Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 575

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Chapter 575

Just as Xu Mei was still immersed in Jiang Dong's family background, the car had already driven into the parking of Anthony hotel. Several people often came down and immediately a parking boy came to help stop the car.
"Thank you." Jiang Dong took out 50 yuan of consumption and put it into the hands of his younger brother. "Give me a good seat."
Xu Mei was stunned. She used to watch tipping on TV. Now she is a real-life version. She is still seeing it for the first time.
After giving the tip, the parking boy happily went to stop Jiang Dong. And Jiang Dong complained in the ears of the Qin Dynasty, "grandma, the price rise is ridiculous. Ten yuan was enough for a tip. Now you give ten dollars, and people don't look at you
The Qin Dynasty didn't care about this, but gave Jiang Dong a squint.
"Well, don't you have something to do later? Why did you get off with me?"
"Ah? Ha ha, no, just called to inform me that I don't have to go. " Jiang Dong said with a dry smile, "besides, such a good opportunity, I will not kill you severely. I'm sorry for myself!"
The pain in Xu Mei's heart is so painful that it's not like killing someone else in Qin Dynasty. It's clear that she's killing herself. But in order not to appear small, Xu Mei doesn't speak.
Li Na also pulled the corner of the Qin Dynasty, secretly said.
"Brother of the Qin Dynasty, is it expensive here..."
"Don't worry." Qin Dynasty patted her small head, "today you are only responsible for eating."
Li Na believed that the elder brother of Qin Dynasty would not pit them, so she did not talk and followed them quietly.
When they entered the Antony Hotel and looked at the luxurious hotel hall, Xu Mei felt dizzy.
As soon as you enter the door, you can see a huge crystal wall. It's a crystal wall rather than a large fish tank. Inside, there are all kinds of goldfish, which are dazzling.
"Well, the goldfish are very big obstacles..."
Xu Mei whispered.
"These goldfish are high-grade goods from the tropics." Jiang Dong explained for Xu Mei, "if you take one out, it's worth 100000. The value of this wall of goldfish is immeasurable. It was put here by the boss in order to indicate that there is surplus every year. "
"In addition, the fish wall is added to this location, which makes the Fengshui pattern of the whole shop very beautiful." Qin Dynasty also points praise way, "when this place was built, it must have been invited a very famous geomantic master to see."
"Yes, the boss here is superstitious."
"What superstition, it's called geomantic omen!" The Qin Dynasty glared at Jiang Dong.
Next to Xu Mei can not understand Feng Shui, she only heard a goldfish 100000 yuan. Good guy, I worked hard to save the tuition fee for Nana. In the end, it was a goldfish!
The days of the rich people are different from those of the common people
I can't enjoy such a life any more. I just hope my daughter can be more competitive and lead a superior life in the future.
Take a look at the diners. They are all dressed up. Several women are still wearing minks. Alas, she also has minks in her shop, but she can't afford her unfulfilled wish. She just wants her daughter to come true.
Xu Mei thought of this, looking at Jiang Dong's eyes even more intense.
"What floor, what floor to eat hot pot?"
Xu Mei asked casually.
"Sister Xu really eats hot pot," Jiang Dong said with a smile. "Come to Anthony, naturally, I want to eat French food. Don't worry. I'm familiar with some of the best dishes here. I'm sure you'll have a good time. "
Jiang Dong's words, let Xu Mei can't help but be shocked, secretly covered her purse.
You are a rich family, used to the days of luxury. But we are all small families, this meal, we have to greatly hurt the vitality of ah!
"Mr. Qin, Mr. Jiang."
Standing in the hall for a while, the manager of the hall immediately welcomed him with a smile.
"Mr. Qin hasn't been here for a few days."
the manager of the lobby said hello to the Qin Dynasty.
"Well, I haven't been in Sunan recently."
"Well! I'll give Mr. Qin a meal today. It's like giving Mr. Qin a clean sweep. "
Said the manager in a hurry.
Xu Mei's heart moved. How did the waiter know the Qin Dynasty? Would you like to invite people to dinner in the Qin Dynasty? Are people in big hotels so polite? It's no wonder that many people are willing to come here for dinner. It turns out that most of them don't need money.
"I said, manager Chen, what's wrong with you today?"
Jiang Dong couldn't help laughing and said, "I've known you for a long time. I've never seen you treat me to dinner. Aren't you a famous cheapskate?"
"Hey, hey, that's for someone else." The lobby manager said with a smile, "Mr. Qin, that's different."
The manager of the lobby was respectful and afraid of the Qin Dynasty. He came to Antony twice, and every time, he made an earth shaking scene.Finally, judging from the attitude of those policemen towards the Qin Dynasty, his identity should be extraordinary. Such a person, you flatter, certainly have infinite benefits to yourself.
"Oh, manager Chen, don't be so polite. Please take us upstairs today
The Qin Dynasty was polite to manager Chen. In how to say, I will not let a person who has only met twice treat dinner.
It's not like-minded, like-minded friends.
"Good, good. Mr. Qin and Mr. Jiang will come with me. Is it still the same seat? "
"Well." The Qin Dynasty nodded. The window seat is full of memories.
