Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 941

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Chapter 941

It seems that Su Yaogen has become a closed space.
"Your fear will only make you a coward..."
The voice continues to circle around Su Yao's ears.
Su Yao was frightened. He kept knocking on the door of the bathroom and calling out Mary's name.
"Mary! Mary! Help me
But Mary didn't seem to hear him knocking at the door, and there was no response from outside.
"Don't be afraid, it will only be the sonata of your death!"
The voice is getting closer and closer. Su Yao leans against the door of the bathroom. He feels more cold and begins to twitch.
"You, who are you Don't kill me, don't kill me... "
"Kill you? No, no, how could I have killed you. "
The voice began to laugh, and then, in front of Su Yao, a dark figure condensed into a man in a priest's robe.
He held out his hand to Su Yao. "I'm here to save you."
"Save me?"
Su Yao opened his eyes, but there was still some fear in his eyes.
Why does this person appear so strangely.
"Yes, I'm here to save you. I heard your voice... "
The priest said, stretched out his hand and gently touched his finger on Su Yao's forehead.
Feeling the chill on each other's fingers, Su yaoshuddered.
"You want to kill your two sisters And then inherit the family property, right... "
"You, how do you know..."
Su Yao is more afraid. How does he know what he thinks.
"Ha ha, I said, I can hear you."
He said, and then put his hand on Su Yao's shoulder, "I can achieve your wish..."
"Who are you How can my wish come true! "
Su Yao shook his head and didn't believe the other side's lies.
"I naturally have this power..."
The priest said, stepping back two steps, away from Su Yao.
He suddenly raised his hand and raised his arm to Su Yao.
Su Yao's body was immediately pulled up a jump, suspended in the middle of the air, close to the bathroom door.
This young master Su couldn't help exclaiming, "my God, you..."
"I said, I have the power."
As soon as the priest let go, Su Yao fell down and fell to the ground. His butt almost didn't fall into eight pieces.
Su Yao's timidity is a little less. Instead, it is a kind of expectation and excitement.
"You, can you help me?"
"Strictly speaking, it's not me that helps you, but you help yourself."
Su Yao opened his eyes, "how can I help myself..."
"Ha ha..."
The minister did not rush to answer, but took out a picture.
In the picture, it is a picture of the Qin Dynasty holding Suji.
"All your plans are destroyed by this man. You should know this man... "
"Qin Dynasty..."
Su Yao certainly knows him.
"Yes, the Qin Dynasty. In fact, he is greedy for your family's property step by step. In fact, your big sister was cheated by this man. As long as he uses more means, the property of the Su family is his. "
"Damn it!"
Su Yao hit the floor with one blow. "I knew that he was not a good thing."
"Ha ha, so if you want to take back everything from the Su family, you have to get rid of this man first!"
"It's just a little security guard. I'll buy a killer and I'll kill him."
Su Yao said scornfully.
"If you despise him, you will be defeated!"
The priest reminded him, "this man is more powerful than you think! If you want to solve him, you must have strong power and have more than ordinary people's wisdom
"Is he so good?"
Su Yao curled his lips.
"Is he fierce? All I know is that the skeletons were defeated in his hands. The killers you know, in front of this so-called little security guard, just pinch their fingers to death. "
Su Yao can't imagine that the little security guard who once had dinner with them had such great energy?
"So if you want to kill him, you must make yourself strong first! Strength and mind are indispensable! "
"But, but I'm just a down and out young master... "
Su Yao said helplessly.
"It doesn't matter. I can give it to you."
But the minister laughed, "these are not difficult. I can give you power comparable to him... ""Really?"
Su Yao's eyes lit up, "you, you're not lying to me?"
"I never lie."
The priest laughed. "But correspondingly, you have to pay a small price."
"What price..."
"Your soul..."
The pastor's answer let Su Yao take a cold breath, "soul How to give this thing to Besides, if I give it to you, I will die! "
"Ha ha You're not going to die right away
The priest laughed. "You'll have a life span of ten years."
"Ten years..."
Thinking that he can only live for ten years, Su Yao is silent.
Ten years of life is too short to do anything.
"I, I still don't want to Ha ha... "
Su Yao subconsciously wanted to refuse.
But the priest didn't want to let him go. He approached, lowered his voice and asked.
"Really? Are you going to live a lifetime of poverty? "
"At least alive, right?"
Said Su Yao.
"Ha ha, look at it..."
The priest held out a finger and pointed it on Su Yao's head.
Suddenly, Su Yao felt a flower in front of him.
In a flash, he was no longer in the bathroom of a luxury hotel, but walking in the streets of Las Vegas in rags.
