Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1056

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Chapter 1056

If this is clear, it means that no matter how rich you are, Wu Xin will not dump you, or he will come to my poor loser's arms.
Well, I don't seem to be a poor loser in the strict sense.
But when I met Wu Xin, he was just a bodyguard and had no ability.
Fortunately, Wu Xin is not afraid of the poor and loves the rich. She is also firmly pursuing her own pace.
Although Chen Dejun also wants to cure Wu Xin's grandmother's disease, his purpose is too heavy, so Wu Xin can see through it at a glance, so he keeps refusing.
Chen Dejun looks rather ugly now.
He didn't expect that he wanted to attack the Qin Dynasty from his family background. Instead, he was beaten by him, and he didn't wish him anything on his face.
this clearly tells himself that it's useless to give up the family background. If it doesn't work in Wu Xin's case, people like poor losers.
The atmosphere became more and more rigid. Fortunately, the waiters began to take food, and a large meal was put on the table, which broke the embarrassment in the imperial compartment for a while.
A good tune, also slowly floating out of the sound room.
Qin Dynasty listen to this familiar ah, the ear can not help moving.
"Wow, it's Shuimu's music! I love it
Ann cheered excitedly.
Several girls are also happy, the mood is obviously a little high.
Not only girls, but also boys' faces show appreciation.
Qin Dynasty listen to this familiar song.
"Give me a most sensational song, let me sing you and me.
Give me a most romantic poem, write down our love so much.
The past is the past, and the future has not told me.
Thinking of the day when you can't go back, take the bus to the next station.
The car is quiet and silent,
the scenery outside the window is unpredictable.
Listening to the songs of the past,
after all, I am just a passenger... "
This song, if you remember correctly, is composed by Xiao Wang.
At that time, Annie didn't compose music for herself. Instead, she took Xiao Wang's song to sing. As a result, all the people on the scene were moved.
"Wuwu, it's really the best song of Shuimu."
Ann listened to wipe tears, "no matter when you hear this song, it's very moving."
"Well, our hotel has been playing this Shuimu tune recently, and the guests like it very much."
Chen Dejun said with a smile.
"Yes, yes, it's a pity that the water tree sings so well, but I don't know what people look like. It's a pity. I really want to see him and ask him why he is called Shuimu. What a special name. "
Several girls began to talk.
The Qin Dynasty laughed but did not speak.
Shuimu's name comes from Luo Qinglin.
I didn't expect that Luo Qinglin has released the music. It should be an album.
I was too busy a while ago and didn't care to ask.
But it doesn't matter. No one knows it's their own. But Qin Dynasty this star's elegant demeanor, has long been diluted along with the time. This has a lot to do with his recent low profile.
A monk, in any case, can't become a public figure unless he doesn't want to continue to mix in the practice world.
"Ha ha, don't talk about waterwood. After all, it's far away from us. We'd better talk about our business while eating."
Chen Dejun said again.
Today, however, his firepower should be concentrated on Wu Xin and Qin Dynasty.
If Wu Xin is not robbed, he is unwilling.
"Thank you very much for your hospitality."
Some people giggled.
Then they began to eat and drink. A bottle of beer went down and the chatterbox opened again.
"Xinxin, I don't know which university you have been to. Can you tell us?"
Chen Dejun raised his glass and asked Wu Xin.
Wu Xin put their attention on chopsticks.
"I failed in any university."
Wu Xin laughed and said a little shyly.
The crowd was stunned.
Wu Xin didn't get into university?
Is this girl's performance so poor?
Or did she not have the money to go to college?
No one knows, Wu Xin didn't even fill in the volunteer. She devoted herself to the violet business left to her by the Qin Dynasty.
Now violet is developing very well, and has been transformed into a senior club, directly performing the membership system.
You want to eat violet, consume entertainment, not members? I'm sorry. You are not welcome here. You can't have any money.
You're not happy? Want to get into trouble?
Very good. First ask the Daqin Gang whether they agree or not.
Violet in Dongchuan like status, to a limit of height.Everyone with status, status and financial resources is proud to have a violet membership card.
And there are many levels of violet membership card.
From the ordinary gold card to the most advanced crystal card, the treatment here is quite different.
At that time, Wu Xin was still hesitating whether the implementation of such a grading system would upset the visitors.
But Yu Lu of Dafa group was the first to support her, giving her a lot of confidence.
Even in front of this Chen Dejun, even a gold card can not get.
He had one, but he couldn't give it to his son.
After all, there are many opportunities to get to know violet in this and other places!
"Wu Xin, you girl has been learning well. How can you not go to university?"
As he chewed the lobster, Wang Hao couldn't help saying, "is grandma sick, and the family has no money. If you don't have money, you can talk. Everyone is a child's friend. Can you see your downfall! Let's get together. You should go to school, but you can't go to college now. "
Wang Hao was frank and didn't treat Wu Xin as an outsider.
