Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1131

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Chapter 1131

Qin Dynasty looked at the crazy black Qilin. I don't know how he suddenly had such an idea.
"Are you crazy? You can kill me, I admit. But if you want me to kowtow to you, dream. "
The pride of the Qin Dynasty would never let him kowtow to the black Qilin.
Dignity is the last thing of human beings. If we lose it, what's the meaning of living?
Anyway, it's all going to die. What's the difference between happy death and unhappy death?
"Hehe, it doesn't matter. Since you want to suffer, let me let you feel it first."
Black Qilin said, and stretched out his right hand. A black flame flew out of his palm and fell lightly on the body of the Qin Dynasty.
The black flame, like a bone eating insect, instantly penetrated into the body of the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty just a little relaxed in the heart, but soon, I felt the pain of burning all over the body.
The Qin Dynasty vaguely remembers that when he was in primary school, he was naughty and played with a lighter with his friends.
As a result, the lighter blew up, and the flame burned on his hand, which made him miserable.
Burning pain, that kind of feeling, he had already forgotten. But now, this bone cutting feeling is coming back.
Qin Dynasty has nine hell fire, but this fire immunity, it is invalid at this time!
"This is the nine day robbery fire!"
Rhode told the Qin Dynasty, "what's more, it's still the jiutianjiehuo that you can't absorb, because there are black unicorn's life carved cherry in the flame"
rod's words undoubtedly made the Qin Dynasty a little desperate.
Why, there will be such a terrible flame
Nine day robbery fire? Originally, it was a great tonic for the Qin Dynasty. But because of the Black Unicorn's life imprint, it became a kind of bone destroying poison.
The whole body of Qin Dynasty was aching to death, and he would like to die on the ground.
But he is the body of Vajra Sutra. If he could have been killed, he would have been killed.
He clenched his teeth to keep himself from crying out in pain.
Looking at the red eyes of the Qin Dynasty, black Qilin couldn't help laughing.
"Well, it doesn't taste good. Kneel down and beg me. If you ask me, I can end your pain. "
Black Qilin wants to enjoy the feeling of being begged by heaven.
This is a kind of extreme psychosis. It must be very cool to let the first person on the earth kneel in front of him and plead constantly.
Besides, this is Xuanyuan Yingji's sweetheart.
"Don't blame me for robbing women."
The black Qilin smiles and continues to urge the fire in Qin Dynasty to torture him.
People said that a mosquito bite, is a level of pain. And giving birth to children is grade 12.
The Qin Dynasty didn't know what level he was, but it was definitely higher than level 12
Normal people over 12 levels, will be painful to death in the past, but they are practitioners, very conscious, fully bear this kind of pain.
I really want to die
"Come on, come and beg me to stand in the way Kneel down and beg me, and I will end your pain... "
The voice of the black Qilin kept ringing in the ears of the Qin Dynasty.
"Only I can end your pain Haven't you tasted the pain yet Do you want to continue this pain... "
The eyes of Qin Dynasty are red, even if he is dying of pain, he can't let this son of a bitch get complacent!
"Ni Yi, Li Chang Lend me all your strength... "
The Qin Dynasty roared.
Here we are, master
The three dragon maids have been a little bit unable to help, looking at the master so hard, they are heartbroken in the blood.
It's a pity that none of them is the opponent of the terrible black Kirin.
They secretly hate that if it was in ancient times, when the master's strength was all there, how could a small Black Unicorn run to be arrogant!
Even if the Emperor sees the master, he should be respectful!
The three dragon women turned into armor and wrapped in the body of the Qin Dynasty.
Black, green, purple, all in one.
The power of the meat fairy period is fully displayed.
The Qin Dynasty endured great pain and launched its strongest magic.
"Broken heart sword array..."
In the sky, suddenly dark down.
The dense white gold lotus chop, connected into a piece, aimed at the Black Unicorn below.
Black Qilin raised his head and looked at the swords in the sky. "The momentum is very big It's rare that you can still use this kind of magic with such pain. You are indeed the first person in those years, but you have the strength to kneel down and beg me... ""Go to hell!"
Qin Dynasty controls the sword, row by row like raindrops, dense falling down.
These are enough to destroy a city.
But black Kirin was standing there, and a black flame rose from him.
It's another nine day robbery.
Those fallen white lotus chop, fell to his nine day robbery fire, burned to ashes one after another.
Not even a meter around him!
