Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 744

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Chapter 744

At the foot of the Qin Dynasty, the river water suddenly surged up and kept tumbling.
A huge wave, round, spread at the foot of the Qin Dynasty.
The area of the diffusion is getting larger and larger, and finally it spreads all over the Sujiang River and finally hits the shore.
The Qin Dynasty holds Yang Li in his hand and floats on the Su River. At his feet, a white lotus chop, in the dark light.
"You girl, are you crazy..."
The Qin Dynasty looked at Yang Li in his arms and couldn't help but scold.
"Hee hee..."
Yes, Yang Li in her arms laughed happily, "I knew that uncle would save me. Uncle, you care about me, don't you? "
Yang Li's fingers scratched on the chest of the Qin Dynasty.
"Dead girl, don't make such a joke next time."
The depressed girl in Qin Dynasty is really crazy.
I dare to do such a frightening thing.
"Uncle Hold me a little more... "
Yang Lini, in the arms of the Qin Dynasty, said, "I love the taste of Uncle..."
Small Yang Li said, legs clip Qin Dynasty waist, head in the Qin Dynasty chest rub to rub.
Qin Dynasty felt that he was not holding a girl, but holding a sticky kitten.
"Well, well, we should go back. Your parents, I think, are in a hurry. "
"I, I don't have a dad..."
Yang Li is a burst of dejected, Qin Dynasty suddenly felt that he was a bit garrulous.
"My mom, she, she doesn't care about me either..."
Hearing Yang Li's words, the Qin Dynasty guessed. Is Xiaoyang Li a single parent's child?
"Cough, good, uncle said something wrong."
The Qin Dynasty said a word with guilt.
"If you say something wrong, you have to punish uncle."
In Yang Li's eyes, there seems to be a trace of cunning.
When the Qin Dynasty was wondering, Yang Li's mouth suddenly came up and gave a heavy kiss on the Qin Dynasty's mouth.
It's very cold.
Yang Li's lips are also very cold.
In the cool, with a little sweet.
Qin Dynasty was surprised, although Yang Li is good, is a little beautiful woman, but he really does not want to have anything with this girl.
He quickly turned back and ended his kiss with Yang Li at night.
Yang Li, however, seemed to have more than enough, licked her lips and said, "if you say something wrong, you will have to punish your mouth."
"I, I wipe And this punishment. "
Qin Chaoxin said that he would be happy to die for another man. Pointing to Yang Li, shout, resist busy, babe, punish me vigorously!
"Young Yang Li, isn't there any other boy you like in school?"
The Qin Dynasty decided to guide Yang Li in the right direction, so he held the girl and floated on the water and began his teaching method.
"No, those boys are too naive. Looks a little bit handsome, also likes to stink every day, looks in the mirror, or is homosexual, hates to die. There are too few men like Uncle! Therefore, people still like Uncle best. "
"But young Yang Li, our age gap is too big." The Qin Dynasty said, "I'm 24 years old this year, you're only 16, 7, and the difference is too big. Besides, uncle already has a girlfriend. You don't know that. "
"Uncle, you are bumpy
However, Yang Li said indifferently, "in this era, the age gap is not a problem. I've heard from people on the Internet. An expert has said that girls born in 1980s should marry boys born in 1970s. The boys born in the 1980s can make great efforts to marry a girl of 20 at the age of 40. In this way, the problem of the house will be solved. "
"Go to him, expert!"
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help cursing.
"And oh, it doesn't matter if you have a girlfriend now. Xiao San is the real king! Uncle, I'm with you. I don't ask for fame or money. As long as you can have nothing to accompany me, take me out to play, I am very happy! Then you can have my soul and my body
"I'll cut it."
Qin Dynasty is full of cold sweat, just feel like a little bit can't do this horrible little girl.
Her thoughts, a little too scary.
As one of the ten best young people in the new century, Qin Dynasty corrected his face and continued to say.
"Young Yang Li, when did your father leave you?"
"When I was 15 Because of the car accident, he died. "
Qin Dynasty turned his eyes and said, "so, that's right. In fact, in your heart, you always want to have a father's role to protect you and give you a little fatherly love. And I, my appearance, basically filled the image of your father. In fact, you don't like me or love me, but you want to be protected. I can understand it. I can take care of you and love you like a father. ""Hum, that's not true."
