Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1095

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Chapter 1095

Unfortunately, there was no adult channel on TV. Instead, it was a cartoon, which made Qin Dynasty watch it for a long time.
"What are you looking at, so attentive!"
Cheng Ying controls herself and doesn't go to see the excitement.
As an agent, keeping alert and calm is the first priority.
However, looking at the Qin Dynasty so excited, she could not help but ask.
"Ha ha, what's this called My beautiful teacher, was made into a cartoon. Oh, my God, he's bullshit. It's not YY. It's not reliable. "
Qin Dynasty claps the thigh, side smile side says.
"What do you compare to a cartoon?"
Cheng Ying is quite helpless, sometimes feel that this color guy is like a child.
I hope he can rely on him to wish "time is coming..." when he is carrying out the task
Looking at the Qin Dynasty has been happy to watch animation, Cheng Ying finally can not help but remind.
"Ah? I see. I know. You let me finish reading this The protagonist is going to push his little sister next door Animals, they can do all these things. It's a beast
Cheng Ying is very angry. When is it? This guy is still concerned about this kind of thing!
Asshole, what a jerk!
She didn't have time to wait for her sister to be knocked down. The woman went straight over and pulled out the TV.
Watching the hero gently hold his sister next door to the bed, and then kiss affectionately, his hands began to untie each other's clothes, the TV screen suddenly went out, and the Qin Dynasty cried out.
"Hello, Hello, you are a god horse! This is a rare meat show! I watch a cartoon. Is it easy for me
"Come back and see again!"
Cheng Ying suppressed her anger, "the task is done, I'll buy you a DVD! You can look at it at that time, and you can see death! "
"That's right. Don't go back on your word!"
Qin Dynasty stands up, pats the buttocks, walks to Cheng Ying side, "then we set out."
"How to get there? It's too bright to put on a suit of clothes before you go out. "
Cheng Ying said.
"No, we don't go through the main entrance. There's surveillance."
The Qin Dynasty waved its hands.
"Where is it going
"Come here."
The Qin Dynasty reached out and pointed to the window.
"You're crazy!"
Cheng Ying exclaimed, "this is the 13th floor! If you want to commit suicide, don't take me with you! "
"Mr. Cheng, do you believe me?"
The Qin Dynasty asked Cheng Ying seriously.
"It's time for me to believe you But But... "
Cheng Ying wants to say, but this is really the 13th floor, if people go down, the soul is scattered!
"Believe me, get on my back and I'll take you out."
Qin said, squatting on the ground, leaving his back to Cheng Ying.
"You, you are joking
Cheng Ying shakes her head, "want to take advantage of me again."
She really did not believe that Qin Dynasty could go out safely from the 13th floor.
"Since you don't believe it, forget it. I'll continue to watch my cartoons."
The Qin Dynasty stood up and went to the TV set.
"Wait! I believe it
Cheng Ying said quickly.
She went all out.
This one, anyway, is a member of the organization. After all, the organization is also a secret service department, not an entertainment room for the elderly. It is impossible to find a group of unreliable people.
Since they sent the Qin Dynasty here, it means that the Qin Dynasty must have his extraordinary skills.
In this case, I believe that he is good once.
If comrades in arms do not trust each other, they can only wait for failure and death.
"The letter will come up."
Qin Dynasty squatted down again.
Cheng Ying took a deep breath and jumped onto the back of the Qin Dynasty, holding his neck firmly with both hands.
Qin Dynasty backhand hold her that is the tight clothing outline of the plump warped parts, only feel feel full, let people can not help but feel relaxed and happy.
"You, you don't take the opportunity to touch it!"
Cheng Ying's face turned red and angry.
"There's no way to do it, or you'll fall down and swell later."
In the Qin Dynasty, he didn't choose to hold the princess. Instead, he used the back to take advantage of it.
You see, now Cheng Ying's buttocks are touched in a dignified way, and the plump pair on her body is also pressing on her back.
How beautiful, much better than watching cartoons!
This is life!
"Well, then you don't hurry up!"
Cheng Ying's face was burning, while urging.
Qin Dynasty shakes his head, the heart says how can women urge men to hurry up? The longer the better.However, he did not argue with Cheng Ying, so that Cheng Ying would not like to bite himself.
I'm fine. If I break Cheng Ying's silver teeth, it won't look good.
"Hold me tight and don't fall."
Qin Dynasty said, very reluctant to pull out a hand, opened the window, and then quickly held in that very soft place.
"You, have you touched enough? Don't move quickly I'd like to see if you take me to heaven or go to hell with me at such a high price
Cheng Yingyi said with some reference.
