Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 962

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Chapter 962

The four statues, all of which began to be covered with cracks, were about to be broken.
The little monkey couldn't help exclaiming.
"I know, I know. Don't rush me."
Xuanyuan night rain seems to know what the little monkey is talking about. She takes out a black seal from her arms and throws it out to the four elephants array.
"Heaven and earth are limitless, all things have spirit, forgive!"
She recited a spell and reached for the black cherry that she had thrown out. The black mark suddenly became a huge seal the size of a small hill, and it roared down, immediately pressing down the Qin Dynasty, which was exploding with sword rain.
The hill fell to the ground, and then the ethereal palace was quiet again.
Xuanyuan night rain stroked his chest and said, "now you are quiet."
"You're cheating me!"
The Qin Dynasty was pressed under this huge seal. If it was not for the protection of the Vajra Sutra, it is estimated that he would be pressed to vomit blood.
"No, I'm just trying to protect myself."
Xuanyuan night rain said, "if you break through the four elephant array, you will beat my ass. How can I be spanked as the leader of misty peak! Hee hee, so I can only aggrieve you. This misty seal can't hurt you, it will only keep pressing on you and keep you from going out. Just be quiet for a while, accept your life, and just talk to me. In this way, I won't embarrass you. I'll trap you for three days and nights, and then I'll let you out. "
Three days and three nights!
Ma Le Gobi, the candle dragon master has already cooked my Hua Niang with raw rice!
I don't have time to play with you!
"What misty mark, open it for me!"
The Qin Dynasty wanted to throw out the huge seal on his body, but it was as heavy as a mountain growing here. He could not push it.
"It's no use. Don't waste your time."
Xuanyuan night rain smugly touched his braid, "this misty print, but my mother left me a baby. It weighs ninety-nine thousand pounds. You can't lift it without my command. "
"Don't say ninety-nine thousand catties Even if it's nine billion pounds, I'm going out. "
The Qin Dynasty put away his Tibetan swordsmanship and began to summon Jiuyou giant elephant.
"Oh, why don't you believe the facts?"
Xuanyuan night rain can not help saying.
"All I know is, the truth is I'm going out and you're going to get spanked!"
The Qin Dynasty suddenly burst out to drink, that heavy 999000 kilograms of ethereal seal, suddenly vibrated.
"This, this is impossible!"
Xuanyuan night rain's face is a little white.
"Give me a start!"
The Qin Dynasty was originally pressed on the ground. He pulled up the force of the giant elephant and carried the huge misty mark. The wind came from his spine. His strength came from the bottom of his feet and stood up with a bent waist.
He put his foot on the ground, and the earth trembled.
The strength of his foot is 999000 kg!
Xuanyuan night rain body a shake, originally stood up her, a buttocks and sat on the steps above.
She glared at the man like the giant spirit, some fear and some excitement in her eyes.
Qin Dynasty hands, shoulders, together carrying the misty seal, put the giant seal aside.
The ground was shaking violently again.
Tonight's ethereal palace is bound to be a bit noisy.
"You, who are you in the way of How can you have such great strength... "
"You don't have to know who I am."
Qin Dynasty this time, also wasted a lot of energy.
Fortunately, he was born with enough vitality, otherwise he would be empty.
"You just need to know that your ass is going to be miserable."
"Help, help..."
Xuanyuan night rain thought of this matter, immediately scared face white, hastily turned to run away.
"Where to run!"
The Qin Dynasty threw out a black chain to the girl who wanted to escape.
The prison soul lock is like a spirit snake. It is wrapped around the waist of Xuanyuan night rain.
Xuanyuan night rain only had time to exclaim, and was pulled back by the strength from his waist and arrived in the arms of the Qin Dynasty.
The little monkey is brave, waving claws, toward the direction of the master rushed.
And suddenly a white sword fell from the sky and inserted it in front of it and stabbed into the land in front of him.
The little monkey was scared and sat on the ground, honest.
"Let go of me, you bad man!"Xuanyuan night rain suddenly swung his sleeve, wrapped in vitality, a misty cloud sleeve, toward the face of the Qin Dynasty.
"Well done."
Qin Dynasty backhand a palm, nine you magic palm clapped up.
This palm, with nine you Yin Fire, instantly ignited Xuanyuan night rain's sleeve.
Xuanyuan was shocked by the rain at night and quickly pulled off his right sleeve.
The sleeve fell to the ground, and was quickly devoured by the white flame.
And she, a snow-white arm, with a bright attractive shoulder, appeared in the sight of the Qin Dynasty.
In the end is a beauty, such as spring, Qin Dynasty can not help but stay.
Xuanyuan night rain big shame, no matter what kind of palm, kick to the Qin Dynasty's crotch.
The Qin Dynasty immediately reached out his hand, took her feet, mixed her body, and carried it to his shoulders.
Xuanyuan night rain only felt a burst of clouds, his head on the back of the Qin Dynasty.
She was suddenly embarrassed and anxious, two small fists, with vitality, kept beating on the back of the Qin Dynasty.
"Bad man, you, you let me go!"