But Yang Li turned her lips. "Uncle, don't fool me with this outdated theory! What's more, even if the uncle is regarded as a father, now there are girls who love father complex. Even if I have an Oedipus complex, as long as I have no blood relationship with uncle, what am I afraid of! If uncle is a pervert and really needs it, when we are there, let me call dad. It's OK
"I'll make God!"
Qin Dynasty really wanted to plunge into the river and drown.
"Uncle, you see, people are so considerate and considerate of you. It's time for you to make a promise, such a good junior, where can you find AI "
" young Yang Li, can I be your brother? In the beginning, we said to be brothers and sisters? "
"Love brother?" Yang Li's eyes twinkled with a light that frightened the Qin Dynasty.
"What kind of love brother, is an ordinary brother and sister!"
"Does uncle have the habit of brother and sister love?"
Holding the waist of Qin Dynasty, Yang Li said seriously, "when we are like that, I can call my brother In this way, uncle will be satisfied. "
"That's not the problem!"
Qin Dynasty is going to be angry. He thinks he can't get this little girl!
Even Yang Li can't make a decision, let alone Han Bing.
Witches, a bunch of witches.
"Come on, don't talk nonsense. I'll take you home! Address, hurry up
However, Yang Li called out greasy and put her head on the body of the Qin Dynasty, "people don't want to go home Want uncle to hold Uncle... "
"I've been there In the middle of the night
"Uncle, you can't say that about yourself. You're not a fart."
"I'll go If you don't say it again, you will be thrown into the river! "
"Uncle, are you willing?"
Yang Li looked pitifully at the Qin Dynasty.
"Too much."
"Wuwu, uncle, you can lose it. I will be with you even if I die. "
"My God, come and help me..."
The Qin Dynasty was so sorry that it was a 10000% mistake to meet Yang Li today.
Grandma's, Leizi's later life happiness, Guan Laozhi has a dime relationship! Does he love to death! Ah!
"Yang Li, I'll give you one last chance. If you don't tell me where your home is, I'll throw you on the bridge and never care about you again! "
"Wuwu, uncle, how can you be so heartless..."
Yang Li squeezed out two tears and said, "don't you forget that when you were in Inner Mongolia that day, you said you should take good care of me, so that I would not be sad and sad."
"Eh? Did I say that? "
The Qin Dynasty touched his nose and couldn't remember what he said that day.
"Of course
As soon as Yang Li's eyes lit up, she immediately climbed the pole and said, "what you said, I can remember clearly! Hum, uncle, did you say that to many girls and forget it? "
"This, this..."
The Qin Dynasty touched his nose awkwardly. It seemed that it really hindered
So many girls like him, he seems to have said a lot of sweet words.
But later, these words are difficult to realize.
Therefore, the Qin Dynasty now, dare not move, also do not want to go emotional.
There are just too many girls to be in charge of. So, dead or alive, I don't want to add another Yang Li. But Yang Li, it seems that the girl is dead, and her heart wants to settle down with herself.
What does she want to live like this
"If you're at home, listen to me. I, a little tired, want to go back to have a rest early
"Is uncle tired?"
Yang Li immediately said with great concern, "well, my home is at 72 Changjiang Road, seven color city manor area."
Seven color city manor area, that is not Dafa group investment and construction, a very high-grade villa community!
He did not expect that Yang Li's family lived in that place.
Or is this girl lying to herself again?
"Little girl, didn't you cheat me this time?"
"No, how can I cheat uncle?"
Yang Li vowed to say that the Qin Dynasty slanted her eyes, and her heart said you cheated me just now!
"My family is really in the second building of the seven color city manor."
"Well, I'll take you home now. This time, if you cheat me again, I'll spank you
"Hee hee, do you want to wear pants or take off your pants?"
Yang Li's words, directly to the Qin Dynasty dry power.
This girl, too fierce, too fierce!Therefore, he simply did not say a word, holding Yang Li, directly flew up the river bridge, stepped on the black love ride, and left the dust.
Not long after he left, a figure came out of the darkness.
Look at his appearance. If Qin Dynasty was here, he would exclaim, "Cao Yu!"
Cao Yu held a book in his hand and wrote something on it.
"Yingtian, Yingtian, women are your weakness. It seems that as long as I plan in detail, you can die miserably. It's a pity, Wang, that I don't want you to die in my hands. What a pity, what a pity If you can kill Ying Tianxian Zun, my name of Baize will surely be praised by later generations! Wang, Wang, what do you want to do with this reincarnation... "
Bai Ze suddenly felt that for the first time, some guesses did not understand. He shook his head, and his figure disappeared into the darkness again.
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