Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 789

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Chapter 789

"My majesty Miss Su, we have been looking for you for a long time. "
ESTEE and j, both in black suits, stood at the gate of the mall.
This pair of foreigners, men, handsome women sexy, but attracted a lot of people's attention.
"I'll take a ride..."
Suu Kyi's eyebrows jumped. "I finally got rid of both of them this morning..."
When she saw a pair of foreigners standing at the gate of the mall, she couldn't help but have a headache.
"Suu Ji, are these two?"
Su Fei didn't know them yet, so she asked.
"Ah, they are the bodyguards arranged for me by the Qin Dynasty!"
Suu Kyi quickly found an excuse to say.
"Oh, so it is..."
Su Fei looked at the Qin Dynasty, and the latter shrugged her shoulders.
"Miss Su, you must not do such a dangerous thing again next time."
J is more silent, but eddy is a girl and likes to talk. Now, if you don't follow her respectfully, Suu Kyi, if it's not too dangerous. You can take us two as statues.
"no talking statues"
Suu Kyi sighed, "I feel like a monster when I am followed by you every day."
"It's also for your safety."
"Just bear with it," Estee advised
Su Jigui is the dark Pope of the West. He doesn't follow two subordinates around him. He doesn't speak like a word.
"don't worry, I have this guy around me. What else should I be afraid of?"
Suji took the Qin Dynasty and put her arm around his shoulder.
"He's not from our side."
Aidi looked at the Qin Dynasty, but said, "so, we can't Give him your safety. "
"Oh, you are very sincere."
Qin Dynasty, one hand carrying things, the other hand in the trouser pocket, looking at Estee.
"However, your strength is what worries me the most."
Said, Qin Dynasty shirt sleeve, slightly lit up a black light.
Then he reached out his hand in his pocket and opened his hand to Estee.
The body of Estee is like being hit by an invisible train. She flew out on her back, across a street, and crashed into an open-air cafe table and chair in the back.
A lot of tables and chairs were knocked over, so J went to help.
"What's going on?"
Su Fei didn't understand. She only found that the woman flew out and fell to the other side of the street.
Of course, she would not understand that all this was the Qin Dynasty.
Su Ji also white Qin Dynasty one eye, lowered the voice to say, "elder brother, you are a little too small."
"I'm merciful."
Qin Dynasty laughed and said, "I just want to let them know who is the boss."
"What are you two muttering about?"
Su Fei pulled the Qin Dynasty by the side and said, "what's wrong with the bodyguard you arranged? Don't go and have a look."
"Boss Su has spoken. I'll go now."
Qin Dynasty laughingly walked across the street and stood in front of Estee, who was helped up, under the gaze of a group of onlookers.
J looks at the Qin Dynasty warily, for fear that he will do anything more.
And j knew that he was not a match for this terrible guy.
Seven virtues knight, though already very strong. But compared with this man, it's far from it.
The last scene of killing Taotie knight has been deeply imprinted in their hearts.
"What are you going to do?"
Eddie asked, shaking a little in her legs.
"Nothing. Just come and see if you're hurt."
"Knight of seven virtues, not so fragile."
Eddie's mouth is still hard.
"Your heart is good." Qin looked at the two men, lowered their voice and said, "but please see the situation clearly. What is the relationship between Suu Kyi and me? If I say a word, she will leave the dark holy see. Even without you, I could have fought against the Roman Church. And don't forget, you used to be skeletons! When I was protecting Suu Kyi, you were all our enemies! If I don't kill you, I'll give you a free hand
When the Qin Dynasty said this, he completely took out the momentum of the master of luochamen.
These two guys are really confused about the situation.
Don't worry about old paper? Damn, how they said that.
"You need to protect Suu Kyi, yes, but don't upset her. If not, I may kill you completely
The Qin Dynasty finished, turned around and walked back to Suji and Sufei."Don't worry, they're OK."
These three beautiful men and women in their lovers' shirts have also attracted many people's attention.
"That's good."
Su Fei nodded, "I'm a little hungry, let's go to dinner."
"Ah, my sister is hungry?"
Suu Kyi blinked and said, "originally I wanted to walk there. Since my sister is hungry, let's go by car."
"No problem."
Qin Dynasty raised his hand high and snapped his finger.
Suddenly, from the crowd next to, out of a black suit, respectfully stood in front of the Qin Dynasty.
"Lord Qin, you can tell me something."
"Spare the car."
The black suit immediately took out his mobile phone and made a phone call.
Soon, a black Rolls Royce, stopped by the side of the street.
