Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 957

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Chapter 957

Once on the misty peak, it was really lively.
Qin Dynasty looked around the three or five groups of practitioners, one by one happily came to congratulate, the heart can not help sneering.
It's lively. Now the more lively, the better.
Anyway, after a day, it will be more lively here.
"Master, there's a good atmosphere here"
when Li Weilong came to the misty peak for the first time, he couldn't help saying that when he saw the huge sect and the grand hall.
"Yes, yes, at least more than ten times bigger than our jinxianmen!"
Meiya also exclaimed, a pair of black eyes swam back and forth, as if to take a panoramic view of the entire misty peak.
"Misty peak is different from jinxianmen."
Seeing that Bai Zheng's face was not very good, Bai Ye quickly interposed, "misty peak is a big sect that has existed for thousands of years. In these thousands of years, they have been absorbing idle small sects and expanding themselves. Only in this way can we have such a big situation today and become one of the eight major sects of the right path. The jinxianmen sect has been established for only a hundred years. If you practice well and develop slowly, maybe we will become such a big existence. "
"You are right."
Bai Zheng felt more comfortable after hearing this.
Qin Dynasty in the heart with a smile, Bai Zheng in this respect is a child temper.
According to the current situation, it takes a long time for jinxianmen to become such a big sect as misty peak. The most important thing is that a genius is needed to hold the scene.
For example, for example, luochamen has been depressed for a long time, and as soon as he reestablishes his faction, many people who come in admiration will join in. With more students earning new income, the more talents can be developed. With the talent, the school has the foundation.
There are too few disciples of Jinxian sect. Although Qiu Fenglan's talent is good, she still has a long way to go compared with FA Xiang and Su Ji.
"It's quite lively here."
He Zhenyu looked east and West and said, "many schools have come to congratulate Egypt"
"of course."
White leaf told the old four, "master candle dragon is the master of thunder robbery period, the great immortal. His marriage, of course, is going to be a riot. In other words, I didn't see the people of the Beitang family. "
"The people of the Beitang family are busy investigating the disappearances in recent days."
A disciple of the misty peak saw the jinxianmen people from a distance, and went to them.
Hearing Bai Ye's words, he said.
"Nangong immortal, long time no see!"
When Bai Zheng saw the middle-aged man in a golden red robe, his eyes suddenly brightened and went forward to salute.
"Hi, Bai Zheng, we've known each other for many years. Why are we so polite. Return Nangong immortal. Why don't you call me Nangong immortal. "
"Hehe, I'm the head of a family now, so it's natural to remember more politeness in my heart."
Bai Zheng laughed and hugged the Nangong family's disciples warmly.
Sleeping trough, these two are not good friends!
They just hugged each other for a long time, and started talking.
"Bai Zheng, I haven't seen you for more than 20 years, but you are getting younger and younger."
"It's not because the cultivation is slightly advanced."
Bai Zheng laughed and said, "it's you. Nangong Liang, Nangong Liang. If you don't advance, you will retreat."
"Hey, I'm still obsessed with pills and have no heart to practice, you know. Are these your disciples
Nangong Liang looks at Li Weilong and them.
"Come on, let me introduce you."
Bai Zheng immediately introduced his disciples to Nangong Liang, then pointed to the Qin Dynasty and said.
"This is Qin Shi, Qin Zhenren. The friends I met on the road are very helpful to us
Nangong Liang flashed his eyes and saluted the Qin Dynasty.
"I'm a disciple of Nangong family in the misty peak. Zhenzhen Qin is very polite."
"Nangong immortal, you are very polite."
The Qin Dynasty hastily replied, "in the 12th year of the lower Qin Dynasty, I was a monk in the mountains and fields. Because my late tutor and master candle dragon had some old friends, I came to congratulate him and express my feelings."
"In other words, how did immortal Qin save my brother Bai?"
Nangong Liang doesn't seem to be curious about the origin of the Qin Dynasty. On the contrary, he is quite a gossip.
"On the way, I met a spirit named Ji Yuanyuan, with a group of people in black, who attacked me and the Longyou sect. Zhang Yumin, the leader of Longyou sect, has been kidnapped. Fortunately, I had the help of Zhenzhen Qin, and I was lucky to escape
"It's them again..."
Nangong Liang could not help frowning, "you are not the first one. Before you, there are still some leaders of small sects who have been poisoned. Who on earth is Ji Yuanyuan doing such a thing. Is it the enemy of our misty peak who deliberately destroys the prestige of our misty peak"This matter is not trivial. Nangong Liang, you should have a good investigation."
"Of course."
South palace bright spot nods, "the person of North Hall family, be to investigate this matter all the time."
"Well Is Beitang batian busy with this
After listening for a long time, Bai Ye couldn't help asking.
"Oh, this is?"
"This is sister-in-law, Bai Ye. I used to come to the misty peak with me once, but you didn't see it when you were busy refining pills
"Oh, oh, I see."
Nangong Liang joked, "I didn't expect Bai Zheng to have a simple face, but your younger sister is so beautiful. Tut Tut, how did you do this? Did Bai Zheng hit the ground first after you came out? "
“…… How about a competition between us? Let's show you my golden lion sword spirit
On Bai Zheng's face, green tendons jumped.