Xuanyuan night rain how to say, is also the master of Yuanying period.
But her fist, with so much vigor, blew on the back of the Qin Dynasty. Except for the dull sound of beating drums, there was nothing wrong with her.
"You fight."
Qin Dynasty hey hey a smile, stretched out the palm, "I also want to fight."
With that, he slapped on the crisp part of Xuanyuan night rain.
A crisp sound, Xuanyuan night rain only feel a part of the burning pain, more is shame, let her blush fever, aggrieved tears in the eye circles.
"Bad guys, you can't die easily, Wuwuwuwu..."
"Scold, I let you curse!"
Qin chaopa is a slap.
"You're hateful, you son of a bitch, you're filthy, you're mean, you're shameless!"
Xuanyuan night rain immediately searched all the swearing words in this life.
"I'll let you curse!"
The Qin Dynasty started with a slap in the face.
Xuanyuan night rain is also a stubborn temper, typical stubborn donkey, endure pain, continue to scold endless.
Qin Dynasty also did not know how many slaps, their wrists are a little sour.
"I said It's ok if you finish scolding... "
Xuanyuan night rain bit the silver teeth and looked back at the Qin Dynasty, "come on, let's fight another 300 rounds! Although my accomplishments are not as good as you, I will never bow down and admit defeat to you! "
Hello Is it OK for you to be beaten... "
Qin Dynasty said, stretched out his hand, touched the crisp part of Xuanyuan night rain, "or say, you were hit very cool?"
The concept of touching it is absolutely different from hitting it.
Fight up, strange ache, Xuanyuan night rain also regard as shame.
If you touch it, it doesn't feel right.
Immediately, a strange feeling attacked Xuanyuan night rain.
She trembled a little, blushed, bit her silver teeth, and was silent.
"Headmaster Xuanyuan, why don't you speak? Are you tired? "
The Qin Dynasty thought that the girl gave up and couldn't help joking, "or are you going to put up with this, and then take your four family members to destroy my prestige?"
"I, where did I call the people of the four families..."
Xuanyuan night rain tears, originally just in the eye circle. Now, poushuo Shuo came down and said, "I, I'm just a useless palace master Where else can I go, and what prestige can I have
"Why are you crying..."
The most frightening thing in Qin Dynasty is that girls cry.
This Xuanyuan night rain cry, he also can't bear to teach again, then put her down.
Xuanyuan night rain feet fell to the ground, immediately felt a hot pain in a certain part, can not help but curl his mouth.
"You men, only make us girls cry This is your man's greatest ability. "
She cried and said.
"Who said that!"
The Qin Dynasty immediately raised eyebrows, "my uncle's ability is great, but you haven't had a chance to see it!"
"Bah! What else can you do besides bullying me, the little master of the ethereal palace
Xuanyuan night rain does not admit defeat.
"You see, how can you say that you are also the leader of the misty peak? How shameful it is to cry when you cry."
The Qin Dynasty wiped her tears.
Feeling the warmth of Qin Dynasty's hand, Xuanyuan night rain suddenly felt a flutter.This man He, in fact, is very good.
God, what are you thinking.
I was almost cheated by the man's rhetoric.
She stretched out her hand and clapped open the hand of the Qin Dynasty, "I don't need you to persuade me! What's more, the leader of misty peak, this word is just a joke now. "
She said, secretly rubbed some part of herself, and then sneered, "the people of the four families have long denied the blood of the Xuanyuan people. The Oriental family wants to replace it. I want to thank them for their kindness when I can live here. "
"Do you mean that your rights have been suspended?"
Qin asked.
"In fact There's no way. "
Xuanyuan night rain sighed, "the eight schools, only the system of misty peak is the most strange. The leaders of each generation are members of the Xuanyuan family, just like the hereditary emperor. However, after all, there is a generation whose strength is not good. Like me, Xuanyuan night rain. My mother died early, and I was only 13 when I ascended the throne. At that time, the Oriental family was the most powerful, oriental cherry and they directly elevated all my rights. Now, I have nothing but Ding Ding Ding, and this vast and ethereal palace. "
Xuanyuan night rain said, stretched out his hand, bear the pain, bent down, and picked up his own little monkey.
Little monkey is very clever, wipe tears for master.
The Qin Dynasty suddenly understood why the Xuanyuan night rain would lead him here and trapped him here.
She is really lonely, just want to find someone to accompany her.
In this case
Qin Dynasty walked a few steps to Xuanyuan night rain, put a hand on her snow-white shoulder, gently asked, "would you like to leave this empty and ethereal palace?"
"You, what do you mean by that..."
Shoulder was touched, Xuanyuan night rain a surprise, but inexplicably some indifferent.
Anyway, the buttocks were touched, not to mention the shoulders.
Is this guy destined to bully himself?
"I can make a deal with you."
The Qin Dynasty began to play the role of the devil again.
"What deal?"
Xuanyuan night rain is not very clear.
"I'm willing to take you out of this place and let you out into the world. However, the price is that you have to join a new sect What's more, it's still the devil's road
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