Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1145

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Chapter 1145

Especially the women here, a top of the beautiful, wear very little, want to see where you want to see.
One by one, they are much more beautiful than the new daughter-in-law of the two pillars.
In the village, the hammer always thought that the new daughter-in-law of the second pillar was the most beautiful, just like a fairy. That buttocks, that waist, let him have a good time, lingering.
But now, let him go back to play again, he is not that interested.
The grade is too low!
Look at these women, one by one, they are beautiful like goblins.
Especially in front of this woman, real water, if you can sleep with her, two years less is worth living!
Thinking of this, the hammer looked into Shi Ying's eyes and couldn't help but emit a trace of lustrous light.
Shi Ying is very sensitive to pornographic light. She frowns and steps back to hide behind the Qin Dynasty.
"Boy, don't you like to pretend to be a hero? Today I'll kill you to let you know that no one can be a hero."
Hammer carrying brick, hey ran smile way.
These men in the city are powerless in their own hands. I can play several of them without breathing.
A few days ago, I saw a lot of men, dressed like women, showy, almost did not let the hammer disgust to death.
"I can give you a chance now."
The Qin Dynasty stood there and said faintly, "if you take out the money and return it to its original owner within a minute, I will let you go. Otherwise, a person who leaves an arm will be punished. "
"Lying trough, this fart, also not afraid of the wind, flashing tongue."
The hammer couldn't help laughing, "you city people, it's your mouth. I'll see how you left my arm today
Said, according to the face door of the Qin Dynasty, a brick was patted down.
"Be careful, young man."
The old man exclaimed, and quickly called out.
Shi Ying knew something about the Qin Dynasty, but she was still nervous when she saw this brick.
Hammer is also proud of the heart, how to say a word, no matter how tall, a brick down.
No matter how tall the fool is, he is not the opponent of his own bricks.
And then, the kid was stupid.
Because this brick was shot down, but was stretched out by the Qin Dynasty, to easily broken.
The hammer is stupid, so is Zhang Xingrong.
Is this hard Qigong?
Or is the quality of this brick poor?
The hammer picked up the plate and smashed it with his fist.
Immediately, the pain of his straight tears, hands immediately swollen up.
Lying trough, it's so hard to turn around!
This guy really knows hard Qigong!
It's a hit.
"30 seconds left..."
The Qin Dynasty claps the brick ash on the hand, continues to say coldly.
The old man was relieved.
The heart said, where does this girl know the young man, the person is good, zealous to help, also can some Kung Fu, looks like.
If he was there, no one would dare to bully my daughter and granddaughter in the future
Do you want this boy to work hard and become his son-in-law?
It's reliable. I have to talk to my daughter.
Otherwise, she is a woman, with a child, wandering in this big city, too difficult.
If you can get a good son-in-law for 50000 yuan, you will be worth it.
Daughter's happiness is the most important thing. The old man who is buried in the soil can value what money he doesn't have. Isn't it all to lay a foundation for his daughter and granddaughter.
He's not qualified to be a father and grandfather. He didn't leave anything for the people below.
Take a look at the holiday in this big city. My mother-in-law will have to spend about one million yuan on a large land!
Grab money!
Even if I sell my kidney, I can't afford to buy a house. I heard that it's enough to buy an apple
Apple that thing a few yuan a catty, I really can't imagine why some people are so upset.
It seems that life is not easy now. It's really hard to buy some apples to eat.
The old man guessed.
"Five seconds to go."
The Qin Dynasty continued to report seconds.
"We don't cheat. You don't have to be here!"
Zhang Xingrong couldn't help saying.
"Shit, don't think it's great to have some Kung Fu! You can kill me
The hammer went on shouting.
Qin Dynasty shakes his head, some people, just owe a lesson.
He reached out and grabbed the hammer's arm directly.
Then, with a pull and a pull, the right arm of the hammer snapped, and the bone broke from inside.
"Ah! My hand! AhHammer pain eyes black, directly holding the arm kneeling on the ground, the whole body straight out of cold sweat.
Zhang Xingrong is silly, he did not expect, this person really dares to start!
Look at the pain of the hammer. The arm must be broken.
And his arm, in the blink of an eye, was as thick as his leg.
"Hit! Hit people
Zhang Xingrong knew that he couldn't beat each other, so he directly raised his voice and called out.
It happened that there were two policemen nearby who heard the noise and immediately came over.
Originally, the bank guard also came out, but saw the police coming, did not continue to join in the fun.
After all, it's the bank guard who is only responsible for the security of the bank.
