Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 745

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Chapter 745

Standing at the gate of the second villa in the city of seven colors, Yang Li stood vividly under the dim door lamp, looked at the Qin Dynasty, and said, "tomorrow is Chen Xin's sister's concert. Uncle, can you accompany me to have a look
"Don't dream."
The Qin Dynasty firmly said, "I have to go to work every day. It's like you. There's nothing serious about it. "
"Nonsense! Who has no business
"I just passed the CET-6 test just a few days ago," Yang said! Uncle, how many English levels have you passed
"I, this..."
Qin Dynasty suddenly speechless, a force of the nose.
As for CET-6, the old paper failed to pass CET-4 even. In those years, the degree English examination was all in a mess. If it wasn't for the good relationship between the director and himself, I'm afraid he didn't even have a degree certificate.
"Hee hee, uncle, haven't you even passed level Four?"
Yang Li was a very clever girl, and immediately judged the answer.
"Don't talk nonsense, my English is very good!"
This sentence of Qin Dynasty was spoken in fluent English.
Yang Leidun was a little surprised. Originally, she wanted to make fun of uncle because of his poor English. I didn't expect that uncle's spoken English is so good.
Those words just now are almost the same as those of a foreigner. What's more, it's a very standard American sound.
Where did she know that the Qin Dynasty, before going to the United States, deliberately made up for it. It's too simple to learn a foreign language well with his developed brain.
Not just English, other French, Japanese, German, Italian Basically, before he went to the United States, he made up for it.
At least make sure that when he goes to a certain country to carry out a mission, he can communicate freely in terms of language.
"Uncle, are you good at this sentence?"
"Don't talk nonsense. It's dark. Go home and go to bed."
This sentence of Qin Dynasty was also said in American English.
This time, little girl, is the complete worship.
But she raised a finger to the uncle and said, "uncle, don't talk. Sneak in with me."
"What am I going in for? You go in and I'll go."
"Oh, no, don't you want the letter from Xiaojing to Leizi? I don't have that important thing with me. It's in my room. "
Yang Li laughed.
"I'll go and forget it. Tonight, you're confused. "
Said the Qin Dynasty.
"Nonsense, I didn't get uncle."
Yang Li rolled a charming white eyes, "uncle, can't be Han Bing that girl, infatuated with it?"
"Bullshit, I have a lot of determination."
Qin Dynasty clapped chest, said.
"Well, since you are so determined, why are you afraid to come into my house with me Are you afraid I'll eat you in my room
Yang Li said, giving the Qin Dynasty a provocative look.
The Qin Dynasty was immediately annoyed.
"Well, who's afraid?"
This seat is the leader of Luocha sect. Even the leaders of the eight sects should be honored as the sect leader of Qin when they see this seat!
Today, I was molested by your little girl?
My uncle can bear it, but my aunt can't!
"If you are not afraid, come in. But be careful. Don't make a noise. If I wake up my mother, it will be really, really, really troublesome
Hearing Yang Li's advice, the Qin Dynasty felt that the girl must be afraid of her mother.
"Don't worry. If I want to, I'll go in and out of your house 10000 times, and your family won't find out."
The ability of the Qin Dynasty, let alone ten thousand times. Even if he killed the mother and daughter at home and destroyed their bodies, no one would find out.
Of course, he doesn't do it.
"Uncle, don't be so confident. My mom, but she's very good
Little Yang Li said with lingering fear.
"You'd better pay attention to yourself. I'll be silent."
The Qin Dynasty waved its hands.
When Yang Li saw that uncle was full of confidence, she believed him.
She took the key out of her bag, carefully, as quietly as possible, and opened the door.
Inside the villa, there was darkness everywhere.
Yang Li beckoned to the Qin Dynasty to follow.
Then she, herself, crept into the room.
The Qin Dynasty followed Yang Li behind, without a sound of footsteps, and closed the door gently with the power of mind.He is like a ghost, floating behind Yang Li. Even Yang Li feels like uncle is gone.
She took the Qin Dynasty through the living room and went to the second floor.
As she passed the table, Yang Li accidentally kicked her foot on the table because she couldn't see.
Suddenly, a water cup, from the table, as if undead to fall down.
What she wanted, Qin Li immediately held out her hand. At the same time, the other hand, to the falling water cup, so empty swing.
The water cup, which was supposed to fall to the ground, was suddenly suspended in the air.
What's more, the water that spilled out rolled into a water ball and then took it back into the mouth of the cup.
Qin Dynasty a wave of hand, the cup flew back to the table, and fell steadily on it.
There is no danger.
Yang Li breathed a long sigh of relief and raised her thumb to the Qin Dynasty.
