Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1269

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Chapter 1269

Arsha is looking for his partner.
He called everyone's name, but everyone could respond to him.
He was more desperate.
"Feel lonely?"
At this time, the voice of the Qin Dynasty suddenly rang around him, "do you want to go with them?"
"Asshole, are you here?"
Arshaton raised his gun and shot in the direction of the voice of Qin Dynasty.
The bullets poured out.
"Ah, ah! My legs
Talabas screamed, "arsha, you bastard, you broke my leg!"
"Yes, chief, I'm sorry! I, I thought I was fighting the devil... "
Arsha's cold sweat was coming out.
"Yes, I am indeed a devil."
At this moment, the sound began to ring again.
At this time, the smoke also gradually dissipated.
A clear figure, standing in front of the ground in Alsha.
He was the bodyguard in the black suit. At this time, he stretched out his hand and easily grasped arsha's neck. He lifted the man, who was more than 1.8 meters tall, into the air.
Arsha tried to kick his legs, but could not open the hands of the Qin Dynasty.
"I am the devil who has come to send you to hell! Go to hell
As soon as the hands of the Qin Dynasty were forced and a click was made, the neck of arsha was broken.
The man who had been following talabas left and right was thus killed.
Tarabarton's eyes were red.
This man, but his left and right hand, do not know how many years to follow in their own!
His regime was able to rise a little bit, and it can be said that a large part of it was with the help of arsha.
Now, arsha, is that all that's dead?
"Now, you say, which of us is the hero who died miserably?"
The Qin Dynasty stood in front of talaba and asked.
"Oh, no, I forgot, you're not a hero at all. You're just a wretch."
"Damn it, die for me!"
Talaba was furious, and his AK was lifted up and opened fire on the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty jumped to the side, and then ran around Taraba's body.
Talaba's bullets could not catch up with the pace of the Qin Dynasty.
"Damn it, die, die!"
The bullets poured out like crazy.
But the 30 rounds of the cartridge clip was quickly emptied.
Talabas quickly began to change the magazine.
But the figure of Qin Dynasty suddenly appeared beside him, flew a foot, and kicked the AK out.
"You don't have a chance."
Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand, raised the gun, pointed at talaba's forehead, "now, go to hell."
And he's going to pull the trigger.
"Dare you kill me?"
Talabas laughed. "I planted a bomb in this school. Only I know the location! I've just activated the timer. In an hour, the bomb will explode! At that time, the whole school will go to the west, ha ha ha ha
"Do you think I can't do this?"
The Qin Dynasty sneered, and he shot talaba on the forehead.
The bullet pierced talaba's forehead. He didn't understand why the man was so cruel that he didn't care about the bomb.
But the Qin Dynasty satisfied his curiosity. He reached out and took away the soul of this guy.
As long as there is a soul in hand, the location of the bomb is not surprising.
"Qin Dynasty, how did you kill him?"
Su Fei returned to the door and saw talabas lying on the ground. Her face was pale. "Here, there is a bomb buried."
"Don't worry, I know..."
Before Qin Dynasty's words could be finished, Su Fei suddenly exclaimed.
Then, her figure, instantly pulled away.
Oh, no, there are people!
The Qin Dynasty was shocked, and his body turned into a mirage and rushed to the outside of the classroom in an instant.
Fang Wen only felt a flower in front of her eyes, and elder brother Qin's figure disappeared.
Where's brother Qin?
At this time, the Qin Dynasty came out of the corridor, only to see that Princess Su was dragged by a dark figure and jumped out of the window at the end of the corridor.
They are not ordinary people!
Qin Dynasty in the heart of hair tight, hurriedly after in the back, followed by jumping out of the window.
At the same time, the SWAT team arrived.
They peered through the window, ready to throw tear gas in.
But when the person in charge looked, there were several bodies lying inside.Oh, no!
Did you kill another hostage?
But a closer look, lying there, are all terrorists with guns in their hands.
Something's wrong. What's going on?
"Platoon leader What to do It's weird... "
"Wait a minute. I don't know what the gangster's trick is..."
The platoon leader was very experienced, and did not rush in, but said very steadily.
Several special police members were about to wait when a man rushed out of the classroom door.
The special police officers were surprised and subconsciously raised their pistols.
The platoon leader saw the man's appearance and exclaimed in a hurry.
"Wait a minute! Don't shoot
These special police then see, originally rushed out of the classroom is a very beautiful girl.
Fang Wen ran out of the classroom, saw a few armed special police, but also a shock.
