Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 529

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Chapter 529

Qin Dynasty, a few of them are invincible.
"Let me down! I don't want to see you! "
"That You did it yourself, ok... "
"Fart! You are not a sweet cake. I have nothing to do with you! You picked me up. OK! Let me down, or I'll be rude! " The little girl began to be unreasonable.
"Good Even if I hold you on my own initiative Then you, then you loosen your legs and clamp them so tightly, how can you get out of the way... "
"Bah! You big rascal Liao Shasha hit the nose of Qin Dynasty with her forehead. If it was not for the iron and steel, it is estimated that the Qin Dynasty would have a bloody nose.
"How can you talk so disgusting! Who's holding you in your lap? It's not having sex with you
"All right, I'm afraid of you! Old paper will hold you, love how
Qin Dynasty is also ruthless, Niang, when is it, which has the time to accompany the girl to fight!
"The Qin Dynasty The way you are domineering is the most masculine People like it... "
Liao Shasha suddenly took the head of Qin Dynasty with a gentle face. Because it is hanging on his body, therefore, she holds the head of Qin Dynasty, inevitably let this guy touch some soft position.
The Qin Dynasty is feeling, this wench has the tendency of being abused.
But when he felt the softness, he was silent.
The nose is full of fragrance, which is the unique fragrance of a girl without human resources.
Qin Dynasty some greedily sucked several mouthfuls, Liao Shasha body is a light milk fragrance. He has a hot stomach and can't help but push the girl down.
But soon, he thought of Wu Xin.
Cow mm did not know where to suffer at this time, how could he be happy alone?
"Little girl, why has it been so long? Your chest is still a?"
"Fart!" Liao Shasha is gentle. When she hears this, she suddenly changes into a violent person.
"I am B! How many times have I told you? It's B! Not a! "
"Nonsense!" Qin continued to adhere to the truth, "I'm not that I haven't seen B, much more than you."
"You..." Liao Shasha suddenly looked at the Qin Dynasty, "where did you meet B Do you have another woman! Say it
"Er..." Qin Dynasty's head was dripping with cold sweat, "that I know it from the island country. "
"Well, what's the name of the heroine? Cang x Kong, or little zema x ya? I'll check it out! "
"That It seems that the two you mentioned are much bigger than B.... " The Qin Dynasty wiped a cold sweat, "and I can't remember who is who, who are the names of Yoshiko Kokura, mamei Ogawa, Minai Morikawa, and yueyeji I don't even know... "
"I, I'll fight you for me..." Liao Shasha said, scratching her face in the Qin Dynasty.
"Ah! Are you a cat
"I'm going to ruin your face so that you don't go out and provoke other girls!"
"Damn it, old paper. I'm not a white face! Oh! Don't scratch your face. How can I get a girl if I scratch my face Ah, how can I see people even if it's scratched
"Then don't see anyone else. I'll buy a villa to raise you up!"
"Damn it, then I'm a little white face!"
After a long time of fighting, Liao Shasha could not help but burst into tears and hugged the Qin Dynasty.
"The Qin Dynasty The days with you are really good, very good... "
"All right, all right. I'm going to die."
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help patting the girl's back.
"No one dares to bully you, not even your uncle. By the way, where's your scum uncle? "
"He's already gone." Liao Shasha turned her lips. "That's a guy who recognizes money but doesn't recognize people. Well, in the Qin Dynasty, there were several people who could treat me as well as you. Not for my money, not for my property. "
"Don't talk nonsense. I like money very much, too."
Qin Dynasty hey hey a smile, "I found out long ago, money can do things, say, this time I saved you, how much salary do you give me?"
"I am so poor, what can I pay you?" Liao Shasha pouted and said, "even the group is already yours. What money do you lack?"
"What's mine? I'm a custodian to help you keep your shares..."
"Do you really think so..."
"Sister Yu Lu and I have already made a contract and submitted it to the lawyer. You are no longer just a custodian. The shares of Dafa group have been transferred into your name. Now, you are the real boss of Dafa group. And sister Yu Lu and I are just people who work for you and manage money part-time. ""Hey, you two have been keeping my money under control." Qin Chao's heart was moved. The two girls are really good for him.
However, he now owns three families in the island, and money is just a string of figures for him.
"Uh huh..." Liao Shasha also seems to be touched, holding Qin Dynasty for a long time without talking.
It was a long time before she came out.
"It seems that the accident of the little cow this time is related to the signing of this transfer agreement..."
