Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1023

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Chapter 1023

Everything seems to have come to an end.
This meeting of Hongmeng Taoism was full of twists and turns.
All the practitioners are in a complex mood.
Compared with the previous years, there are more black horse luochamen, and then there is the matter of yanluomen and the witch.
Almost, these noble sects and decent sects all turned into nothingness together with the misty peak.
The reason why we are safe and well, to thank the people, is the gate master of luochamen Qin Dynasty.
Shen Qing's mind is more complicated.
I don't know how many times, this evil way of the Qin Dynasty, these decent people to save them.
It's true that I don't want to owe the Qin Dynasty, but I still owe it.
Oriental cherry is also pale, suppressing the panic in the heart.
Ji Yuanyuan almost killed her!
Does the immortal envoy care about her life or death?
It is estimated that the immortal emissary is angry because he has done things badly for many times
Alas, these people who work for the fairyland look very beautiful. In fact, they are not a dog of others. They will be killed if they say they don't like it.
There is a sentence is how to say, accompany a gentleman like to accompany a tiger
The people of all sects were determined to thank the Qin Dynasty. However, there are some sects that dare not even say a word. Because before under the command of Shen Dong, they fought against the Qin Dynasty. Now the Qin Dynasty has become the Savior of all of them. Apart from shame, they have only shame.
"Thanks to the friends of luochamen for today's affairs."
Mo Tianya stretched out his hand, took the sword, and clasped his fist, and said, "but thanks to gratitude, and martial arts to competition. Is it time to continue the final battle between us? "
Together, Mo Tianya is still waiting for a victory or defeat with luochamen.
At this time, his mood is also quite complex, did not expect that the people he hated finally became the Savior of all people.
This result is very uncomfortable for him. He just wants to find a chance to vent his anger.
He is the body of the immortal, even a body of every fetus is not as good?
Especially looking at sister Shen's eyes at each other, that kind of appreciation and attachment makes him angry.
So, he was angry, very angry.
Although Mo Tianya put forward these at this time is a bit out of date, but according to the rules, we really need to distinguish a high and low.
"It's necessary to win or lose."
Tan Hai said a fair word, "however, Tianya, you violated the rules first, and you have lost the qualification of the final."
Mo Tianya was shocked. He didn't expect his master to say such a thing.
"Tianya, no matter what you think in your heart, rules are rules. If you break the rules, you should be punished. "
Tan Hai swept the dust and said.
The old Taoist looked at his nose, his eyes and his heart, and ignored his apprentice's eyes.
"Haotian doesn't have the strength to fight again. It's better to do this."
However, he is not willing to be happy with him.
As a referee, he put forward his own opinions.
"Look at this, this decisive battle, let Shen Qing of Shushan and the emperor of luoshamen be one point higher. The rest of you, you can leave. "
"It's a good plan."
The judges nearby agreed.
Now, few people dare to say no to the Qin Dynasty.
Before that, the Qin Dynasty showed its strength during the Tianwei massacre in 1999. However, all the practitioners were shocked by the power. What kind of overhaul was that!
Hundreds of red thunder and lightning come down, can't help others, compared to their own is a very!
"I agree."
Hearing the idea, Shen Qing nodded and agreed.
"I have no objection."
After the crisis, Suu Kyi's mood has calmed down a little. She stepped into the arena and took a deep breath.
"Sister Shen, to be honest, I don't want to be enemies with you. All of us are magic puppets. In fact, we should be interlinked with each other. "
"Different ways do not conspire."
Shen Qing carried his own frost water sword. "My whole life, Shen Qing, has taken killing demons and demons as my own duty. How can I be interlinked with you. As for the magic puppet, I have already swallowed the immortal spirit and broken the connection with the Qin Dynasty. If roshmen thinks that my power is not right, take it back. I Shen Qing, even without the help of anyone, I can also have a great achievement by myself. "
Shen Qing's strong character made Qin Dynasty feel headache.
"Well, it seems that sister Shen has made up her mind."
Suu Kyi knew she couldn't persuade her. But as the big house of Qin Dynasty, I have done all the things I should do.
What's left is the fist thing."To show my respect for you, I won't keep my hand."
Shen Qing said, the frost water sword in his hand, slowly stabbed into his abdomen.
What Qin Dynasty saw was that her eyes were straight, and her heart said that it was lucky that she was not pregnant now, otherwise, if this sword goes down, the two children will have bad luck.
It's a good thing. I'll be stabbed by my mother.
"I have a magic sword, which is called frost water! Frost water, hidden sword skill! "
Shen Qing naturally is not self mutilating, but is using her proud swordsmanship.
The red flame ignited on Shen Qing's body. At last, the fire gathered on her head, and only small black and red flames kept burning on the tip of her hair.
Her control over the fire of Phoenix has gone up to a new level.
"I'll do the same. I'll try my best."
Suji said, suddenly stepped on two pieces of auspicious clouds and held her body.
At the same time, the water around her delicate body, constantly circling up.
In the eyes of the dragon of water, she wants to mobilize the power of fire.
One is the real water, the other is the fire, but there is also a fight.