Especially when the other side's guns are all aimed at themselves.
It's terrible.
"I, I'm not a gangster!"
She quickly raised her hand.
"We know."
The platoon leader quickly waved to her, "come on, we're going to attack!"
"No, the bandits are dead."
Fang Wen said quickly.
"What? Are they all dead? "
The Swat members looked at each other.
"Well Elder brother Qin solved them... "
"Brother Qin? What elder brother Qin? Who is elder brother Qin
The platoon leader asked.
"He, he is the security guard of the school..."
Fang Wen said.
A bunch of special police, more stupid.
"No way, how could it be..."
A SWAT member walked cautiously to the door and looked inside.
Sure enough, all the bandits inside fell to the ground.
Even talaba, the leader who appeared on the screen before, was lying in a pool of blood.
"It's all right!"
He gaped and made a gesture.
Are they really killed?
It's amazing!
How can a security guard do this?
"And the security guard?"
The platoon leader immediately asked.
"Headmaster Su has been arrested He went to save her... "
Fang Wen replied.
"And hostages?"
The platoon leader looked sharp. "Where have they been?"
"I don't know. As soon as I came out, you came..."
Fang Wen shook her head.
Brother Qin, please don't get in the way
"Inform Xie team that most of the hostages have been rescued, and there are still school principals left to ask for a search and arrest operation."
Although Xie Jun is a bit confused, the most important thing for the hostage is to approve it.
He was even more surprised to learn that even talaba was dead.
Qin Dynasty
Isn't that the school security officer I'm still from the seventh subject.
The last high school stabbing incident, which he helped to crack.
It turns out that he is here, so no wonder
This time, I was lucky enough
If it wasn't for that guy
It's really going to be a problem.
I hope he can save the eldest lady of the Su family!
At this time, the Qin Dynasty, which was hoped by Xie Jun, was jumping between the buildings of Guangyuan school.
He chased the shadow ahead.
The shadow was holding Princess Su in his arms.
Although I don't know who the shadow is, Qin Dynasty felt a familiar breath in him.
What's more, he also exudes a strong sense of stillness.
Qin Dynasty in the first judgment, almost thought he was a corpse king!
But it's not completely dead.
So, I feel very strange
He, in the end, who is it? Why did he take Sufei!
"Let go of me, asshole, let go of me..."
Su Fei is in that person's arms, struggling desperately, a pair of beautiful legs wrapped in trousers, constantly kicking.
"Are you an idiot?"
The shadow suddenly said, "my mission is to kill you And revenge
From this man, Su Fei felt a very oppressive murderous spirit and hatred.
She was so shocked that she didn't dare to speak.
This guy, how could he have such a terrible hatred!
The Qin Dynasty also heard the word revenge.Who's this guy? It's like this hate comes from himself
But I have so many enemies that I can't remember who they are.
"Put her down!"
Qin Dynasty did not have time to think too much, he faced the distant shadow, launched the spirit.
All of them have already shuttled between the buildings. I'm afraid Su Fei is full of surprise and doubt.
Indeed, Princess Su is very surprised now.
The distance between each building is at least 10 to 20 meters.
And holding his own man, can jump without obstacles, like Superman!
That's terrible enough!
After death, Qin Dynasty, can be so!
Oh, my God! What the hell is going on here!
Who can come? Tell me what's in the way
Su Fei was held by the man and fell on the top of a building. When she wanted to jump up again, the spirit of the Qin Dynasty also fell.
This mind, directly locked in the body of the shadow.
In an instant, the shadow's body stopped for a moment.
The Qin Dynasty is very surprised, his idea art, unexpectedly the effect is so weak?
But it was enough for him to stop.
"Let go of her!"
Qin Dynasty turned into a black shadow, which fell on the side of the shadow in an instant.
At the same time, he punched the shadow on the back and rushed forward a few steps.
The imperial concubine Su was seized by the Qin Dynasty and held in her arms.
"Qin Dynasty..."
Su Fei looked at the Qin Dynasty and felt safe again.
Heart, warm
The shadow dashed forward a few times and then stopped.
He turned and looked at the Qin Dynasty.
The man was wearing a black cloak with white bandages around the exposed parts of his hands and feet.
His face was hidden under his cloak, as if covered with something, even the Qin Dynasty's eyesight, can not see clearly.
"Jie Jie, I can finally fight with you..."
The black shadow, though she had lost her concubine, was not angry. Instead, she began to laugh.
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