"What's going on?"
Asked a policeman.
"Comrades of the police, they beat people and steal money!"
Zhang Xingrong immediately came forward and cried out first.
"You fart
The old man is shaking with anger. This bastard can turn black and white.
Two policemen looked at each other and robbed at the door of the bank. They were brave enough.
"police comrades, if we don't give them, they have to hit people! My nephew, however, resisted and was beaten! Look! My nephew's arm has been broken
He cried, pointing to his nephew.
Two policemen looked, sure enough, a peasant worker dressed up man, an arm hanging, swollen with legs like, pain repeatedly howling.
All of a sudden, the two policemen were somewhat serious.
Recently, it is said that there is a group of human organ trafficking gangs, which are specially targeted at migrant workers in the city. They make them dizzy, lose their kidneys, and then sell them.
After picking, the migrant workers were thrown next to the hospital.
These people are extremely cunning, and have not been able to solve the case for more than a month.
Therefore, the safety of migrant workers is a big problem.
Today, if you say big or small, it seems that you will not be able to correct it.
"police comrade, you must make decisions for my nephew
Zhang continued.
"Not so, comrade police."
Shi Ying quickly came to explain, "this man is a liar. He cheated my father 50000 yuan with a fake lottery ticket. We want money and they don't pay it back, and they start beating people. They do it first, my friend. It's just self-defense. There's a surveillance video at the door of the bank
"Nonsense! It is clear that you are the first to rob us, so we have to resist! "
Zhang Xingrong continues to confuse right and wrong.
The two policemen were confused. What happened.
"Follow me back to the bureau to investigate."
The two policemen did not understand for a moment, so they had to take a few people back.
"Just leave it to me."
Qin Dynasty suddenly ordered to these two policemen, "you continue to be busy with you, don't come to hinder me."
"Good, you!"
Zhang Xingrong couldn't help laughing, "how dare you bully the police! Police comrade, you see, this guy is too arrogant! "
"Comrade, please cooperate with us in the performance of our official duties."
A young policeman couldn't help saying.
The colleague next to him was a little older and secretly grabbed him.
In this big Shanghai, many people have their own Beijing.
He felt that the man in front of him seemed to be a little difficult to get along with.
As a senior policeman, he knew that he should know the identity of this man first.
"Excuse me, are you..."
The Qin Dynasty did not answer, but took out a certificate directly and showed it to the policeman.
After seeing this, the policeman's face changed greatly and immediately saluted Qin Chao.
"Comrade special commissioner!"
He said quickly, "we won't disturb you to handle the case. You can keep busy. If you need our cooperation, please say it."
"Well, you can wait. These two people will be left to you in the end. "
Qin Dynasty pointed to two swindlers and said.
The young policeman also recognized the document.
The special commissioners of section 7, now the police, are basically popularizing the knowledge of section 7.
Because with the Tokyo incident, the national treasure incident, and the Washington incident a while ago, the reputation of the seventh section is getting more and more famous.
These two people did not expect to see a legendary special commissioner of section 7 here.
By the way, I heard that today the special police team came to the people's Square. I don't know what's going on.
Is this special commissioner here for this.
All sorts of conjectures were in the minds of the two policemen.Respect the old man. How can you respect the old man?
He, who is he?
Although Shi Ying was also surprised, because she knew that the Qin Dynasty was different, she could accept some.
The most unacceptable are Zhang Xingrong and hammer.
These two people also hope that the police comrades can "make decisions" for them.
Now, it's up to the madman.
"It seems that you are not going to pay back the money. Forget it, we don't want it. We'll leave it for you two therapists."
Qin Dynasty says, toward that Zhang Xingrong walked past.
"Wait! Wait
Zhang Xingrong yelled and said, "I'll pay back the money, I'll pay back the money now!"
He already knew that this man was not easy to be provoked.
I'm too unlucky to meet such a difficult guy!
The skill is so good, the background is so hard!
My own 50000 yuan, which is enough to cure two people's hands!
From the hammer's nearly fainting appearance, we can see that his arm is completely useless.
No matter how much money, I'm afraid it won't go back.
Zhang Xingrong took out a paper bag from his arms and handed it back.
My uncle is very happy that his daughter has such a capable friend.
The 50000 yuan, which was about to float, came back.
He reached out and was ready to take it back.
"Who asked you to pay back the money?"
Unexpectedly, the Qin Dynasty stopped the uncle, then coldly looked at Zhang Xingrong and said, "what I want is not money, but your hand!"
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