"Ah ha ha, that doesn't need to be. I'm a waste firewood for refining medicine, but I can't compare with your great immortal Bai Zheng. Let's go. Let's go. I'll take you to where you live. "
Nangong Liang was fond of joking, but he didn't care about these things, which made Qin Dynasty a little different.
He always thought that the misty peak was full of pedantic and arrogant people.
"The first time you came to Misty peak, I'm free, so I'll tell you something about it."
Nangong Liang walked all the way and said to the disciples of Bai Zheng.
"There are five palaces on this misty peak. They are the East, West, North and South palaces. In the middle, it is surrounded by the ethereal palace. In the misty palace, people live in the misty peak for generations, the people of Xuanyuan people. "
"I haven't seen Xuanyuan people appear for a long time."
Bai Zheng said with emotion.
"Now the power of the Xuanyuan clan is getting weaker and weaker."
Nangong Liang sighed, "now that the Oriental family is strong, there is a tendency to become the master of the misty peak. Frankly speaking, it's not because master candle dragon is the most powerful one now, and the other masters are not worried about these things, and they are devoted to practice. "
"By the way, how are you, the man in Qingyi of Nangong family
"It's still closed."
Nangong Liang shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know when I can get out of the pass. However, on the day of great happiness, master candlelong has to show his face, otherwise the master can't agree with him "
" it seems that the misty peak is not very peaceful. "
Bai Zheng said.
"Of course, it's still quiet in Jinxian gate. Sometimes, I really want to hide in your sect to refine medicine. "
"I'll just think about it."
Bai Zheng said in a hurry, "jinxianmen doesn't have so many natural treasures to toss about for you."
"Haha, I'll just say that I can't give up the precious land of misty peak"
Nangong Liang laughs.
Several people walked all the way to Nangong. Along the way, they met a lot of people from the Xiuzhen world, from different sects to different sects.
The Qin Dynasty also saw people from the other eight sects, as well as those from the six sects.
Since ancient times, misty peak has been a sea of rivers and rivers. This time, it is a great joy for the master candlelong. According to the rules, as long as the people of the six evil ways do not make trouble, other noble and decent sects are not easy to challenge.
Everyone was at peace, except for some fierce confrontation in their eyes.
Qin Dynasty even saw the people of luochamen. Mo Ling and Xiao Bai, with a kind of disciples, stood aside and talked to Hu Qing's people.
However, Yan Luomen, a hidden sect, did not show up.
Now there are more mysterious military officers. I don't know what they are going to do.
"Bai Zheng, you and your disciples will have a rest here for one night. Tomorrow is the great day for master candlelong, and everyone will be in a good mood. I don't know if you've met Hua Niang before. She's really a beautiful woman, ed. I won't talk to you for a moment. I'll go to xigongnasuo to have some herbs. "
Nangong Liang said, shaking his head and going out.
"Brother Nangong!"
And white leaf, suddenly reached out to stop him.
"Why, is there anything else?"
"That Brother Nangong If you can see the little Lord of the northern palace Please give me a message. "
"Ah, yes," you said
"That If you see the young master of the northern palace, help me tell him that the white leaf of jinxianmen is coming. "
"Oh, that's all. If I meet him, I will convey it. Don't worry
Gong Duoliang didn't want to leave.
Bai Zheng looked at his infatuated sister and couldn't help shaking his head.
The Qin Dynasty also shook his head in his heart. You should know that Beigong batian likes his sister Yi Yuanmeng. Moreover, Beigong batian is rude and rude, so he is not a good companion.
Of course, white leaf's temper is not good, where to go, two people together is a perfect match?Qin Dynasty is also a joke that although Bai Ye is not very good to himself, he is very gentle and peaceful to the disciples.
It would be bad luck for her to follow Beigong batian.
However, in this world, the most difficult to say is a word of love.
If Bai Ye is determined to follow Beigong batian, it can't be stopped.
Qin Dynasty is also too lazy to take care of these emotional matters, he came this time, but has a big plan.
However, it is still early now, and what I have to do is to rest assured here and stay still.
Nangong Liang arranged several rooms for them, because there were too many people to celebrate this time. Bai Zheng and his wife could only have a few people in one room.
Although the Qin Dynasty was not alone, it was difficult for him. Because he has 3000 luochagui, everything is not a problem.
"Let's practice and have a rest."
Let Bai Ye and Meiya live next door. Bai Zheng, as a teacher, first sits down on the bed and says, "concentrate on cultivation. This night will soon pass. Tomorrow, we will show the spirit of jinxianmen. Don't let outsiders see the joke. I'm still in need of healing. Don't disturb me. Zhenzhen Qin, if you have anything to do, just call on my big apprentice. "
With that, he nodded to the Qin Dynasty, then closed his eyes and began to concentrate on healing.
"Immortal Qin, if you have anything to do with it."
Li Weilong also said politely, and then began to meditate.
The same was true of other disciples. The Qin Dynasty also sat cross legged and pretended to be in practice.
He had a magic pill, so he didn't need to practice at all.
But since it's acting, we have to put in a little bit.
The sun was sinking and the night was falling. When the noise outside slowly disappeared, the Qin Dynasty knew that it was time.
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