My uncle is really amazing!
"Thank you, Uncle..."
Yang Li said softly in the ear of Qin Dynasty.
When the Qin Dynasty waved its hand, it means you are welcome to go upstairs.
With a smile, Yang Li continued to walk towards the bedroom on the second floor, like a thief.
They went up the stairs and slowly reached the innermost position.
Yang Li pointed to the door, meaning this was my room.
The Qin Dynasty nodded, just about to go in, Yang Li suddenly stopped the Qin Dynasty.
"Uncle, it seems that it's not good to enter a girl's bedroom like this."
She was close to the face of Qin Dynasty and whispered.
Exhale like orchid, let Qin Dynasty feel a little itchy.
"I'll wait for you here if I don't come in."
The Qin Dynasty took a step back.
"Hee hee, people tease uncle, Uncle..."
Yang Li, however, stepped forward, holding the waist of the Qin Dynasty and said, "uncle, if you have a family member, you will be allowed to go in."
"I'll stop. I won't go in."
The head of Qin Dynasty shook like a rattle drum.
"Uncle Is that what makes you sick You won't even kiss. "
Yang Li that aggrieved to Jiao Di Di's appearance, let anyone see, estimated will be distressed.
But the Qin Dynasty was an exception.
"No, No. However, we still can't kiss. You go and get it. I'll wait for you outside. "
"Uncle, do you think people are cheap?"
Yang Li sobbed for a while, and then said, "a little girl's reserve is not, a force to uncle's body upside down."
"No way."
The Qin Dynasty saw that Yang Li was very sad and said, "in fact, you are a very good girl. Beautiful and young. Girls like you should find a boyfriend of the same age. Now a lot of girls feel that boys of the same age are childish, have no money and no sense of security, and then look for older rich men to be their boyfriends. This kind of thing is really wrong. "
The Qin Dynasty pressed Yang Li's shoulder and said, "first of all, don't talk about the common topic among peers. The generation gap in our age alone is so terrible. A man who makes you feel mature will cheat you like a fool. Find a suitable person and have a young man's love. Yang Li, this is my advice to you. "
"I don't want it!"
Yang Li shook her head and said, "I just like Uncle! From the first time I saw Uncle, I felt that uncle was the one I wanted most. So, even if Uncle thinks I'm cheap, I should like him and chase him. Otherwise, I will regret it all my life. "
"You girl..."
The Qin Dynasty thought that Yang Li was hopeless.
Little Yang Li's cold little hands suddenly reached into the clothes of the Qin Dynasty, and then went to his pants.
The Qin Dynasty was startled by Yang Li's bold behavior and tried to push Yang Li away, but she found her other hand, tightly holding her waist.
If you are stronger, you can push the girl more than ten meters away.
Under this hesitation, Yang Li succeeded!
Her hand, in a very important position.
The cool and soft feeling made Qin Dynasty shiver.
I'll go Old paper must not make mistakes!
"Uncle, do you feel it?"
Yang Li flattered her eyes like silk and said with shame.
"No, no Xiao Yang Li, stop making trouble... "
In the head of Qin Dynasty, it seems that there are two guys fighting.
One said, push her down, push her down!
The other one, yadie!
Qin Dynasty this entanglement, the physical feeling, let his thought some betrayal impulse.
But Yang Li said a word, let the reason of Qin Dynasty continue to collapse."Uncle, although you said you didn't feel it, the little Qin Dynasty was very proud..."
Yang Li said, suddenly knelt down.
At the same time, the trousers of Qin Dynasty were untied clumsily.
The Qin Dynasty suddenly realized that Yang Li wanted to I rely on
Before he could finish thinking about it, the little Qin Dynasty was already wrapped up with a warm mouth and wished that Yang Li could not understand this kind of oral work.
Her movements were slightly raw and rude. But this is awesome for the Qin Dynasty. Although he had relations with several girls, none of them had done this kind of special service for him!
Yang Li, in particular, used her little tongue very kindly, which made Qin Dynasty feel a little numb.
Yang Li called something in her mouth and said vaguely, "do you want to accept me..."
"I, I..."
The words of the Qin Dynasty have been rolling to and fro.
He said no, he was really a little reluctant to give up the wonderful service.
If you want it, it's like taking Yang Li. Since then, it must have been a lot of trouble. The more you cut, the more chaotic it is!
Yang Li, for her own sake, is really willing to give up herself.
If refused, the Qin Dynasty would be even more embarrassed to say.
Hesitation is really indecisive!
And in the Qin Dynasty to do a strong ideological struggle, the door in front of them, suddenly opened.
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