Xu Mei followed, constantly panicked and confused.
It seems that I was wrong before, and the people in the hotel are not casual. How could the Qin Dynasty make a lobby manager come to invite him?
This little Qin, is not unemployed vagrant for a long time, how can he get to know people like Jiang Dong?
I can't figure it out
In Xu Mei's wishful thinking, several people came to the third floor of the hotel. The window seat was still empty, and the lobby manager showed several people to the position and took the initiative to order for them.
"French style baby pigeon meat floss tarts, fried goose liver, blueberry juice, French baked snails, sea dragon soup, American beef fillet with prawn, Bordeaux red wine juice."
Jiang Dong skillfully called a few kinds, each of which made Xu Mei tremble.
"Mr. Qin."
The lobby manager nodded to Qin Dynasty and said, "we still have a bottle of genuine Lafite in 1982. This is the only 82 left in southern Jiangsu. If Mr. Qin wants it, I'll get it for him. "
"Oh?" Qin Dynasty raised eyebrows, 82 Lafite, it seems that there are not many left in the market now, most of them are fake goods.
"And 82?" Jiang Dong was very happy, "go up! Damn it, the last few times I drank it, it was fake! Only two years ago, I had a real 82 with Mr. Su. I really can't forget the taste "
" then come up. " Qin Dynasty nodded, and then handed the lobby manager a card of his own, "if you have anything in the future, you can call this number."
The meaning of others has been sent to the Qin Dynasty, which naturally can not be ignored. To give him a card of his own is to give him the right to avoid death once.
"Thank you, Mr. Qin..."
Xu Mei didn't pay attention to the gratitude of the lobby manager. Instead, she was shocked by the words "Lafite" in 1982.
"Little, little Qin..."
Her voice trembled and she asked in a trill, "here, how much does this bottle of 8, 82 cost"
"not much." The Qin Dynasty wiped Li Na's glass. "Now the market price is about 80000. However, most of the time, there is a price but no market. "
"Eight, eighty thousand..."
Xu Mei trembled obviously, and her lips turned white.
"Little, little Qin I, I didn't take so much money out of the house today... "
"Hi, sister Xu, what are you talking about?"
Jiang Dong quickly waved his hand, "eat with the Qin Dynasty, which can let you pay. Qin Dynasty is the chairman of Dafa group. Today I am here to kill him! "
"Jingle!" With a sound, Xu Mei's fork fell onto the plate.
"Chairman of Da, Dafa group?"
Xu Mei suspected that she had heard something wrong.
"Yes, it is Egypt." Jiang Dong was not afraid of saying, "it is the most famous Dafa group in the north. If it wasn't for this, we, Mr. Su, would not recognize Qin Dynasty as an uncle! Hey, Qin Dynasty, I've heard that you can cure the old man today. "
"Where." Qin Dynasty wiped his hands with a napkin, "I also want to bring Suji back, I had to do those."
"You can do it now!" Jiang Dong patted Qin Dynasty on the shoulder and said, "who would have thought that a small security guard could now sit in the position of chairman of Dafa group. I heard that you are still the owner of the Anqing family in the island. I don't know how you can do it! Two bodyguards told me that your white housekeeper made two phone calls at random, which directly destroyed the Su family. When the old man agreed with you, you made a few more phone calls and cured the Su family again! I know what it means to turn the hand into the cloud and cover it with rain. "
"I don't like that either." The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "but my father-in-law, you know, has never looked up to me. If I don't take some strong medicine, I'll be in trouble with Suki. "
"Understand, especially understand you." Jiang Dong also said with emotion, "it's hard to be a man!"
Li Na is OK. She has known for a long time that the elder brother of Qin Dynasty will be extraordinary. Hearing these, he just looked at his brother of Qin Dynasty with a smile and didn't speak.
Xu Mei, however, was more and more frightened.
The chairman of Dafa group alone has stunned her.
The latter words are more like lightning strikes.Xiao, is Xiao Qin so powerful now?
My God, why didn't I look up to him! Otherwise, my daughter will be the girlfriend of the chairman of Dafa group soon!
I really have no eyes, no eyes hinder
Just as Xu Mei was regretting, the manager of the lobby had already brought the wine and the dishes with several beautiful waiters.
"Mr. Qin, this is a documentary proof of historical preservation." The lobby manager handed over the proof of the wine to the Qin Dynasty, and then said, "now, I've opened the seal for Mr. Qin."
In 1982, Lafite was a small Lafite who had drunk a vice card before the Qin Dynasty. This is the first time to taste this Lafite.
After the wine bottle opened, a fragrance suddenly floated out.
Yes, it has been for a long time.
I remember that I heard a saying before that drinking 82 Raffi is not a taste, but an identity of drinking.
For such people, the Qin Dynasty only thought it funny.
Wine is for drinking; rice is for eating. If the so-called life is too tired for his identity.
A person is such a lifetime, why don't you make yourself comfortable and relaxed? Even if you strive to pursue, you finally reach a position that others can't look up to. But you can still live for more than 36000 days. When you die, the dust returns to the dust, and the earth to the earth.
But Qin Dynasty, chose to repair Zhen, already set foot on another unusual road.
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