"Lord Qin, ladies, please."
According to the truth, if it's really a underworld, a Rolls Royce car can't afford it.
But the Qin Dynasty, however, used his methods and contacts to mix the Daqin gang and Dafa group together.
Now, where there is a real underworld, it's just the dark forces of the white.
It's not the old days. The underworld lives on protection fees.
The development of Daqin Gang needs the support of a large financial group.
And the status of Dafa group occasionally needs the help of black faced evil spirits like Daqin gang.
In short, mutual benefit, very convenient.
"It's a big show."
Sufei noticed that behind the Rolls Royce was a long row of black cars such as Audi A6 and Buick.
"Miss Su, because today is the happy day of Lord Qin. Those of us who are younger brothers will naturally join us in congratulation. "
The black suit replied respectfully.
"Brothers, you have a heart."
The Qin Dynasty patted the black suit on the shoulder.
"It's very kind of you. I don't know where Lord Qin is going to eat? Chuange has already reserved the best places in Antony, tycoon and shengtiantang
"East Street." But the Qin Dynasty waved his hand and said.
The black suit was obviously stunned. He didn't expect that the famous Lord Qin would go to such a place to eat.
"What's the matter?"
"It's all right. Lord Qin, please get on the bus."
It's not natural for Lord Qin to eat, which proves that he is close to the people!
The black suit quickly invited the two sisters of Qin Dynasty and Su style to the car, while a group of unknown audience were talking about it.
"Hey, who is that boy? What a show
"I don't know. Maybe it's a childe of some family."
"I'm so envious. The twins are so beautiful 555, even if one of them is given to me, I can smile. He has taken two of them. What a shame! What a beast
Naturally, the Qin Dynasty didn't know how many people arranged for him. At this time, he was sitting in a Rolls Royce and heading for the East Street with two beauties.
The black suit is now his driver. When he sees two beauties in the reversing mirror, he can't help but guess.
Which one is Lord Qin's girlfriend?
The two beauties are twins. They wear the same clothes. They are both the lovers' clothes of Lord Qin!
Can we say that Lord Qin is his girlfriend?
Tut Tut, it is Lord Qin in the end, idol. This is the real idol.
"Lord Qin, here we are."
The car drove very steadily and quickly. After a while, we arrived at the East Street.
If it's normal, people who eat here will be surprised. Who in the end is so arrogant, driving a Rolls Royce, with a row of motorcycles to eat big string.
But today is an exception, because all the snacks on the East Street have been cleared. Now all the people who eat here are from Daqin gang.
"Brother Qin, I've been waiting for you for a long time."
As soon as the Qin Dynasty got off the car, a fat little man rushed over.
In the Qin Dynasty, it's not Liu Chuan.
"Why, you are here."
"It must be!"
Liu Chuan said with a smile, "brother Qin's wedding, how can I not come?"
"It's like I'm married."
The Qin Dynasty shrugged its shoulders, "it's just one anniversary of love."
"Almost, almost..."
Liu Chuan laughs and looks at Suji and Sufei who come out next to him and greets them politely.
Su Fei didn't mention it. Suji had also used a lot of strength to save Liu Chuan. Liu Chuan will never forget this kindness.
But this time is not the time to repay the favor, he secretly whispered in the ear of the Qin Dynasty."Miss long is here too..."
"I'll take a ride..."
The Qin Dynasty shivered, "what is she doing here..."
"It's a celebration for my man..."
Long BEI'ER has not been seen in Qin Dynasty for a long time. Since this girl worked together with Liu Chuan to form a big Qin Gang and defeated CHEN Si, she has been busy with the affairs of the Da Qin Gang and has not come to the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty understood that longbei'er had been searching for CHEN Si's whereabouts.
After the collapse of the CHEN Si Group, the once underground king of Southern Jiangsu disappeared, as if the world had evaporated.
Her father was killed by CHEN Si, so longbei'er will not let this guy go.
I didn't expect that the girl appeared today!
Still in such a critical day.
"Ouch, isn't this our Lord Qin?"
Just then, a beautiful girl in a jeans jacket, jeans and small leather boots came over. She had a bottle of beer in her hand.
"Qin Dynasty, what's wrong with you, a cold sweat?" Suji noticed the sweat on the forehead of Qin Dynasty and asked subconsciously.
"No, nothing..."
"Why, don't you know me?"
Longbei'er looked at the two sisters of the Soviet style, and then went to the front. "Today is a good day for you. Don't you have a drink with me?"
"Miss long, long time no see..."
"Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time..."
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