"That's it, Xinxin. You can talk when you are short of money. I'm here."
Chen Dejun also looks at Wu Xin gently.
"Well, it's not like this..."
"Well, you'd better listen to Chen Shao."
Ann exclaimed, "who can look up to you if you don't go to college now, but it's hard to find a job in the future. I don't want to tell others that I graduated from high school when I was a junior high school student.
But Wu Xin didn't care. She didn't think of anything bad. She just thought everyone really cared about her, so she said with a smile.
"No, I'm..."
"Well, Xinxin, I'll do it for you tomorrow. You can come to Qingbei to study in the same school as me. In this way, we will be classmates in the future. "
Chen Dejun suddenly said.
With his Laozi's strength, it should not be a problem to be an observer in the north of the Qing Dynasty.
As long as he and Wu Xin get along day and night, the girl will definitely fall into his hands.
Women, touch for a long time will melt.
Chen Dejun always thinks that he knows women very well.
Chen Shao's words make an an jealous.
This annoying Wu Xin has no talent but a pair of big breasts.
Why is Chen Shao so good to her!
Hum, I'm going to make a pair of them. It's just silicone! As long as you can let Chen Shao like yourself, everything will go out!
The Qin Dynasty sneers at him. This guy thinks he can buy his own cow by this way?
Then he looks down on Wu Xin too much.
"No, I can't go to school because of something. However, I still thank Chen Shao very much. As expected, the feelings between us are the most sincere. "
Wu Xin cleverly transforms Chen Dejun's lust heart into a beautiful feeling between being small.
This makes Chen Dejun feel powerless.
"Oh, that's what happened to your grandmother."
Ann is not stupid. She knows that if she blindly targets Wu Xin, she may annoy Chen Dejun.
It's better to help Chen Shao himself. Maybe he will win Chen Shao's favor. It's good to accept her as a lover.
"If you have money, you can cure a disease. Chen Shao's family is so rich that you can't do anything to help you."
"Yes, yes, Wu Xin. Don't worry. There's Chen Shao."
"We are all young. Chen Shao will certainly help you."
A group of people followed Ann.
Wu Xin is a little embarrassed.
My grandmother's disease has been cured for a long time. She is as good as a big girl. A few days ago, she joined a Yangko team and went out to dance Yangko every day.
But I don't want to tell them that I'm the lady of violet. I'm afraid they will have a sense of distance. What can I do.
"Xinxin, I know you are strong. But with our small group of hair, there is nothing to be strong about. "
Chen Dejun's voice is surprisingly gentle.
"I, I..."
"Xinxin, let's tell them the truth."
All of a sudden, Qin Dynasty's attention.
Wu Xin didn't know what her brother Qin was going to say. She blinked in surprise.
"Actually, everybody, the reason why Xin Xin can't go to university is because she wants to marry me. She has planned to be a housewife, so she won't go to college
Qin Dynasty one language is astonishing, for a time, this imperial compartment, everyone is stunned.
Chen Dejun suddenly patted the table, his face twisted.All of them were shocked.
Wu Xin is also very surprised, looking at the young master of the Chen family who is not quite the same as usual.
Chen Dejun also found that he was impulsive. He quickly suppressed his anger and tried to calm down his voice.
"Xinxin, you are still young. You shouldn't get married so early."
Chen Dejun tried his best to persuade him, "you still have a better future, and the rich university life is beckoning to you. Are you, you really determined to be a housewife, only accompany this person's side in the future? So, don't you think you're going to lose a lot? "
Wu Xin did not expect that the Qin Dynasty would say such a thing.
Chen Dejun's words, although very reasonable, she did not listen to a word.
She only hopes that what elder brother Qin said is really good.
If he really wants to marry himself, he would rather be at his side and be his little woman. Even if she could only see him every day, she was willing.
"Chen Shao, I know you are good to me, because we are the development school, but now elder brother Qin is everything to me. As long as I can be with him, college doesn't matter to me. "
Wu Xin made it very clear that she said what she thought.
"Xinxin, you..."
Chen Dejun gnashing his teeth, that jealous eyes, burning in the body of the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty subconsciously hugged Wu Xin. He knew that this was all Wu Xin's words.
He was ashamed of Wu Xin, who told him that he didn't want to be a junior.
But now, Wu Xin is still unswervingly following him, even if it is just a small woman beside him.
With such a woman, there is nothing to be extravagant about.
Chen Dejun wanted to blind the Qin Dynasty's eyes with a chopstick, but now in front of Wu Xin, he is not easy to get angry.
Very good, you don't rob women with me, ha ha, I let you rob.
"Sorry, I'll go up and down the bathroom. Excuse me."
He said, turned out of the private room, leaving a room of the faxiaoren who looked at each other.
"Maybe Chen Shao is angry."
"Sure, he likes Wu Xin so much..."
"Wu Xin can't help being a housewife with a poor loser The rest of her life is over... "
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