The Qin Dynasty estimated the present strength of Shen Qing, and the body was five heavy, but it was also very terrible. He did a summon to himself, and then hit Suu Kyi's release from the air to ensure that the two were at the same level.
"Let me see how far you can hold on with his strength."
Shen Qing said, suddenly stretched out two hands, in front of his body.
Behind her, more than a dozen flame swords flew out of her back, spinning and floating. "Suji, be careful of her sword. It will explode."
Through telepathy, the Qin Dynasty told Suji.
"Don't worry, it's a war between me and her, so don't interfere!"
Suji also told the Qin Dynasty in her heart.
The Qin Dynasty shrugged her shoulders, so Suji was also a strong master.
In the end, they are all women of the new era. There is no doubt that Suu Kyi is a woman of the new era.
But Shen Qing is an old woman who has lived for hundreds of years. Although he looks young and beautiful, he is still twenty. But the psychological age is not small.
Whether Shen Qing is a new era woman or not, in short, the battle between the two women has begun.
Shen Qing waves his hand, a dozen or so long flame swords suddenly fight for me to rush to the ground, and bombard Suji in the past.
"Well thought!"
Knowing Shen Qing's idea, Suji immediately pinched a Dharma decision and set up a water curtain in front of her body to shield those flame swords.
"Boom, boom!" Several long flame swords hit the water curtain, and suddenly a large amount of fire waves exploded, turning the sky red.
"Water conquers fire. You have no chance of winning, sister Shen."
Suji stood behind the water curtain and said to Shen Qing opposite.
"Not necessarily."
Shen Qing laughed and pinched a sword formula.
"Sky fire sword body, the demons retreat! Flowing fire sword
A long flame sword suspended in front of Shen Qing suddenly whirled violently.
Rotation, also with the whir of the wind, very harsh.
The energy around, as well as the fire element, are all converging towards the sword.
I'll cut it, right!
The Qin Dynasty was even more wide eyed.
After hiding swordsmanship, you can still use ten swords of the army!
This Shen Qing is really a beautiful woman who is gifted in heaven
Shen Qing waved his sleeve, and the sword roared at Suji in an instant.
Suu Kyi's expression under the mask is dignified.
That water curtain, suddenly was blown apart.
And the turbulent force continues to rush towards Suu Kyi.
In that power, the red flowing fire sword continued to fly to her.
At this time, Suu Kyi suddenly reached out and pinched a Buddha seal, opened her red lips and scolded.
With the sound wave, the pure Buddha power spreads out rapidly.
In front of Suu Kyi, it seems that a wall of air has been formed, and the flaming sword has been swept into the sky.
"The true word of Buddhism!"
Shen Qing's eyebrows picked slightly.
"Sister Shen, it's not only you who can order other sects' magic."
Suu Kyi put one hand behind her, "I will, too So be careful
Su Ji's speaking Kung Fu, a shake of hands, from behind threw a blue water gun.
The water gun condensed by real water is extremely sharp. Even if it is steel, it will be cut like tofu.
"Good coming!"
Shen Qing is more accurate in wielding a sword, is hitting the water gun to the opposite stab.Who knows, the water gun was hit, but turned into three swimming water dragons, instantly wrapped in Shen Qing's body, bound her up.
"Water is changeable."
Su Ji's mouth hung up a smile, "you've been cheated, sister Shen."
With that, she pinched a resolution and released a turbulent water dragon, which impacted on Shen Qing's body.
Caught off guard, Shen Qing was rushed by the water dragon and nearly fell outside the arena.
"The imperial sword flies away with the wind! Sword in the wind
Thanks to her quick reaction, she immediately stepped on a long flame sword, which prevented her from being defeated directly by throwing herself out of the arena.
"It's a pity. It's just a little short."
Suu Kyi pursed her mouth.
"These little tricks of yours are useless."
Shen Qing is in the air and continues to hold the sword formula.
"The sword spirit soars to the sky, and the giant sword descends from the sky! Cut the sky sword
Shen Guangli used it to defeat Qin Guangli.
On that day, she wanted to use the sword, but her heart was more than enough, so she was used by the Qin Dynasty, which almost backfired.
And now she's doing it with ease.
In the sky, the sword Qi is crisscross.
A huge flame sword, slowly emerged from the clouds, very huge and imposing.
The ten swords of Shushan's army are really overbearing. In particular, after Shen Qing's swordsmanship, the swords without attributes all have the attribute of fire, which makes them more powerful.
Suu Kyi saw the huge sky sword in the air, and her pupils shrank slightly.
"Be defeated by my sword!"
"In that case..."
The huge sword in Suji's pupil became more and more clear. She began to pick up a Buddhist seal and murmured, "I can't let sister Shen look down on it."
Looking at the Buddhist seal that Suji pinched, the monks in Baotai temple in Songshan were all surprised.
"This, this is the nine character truth, the seal of the vase!"
This is the secret of Baotai temple in Songshan.
How can the magic that only inner disciples can cultivate appear in the hands of a female venerable of luochamen!
First the Vajra Sutra, then the seal of the vase! My God, is there a complete book of practice in the hands of luochamen!
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