Qin looked at the little beauty in his arms.
"Specifically, you can ask sister Yu Lu." Liao Shasha was very reluctant to get up from the Qin Dynasty, then took his arm and said to him, "she also miss you very much. How long have you not seen her?"
"Well, I'll find her. Where is she?"
"In the company." Liao Shasha said, "you go to her, don't say I let her! Hee hee, sister Yu Lu is also a very good girl. Do you want to think about it? "
"Eh?" Hearing this question from Liao Shasha, Qin Chaoxian hesitated for a moment.
He thought, how could this girl suddenly throw such a problem.
But for the sake of safety, the Qin Dynasty still said.
"Don't talk nonsense. You and I have nothing to do with sister Yu Lu."
"Really? But I think sister Yu Lu cares about you very much! "
"Of course, we have lived together for so long. Even if it is a stone, there will be feelings. Besides, I have saved you many times. "
"In this way I'll be relieved. " Liao Shasha sighed and gruned his breast, and said with a naughty smile, "really, I'm really afraid of what you and Yu Lu sister have. In my heart, she's like my sister. If you like each other, I'm afraid I'll let you out. Qin Dynasty, but I'm not willing to
"Don't worry, girl..." Qin Dynasty couldn't help touching her head, "don't think about it. I'm not a lover. There are so many girls who like me."
"You don't drop much, but you're a woman! If you don't say sister Yu Lu, you and the little cow must have an affair! "
"No, don't talk nonsense! What's the matter? "
Qin Dynasty in the heart some flustered, but the surface is very calm to cover up.
"Hum! I know you won't admit it! " Liao Shasha curled her mouth. "I don't know who it is. She gives away a bar worth millions of dollars. He also promised his grandmother to marry and have children. Hum! This time someone else had an accident, and they flew back in shock! You really think you are superman. Do you want me to buy a red underwear cover on your head? "
"That's Batman on the head!"
"I didn't say you were Superman! You are at most a great aunt
"I, I'm a grasshopper..."
The Qin Dynasty also can't help but burst a vulgar sentence.
This girl is really more and more fierce. Great aunt Well, what the hell is that!
In the mind of the Qin Dynasty, I can't help but come up with such a scene.
In a high-rise building, a bad man is playing with the little beauty who was robbed.
"Help, who will help me?" The little beauty was tied to the post and cried for help.
"Hey, you shout, even if you cry out, no one will come to save you." Classic bad guy lines.
"No!" Beauty eyes are very firm, beautiful eyes blink and blink, "I believe, he will appear, he will come to save me!"
"Who the hell is he?"
"He's the great aunt!"
At this time, the sky suddenly flew to a man with red underwear on his head, shouting.
"Lucy! I'm here to save you! My great aunt is here! Look at my big aunt light wave
Damn it!
Qin Dynasty quickly shook his head and scattered the mess.
This is god horse and god horse! It's Liao Shasha, the girl who makes trouble!
"I, I'd better go to Yu Lu."
"Drive the car in the garage. Sister Yu Lu bought a car for you. I'll wait for you when you come back."
"Ah? Is it? A sports car? " As soon as the Qin Dynasty heard that there was a car driving, he was a little curious.
Since I learned how to fly the sword, I seldom drive.
But in this way, it seems more and more out of the city. Their emotions have gradually alienated ordinary people's lives.
It's not good. Although I pursue strength, I don't want to break away from this society.
If I only focus on practice every day, then my life will not be too monotonous.
"Come with me. You'll see."
Liao Shasha smiles mysteriously and then runs towards the parking lot.
This girl, also deliberately play mystery.
Qin Dynasty followed her, two people soon passed through the yard and came to the parking lotLiao's parking lot, from the first time Qin Dynasty came, has a feeling. What kind of parking lot is this? It's just a small auto show
One of the most dazzling Qin Dynasty, is a silver white Mercedes Benz trot, SLR. This car is like a big silver bat. It's too windy to drive out.
If you drive it around the university gate, the son of Li Gang, the son of Shenma yaojiaxin, will have to stand aside!
The little girls, one by one, have to go up and cry, cough, keep a low profile, keep a low profile The Qin Dynasty despised itself secretly.
This is full of cars, but also all high-end cars. Where is Yu Lu's gift?
"Which is my car?"
"Guess?" Liao Shasha did not answer, but asked.
"I'll throw you out, and you'll be counted as the one you hit!"
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