The Black Unicorn is really terrible.
This is a sword array of meat immortal level. If this row of sword array really falls down, I'm afraid the island will be razed to the ground.
Black Qilin was standing there with a smile on his lips, as if laughing at the Qin Dynasty.
"Kneel down to beg me more effective, these small movements, all useless."
He said, stretching out his hand in the air.
A huge force appeared, chopping all the platinum lotus flowers into the surrounding sea water.
The presence of immortal level hinders
I'm really finished this time.
In the Qin Dynasty has some despair, in the sky, suddenly there is a red ball of fire, suddenly cut through the sky, bang on the island.
The island constantly vibrates, the flames spread out, and instantly spread all over the island, turning the island in the sea into a flame island.
The trees, the land, and the surrounding sea water were burning with fire.
"Yes, it's you..."
Seeing the fireball fall suddenly, black Kirin's face is stiff and ugly.
"Black Qilin, how dare you
The figure of a woman came out of the fire.
Her long black hair is so beautiful.
Miaoman body posture, barefoot, stepping on the red ground.
Such a beautiful woman has anger in her eyes.
The beauty of a woman can't help but clap her hands.
It's amazing.
"Black Qilin, who gave you the courage to kill him?"
The woman's black hair was slowly fading into silver.
In the Qin Dynasty, some of the pain in the body was removed. As soon as the nerves were relaxed, the consciousness was slightly blurred.
He sat there, his eyes vaguely looking at the beautiful figure of the woman.
Is she here
It seems that she is the only one who can fight with this asshole
"Yingji Listen to my explanation... "
Black Qilin is a little embarrassed. He smiles and just wants to talk.
"Shut up!"
Xuanyuan Sakura Ji's anger in her eyes was even stronger, "I can forgive you for your means to me, only seal you. But if you want to kill him, I will kill you! "
As she said this, the silver thread behind her flew up and twisted toward the black Qilin opposite her.
"Sakura, calm down!"
Black Qilin doesn't want to fight with his beloved woman.
"When you die, I'll calm down."
Xuanyuan Yingji's hair spread all over the island in a twinkling, forming a net like shape, blocking all the retreat routes of the black kylin.
A passing seagull panicked to escape, accidentally bumped into a small silver hair, and was immediately cut in half.
"Sakura, you can't kill me."
Black Qilin looked at the silver wires around him and could not help shaking his head. "We will only lose both."
"Let's die together."
Xuanyuan Yingji chided, "no one can hurt him or even kill him except me! Go to hell
The palm of her hand glowed with gold. Facing the opposite black Qilin, she took a palm across the space.
Jingshen palm, which was handed over to Xuanyuan Yingji by heaven.
"Unicorn palm!"
Black Qilin knows the horror of this startling palm. He doesn't hesitate, and he returns with a palm.
Two invisible palm Qi bumped together, and suddenly set off a crazy storm.
The middle of the island suddenly split into two parts because of the tyranny of the two people.
Xuanyuan Yingji and Qin Dynasty are on the half, and the black Qilin is on the other half.
The sea water keeps pouring in from the gap in the middle, which turns the island into two islands.
The sea water in the center is spinning. Washes over the two islands.
The Qin Dynasty looked a bit stunned in the back.
Boy, this is the fight between two immortal figures. Every move can destroy the surrounding things.
When one day I will be able to achieve this power.
"Master, yesLi Yin's voice rang up, "the master was a thousand times more powerful than the two of them."
A thousand times better than them!
Is it possible?
"No way!"
The magic voice also rang up, "master, you were the strongest immortal in those days! That person respect and ghost respect's strength is about 100 times of theirs. And your strength, is the person respect and ghost respect dozens of times! Why does black Qilin want you to worship him like crazy? Because he knows that when you are terrible, he wants to find a sense of satisfaction
"Therefore, master, you should pay close attention to practice. Sooner or later, one day, the shame black Kirin has given to his master will be returned ten times and a hundred times! "
Li Yin said.
"Well Today's revenge, I will certainly return to you well... "
The Qin Dynasty murmured to himself.
"Yingji, don't you understand?"
In the rain splashed by the waves, black Kirin looked at Xuanyuan Yingji across the island and said, "only I love you most. I can take my heart out to you. "
"Sorry, you black Qilin heart, I don't need it."
Xuanyuan Yingji said coldly, "and, my own heart, has already been given to people."
"Sakura, don't be silly!"
Black Unicorn roared.
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