His hair was as messy as a chicken coop, and his beard was unkempt and smelly.
All the passers-by hide themselves.
Su Yao felt a burst of hunger. He saw a hotel by the road, and he was about to walk inside.
The waiter at the door stopped him immediately and threw him a dollar. "Don't walk around here and beg somewhere else."
"What do you mean?"
Su Yao immediately eyebrows a pick, "I am Su Yao, the young master of Su family! I'm going to have a meal! Let me in
"You beggar are out of your mind!"
The waiter gave him a hard push and pushed him straight down the steps.
You're going to sit up and grin.
"Grass, you dare to hit me!"
"Get out of here
The waiter is too lazy to pay attention to Su Yao and turns back to the door of the hotel.
Su Yao wants to stand up and teach the waiter a lesson, but just as he gets up, he feels weak in his left foot and falls to the ground again.
There is a slight pain in the left leg, and I can't use any strength at all.
Su Yao's face turned white. He knew that he had broken his leg.
He struggled to get up, but he didn't have the ability.
"Somebody, help me..."
He didn't even have a cell phone in his pocket. He was lying on the road, asking passers-by for help.
But every passer-by ignored him and the beggar.
Su Yao called on the side of the road for a day, cold and hungry, leg swelling than the thigh is also thick.
At last, he was in despair, lying on the ground, waiting to die.
In this way, what's the meaning of living
"You see it, don't you?"
The priest took back his finger, and Su Yao immediately saw a flower and went back to the bathroom of the hotel.
His leg is fine, and there is no swelling or pain.
He had a burst of joy.
Fortunately, fortunately, nothing happened
Fortunately, I haven't become a beggar.
"You see, do you want to live on such a day?"
Asked the minister.
"I don't want it! I'd rather live ten years in the wind and light than in such a miserable life
He made his choice.
"Good. You're a smart man."
The minister nodded with satisfaction, "then come and make a contract with me. Use your soul for your strength and wisdom. "
"How, how to sign a contract?"
Su Yao didn't understand.
"It's easy. Just kiss me."
Seeing the pastor's appearance, Su Yao felt that he could not speak.
"You don't want to kiss a man, do you?"
It doesn't matter if you change the image of a beautiful woman
He says, the body changes a bit, black smoke recombines.
Then, a beautiful woman appeared in front of Su Yao.
This beauty is indeed a feast for the eyes, but Su Yao is stunned.
Because, this is clearly the appearance of Princess Su, wearing black glasses, her face is elegant.
She lowered her head and gently hugged Su Yao's head.Then, the attractive red lips, on his lips.
Su Yao was stunned.
This, this is my sister!
Although I like to play with women, but I never beat my sister's mind, OK!
At the same time, he was puzzled and confused.
The devil was aware of this feeling on Su Yao, and his eyes were filled with pride.
He, this is to promote a kind of evil change in Su Yao's heart.
After this kiss, Su Yao felt a different kind of himself.
In the body, it seems that there is a kind of power, constantly emerging.
The mind has never been so clear. The whole world, in his eyes, seemed different.
"Well You can call on my power now It's time for me to be in this world It's up to you to kill the Qin Dynasty... "
The figure of Princess Su, slowly faded, turned into black smoke again, surging back and forth.
"Who are you..."
Su Yao asked.
"My name It's called Mamen... "
With these words, the shadow disappeared completely.
In the bathroom, the cold breath disappeared.
Su Yao whispered the name.
He sneered, Qin Dynasty, your good day is coming.
Su Yao turns around and wants to open the bathroom door, but finds it still locked.
Subconsciously, he stretched out his hand and swung it toward the door.
The lock jumped open and opened, revealing Mary sitting in the living room watching TV.
Mary was wearing pajamas, her white skin was bare, and her thighs were hidden under her pajamas. It was very attractive.
Thinking of a kiss with his sister just now, Su Yao felt a rush of blood boiling.
He couldn't help walking towards Mary.
"Well, master Su, why have you been working so long? This TV is good. Would you like to watch it together
"Ha ha, I am not in the mood to watch TV now..."
Su Yao is very rough, pushing Mary down on the sofa and tearing off her pajamas.
"Ah, master Su, what are you going to do..."
Mary exclaimed, though they often did, this time it was too sudden.
"Of course it's you."
Su Yao wanted to burn himself with fire. There was no foreplay at all. He went straight in.
Mary screamed. She only felt that Su Yao's size was three or four times larger than usual Oh, my God. Did he take drugs in the bathroom!
Only Su Yao understood what was going on. He was elated and galloped on Mary.
Sooner or later, he will defeat the Qin Dynasty! Then, take in two sisters, wahahaha!
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