"To heaven? Hey, if you want to go to heaven, you can, but you should not agree to the process. "
The Qin Dynasty laughed.
Cheng Ying seems to understand the meaning of the Qin Dynasty, suddenly angry.
"You, you twisted my words on purpose! I didn't mean that
"What do I mean?"
"You, you mean that..."
"Which meaning means which meaning, you say is more specific!"
"You rascal
"It's clearly your own evil thoughts, and you call me a rascal. I'm so unjust."
Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "no matter, no time to mess with you, we left."
With that, he bent his knees and leaped out.
"Ah, ah!"
Cheng Ying did not expect that the Qin Dynasty was really like a madman and jumped out of the window directly.
He, he won't really be upset, to take his own suicide bar!
"The Qin Dynasty I, I will not let you go as a ghost... "
Cheng Ying couldn't help shouting.
"If you want to be a ghost, I can do it for you."
The voice of Qin Dynasty was heard.
Imagine the pain did not come, Cheng Ying stare at everything around.
The two men did not fall like the physics textbook said, but glided like big birds in the dark.
Both of them were black special combat clothes, but they were integrated into the night.
The wind whirring around the ear reminds Cheng Ying that this is not a dream.
"I, we didn't fall to death?"
"Do you want to fall to death
The Qin Dynasty jumped out of the window on the 13th floor of Citigroup Hotel and jumped to the top of a building opposite.
He fell on the concrete platform. I don't know why. A stone in Cheng Ying's heart fell to the ground.
Didn't fall to death Really, great
"You, how can you jump so far..."
Cheng Ying looks back at the Citigroup Hotel, which is more than 20 meters away. She can't help but be surprised. She shakes the neck of the Qin Dynasty and asks.
"Why can't I jump so far? Who stipulated it? "
The Qin Dynasty walked slowly to the side of the building and asked.
"Well, this is common sense! As a human being, how can you jump so far Ah
Cheng Ying's words did not say, turned into a scream.
Because the Qin Dynasty jumped up on her back, rowed across the night sky, crossed a distance of more than 10 meters, and floated to the top of another building.
Cheng Ying's heart is about to jump out.
God damn it, riding a roller coaster in an amusement park is not so exciting!
This, this Qin Dynasty after all is not a person!
"What you know is not necessarily truth."
The Qin Dynasty, while shuttling between buildings, said, "the world is so big that there is no wonder. There are so many things you don't know. "
Cheng Ying did not dare to speak. She held the Qin Dynasty tightly in her legs, for fear that she would fall down halfway.
She finally understood the meaning of the sentence of the Qin Dynasty
She finally understood why the mi7 was allowed to cooperate with the organization.
It turns out that the people in the organization are so rebellious.
Thanks to them, the people of mi7 have been complacent and arrogant.
Well, if Zhou Subin knew about it, he would not be able to attack the seven most excellent agents. In the eyes of other organizations, he is just like ants.
This is the gap
"Don't be dazzled. Tell me how to get there."
Qin Dynasty reminds way.
He vaguely knows the direction, but only Cheng Ying knows the exact location.
Cheng Ying woke up, she said quickly, "right side of the two o'clock direction, continue to move forward."
"Yes, sir."
The Qin Dynasty answered, and then took the opportunity to hold Cheng Ying's part, and then got up and jumped, like lightning, not shuttling in the night.
Cheng Ying heart shame anger, this guy, no matter how tough, is also a big lecher!
The Qin Dynasty didn't know what Cheng Ying thought. He just wanted to finish the task quickly and then go back to watch cartoons.He followed the direction of Cheng Ying, constantly jumping. There are not many other buildings in Washington. He jumps back and forth like a spider man, and no one can find out.
The two men finally arrived in front of a building where the press conference will be held tomorrow.
At this time, the building was closely protected, and there were even rows of soldiers with live ammunition patrolling around.
"It seems that they are well prepared."
Cheng Ying and Qin Dynasty stood on the top of a building next to him, looking at the opposite building and saying.
"I've probably counted that there are two classes of soldiers on duty. Those American devils are just in case we will take Dr. Zheng Siqi away. "
Cheng Ying couldn't help shaking her head.
"It seems that the mission tonight is going to be suspended. We can't get in."
Looking at the rows of soldiers patrolling and locking every corner of the building, Cheng Ying intends to give up.
"Not necessarily. We can't go down. We'll go in from the top. "
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
"There are people up there, too."
Cheng Ying held a small telescope in his hand and pointed to the roof of the building, "there are soldiers standing guard as well."
"Then from the middle."
Qin Dynasty is still full of confidence, just some soldiers. Can it be difficult to get Qin Dynasty? "You, catch it!"
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