesty is so polite, I am sorry to be unreasonable. To tell you the truth, I came to your church today in the hope that you could provide me with the position of the dark holy see. "
"The Holy See of darkness?"
The Pope looked at the eyes of the Qin Dynasty, more unfathomable. The Qin Dynasty didn't know what the old man was thinking, but he always thought it was not a good thing.
"My child, what are you going to do there?"
"They've got my man, and I'm going to take it back." The Qin Dynasty thought that AI Xiaoxue might suffer, and there was a fire in his heart, "by the way, completely destroy this disgusting organization."
"Destruction doesn't necessarily solve your problem." Said the Pope.
"But it's my solution." Qin Dynasty did not give in, "moved my people, they must pay the price."
The Pope was silent for a moment, looked at the Qin Dynasty several times, then said.
"Well, my child, I'd like to help you." He said, and then looked at some old father mallog beside him. "Anyway, the dark holy see is also the enemy of our Roman Church. Their existence makes countless people of God lost and miserable. But I'm an old man, and I don't have the strength to accompany you
The pope said, reaching out and patting Shana on the shoulder, "Shana, my child, this task is up to you. Please accompany this young man, find the headquarters of the dark Holy See, and go and get rid of the pain. "
"Yes, your majesty!"
Shana looked at the Qin Dynasty and was very upset. But when the Pope orders her, she has to carry it out.
"Well, this should be the end of the story."
After the Pope appeared, it was easy to sort out a few things. He stood there, looking at the Qin Dynasty, "my child, are you satisfied with the result?"
"Very satisfied." The Qin Dynasty nodded.
"That's good." The Pope nodded, and then he held out his hand. From the side, came a person who seemed to be a secretary, and handed a piece of white paper respectfully.
"Take a look at this, my child."
It's on the secret paper of my secretary. Well, you almost destroyed a historical relic with six centuries of civilization. Here is the list. Please pay according to the price. ""Er..." The Qin Dynasty took the list and was startled by the top eight zeros.
"This, this is unfair," the Qin Dynasty took a mouthful of saliva and said, "I'm not the only one who made this.
" I've satisfied your wish, haven't I? " The Pope suddenly very cunningly winked at the Qin Dynasty, "now, it's your turn to do something for you, pay the price."
"I, I am..."
The Qin Dynasty was silenced by the Pope.
I had a good fight just now, and taught all the Templar Cross Knights a lesson.
But the price is too damn expensive!
1.3 billion! Fortunately, it's not US dollars, but RMB!
It's catching up with the population of China.
But there's no way. Who wants people to make peace now. I'm willing to help you find the dark holy see. I can't pretend to be cool and refuse.
Damn, 1.3 billion, what a pain!
"If yes, pay for it!" Finally, the Qin Dynasty clenched his teeth and said, "but, can you give me an invoice, a receipt or something..."
"For what?"
"I can't pay for it myself I, I have to take it back and ask the government for reimbursement! "
The heart of the Qin Dynasty is dripping blood. No matter how it is, it is also the rescue task arranged above. The public should be responsible for the reimbursement of the money needed.
"My child, the spokesman of God, how could there be such a thing. But this bill can also be used as evidence. You can take it back... "
"But, your holiness, there's something else I'm surprised about."
"My child, say your doubts."
"Why is it just 1.3 billion? It's a coincidence."
"Oh, to show God's forgiveness, I have erased the change. Don't thank me, my child
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