Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1219

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Chapter 1219

Li Na is in a good mood today.
Although the work in KFC is a little hard, standing is also very tired.
However, we have learned a lot.
In particular, she also asked elder brother Qin to have dinner in KFC.
Well, I was going to invite you in the canteen yesterday, but it was spoiled by Dong Lingyu and Wei Xiaolong.
Take advantage of their first day to work, ask him again.
Hee hee, brother Qin will be very happy to see himself working so hard.
Hum, I'm very capable. I can make money even if I don't rely on elder brother Qin.
Li Na is very diligent and busy, and keeps ordering food for people who come to eat.
"Why don't you have a rest, Li Na."
Store Manager Han Fangwen sees Li Na, can't help but say beside.
"You've been busy all morning. Don't spoil your health."
His concern immediately aroused the envy of many shop assistants.
A few male shop assistants secretly said, cut, if it wasn't for the beautiful parents, you could care so much about others?
The salesgirl looked at Li Na, and her eyes were full of scorn and jealousy.
What does this girl have? Isn't she beautiful? She's a fox.
My mother does no less work than she does. Why don't the store manager persuade him to have a rest!
Li Na did not know that she had left such an impression on many people. She wiped the sweat on her head and said with a smile.
"It's OK, store manager. My working hours are not over yet."
She works two days on weekends, from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Although very busy, but the heart is very full.
"We all learn from Li Na and see her enthusiastic working attitude."
Han Fang Wen immediately said, "you are doing well. After work today, you can get a 30 yuan bonus from me."
"Thank you, store manager!"
Li Na was happy, and the others were even more jealous.
Bonus on the first day of work?
How can we not be treated like this!
Who doesn't work very hard on the first day of work? The store manager doesn't even look at you.
30 yuan bonus! We part-time, hard-working, an hour, only 4.50 cents.
As time goes on, everyone will slack off.
"Give me a set, thank you."
Just then, a well-dressed man came in line.
"Yes, just a moment, please."
Li Na happens to be the counter, catering for the well-dressed man.
The man's eyes lit up when he saw Li Na.
While waiting for a meal, he took out one of his business cards and handed it to Li Na.
"Miss, I think you are good at work. Are you interested in working in my company?"
Li Na looked down. There was a long line of posts on the business card.
What big hair group Kyoto Branch Manager, Bai Yuanzhi.
"Sorry, it's working time. We don't allow private chat."
Li Na smiles politely.
Dafa group, isn't that brother Qin's company.
I'm going to work there. Do you still need a picture.
It's obviously a very old-fashioned way to get married.
It's a good way to get girls, though.
After all, it is Dafa group, the first enterprise in China.
And the other party is a manager, obviously, there are a lot of assets.
"Miss, you'd better consider it. I'm short of a secretary. I can give you a high salary."
That Bai Yuanzhi obviously does not intend to give up like this, continues to pester the way.
"You can come to work immediately if you agree. I'll give you 8000 yuan a month with bonus and five insurances. What do you think? "
And their conversation, attracted the envy of many female shop assistants.
Secretary of Dafa group branch!
And eight thousand a month! Not a bonus! Plus bonus or something, not more than 10000 yuan a month!
Suddenly, many pairs of red eyes, are staring at Li Na.
Li Na was a little uncomfortable.
This female secretary is obviously the same as Xiao San.
I don't want to do this kind of work.
"Sorry, no interest. Just a moment, sir. Your set meal will be ready in a minute
Li Na is still flattered or humiliated, said lightly.
And Li Na's repeated refusal made Bai Yuanzhi more interested.
The more such a woman, the cleaner she is.
"Miss, don't be in a hurry to refuse. We can leave a contact information about salary and talk about it slowly. "
Bai Yuanzhi doesn't believe that this woman will not be moved.Every woman has her price.
Perhaps thousands of yuan are not moved, but then slowly increase the price, there will always be a price that makes her heart.
Li Na is very upset.
She wanted to get the man's meal up and let him go.
But one of the French fries was slow. The people behind didn't know whether it was intentional or not. They didn't bring new ones for half a day.
"Husband, what are you doing?"
Just then, a woman in mink, carrying a LV bag and stepping on high heels, came over.
The woman is not very long, but she is heavily made up and can barely see it.
as soon as she got together, there was a strong smell of perfume, so that the guests around her pinched her nose.
this woman's perfume is too strong.
Hearing this woman's words, Bai Yuanzhi was a little embarrassed.
"Why did you come here? I told you to wait there for a while."
"I don't think you've been back for a long time. Come and have a look."
perfume woman sees her husband's name card in his hand, and suddenly understands what it is.
"You coquettish fox, you seduce my husband!"
The woman glared at Li Na, pointed to her nose and scolded.
"Who seduced your husband? Don't talk nonsense."
Li Na was not happy at once. It was too late for me to seduce him.
"Don't dress up for me!"
perfume woman break and curse, "old woman still don't know you this kind of fox, painting with the devil, like, you know seduce the husband of others! If you have the ability, you can find one by yourself, and you will know whether to be a junior, or not to force you to be a junior! "
"Pay attention to your words!"
Li Na eyebrows straight frown, oneself invite who to offend who.
She would not scold the rude woman.
I can't swear since I was a child.
"If you're like this, I'll call the police."
"Pooh! You little coquettish fox, still call the police! You report, you collude with other people's husband, you still have to pay attention to you! "
perfume woman shouted, obviously endless.
Li Na was very aggrieved and wanted to cry.
But she didn't know how to explain, only felt that the reason was not clear.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's our fault. Please take your seats. I'll take care of it."
Han Fangwen quickly stood out, intending to calm people.
"Who are you, which onion?"
The woman squinted at Korean.
"I'm the manager of this store and I'll deal with her."
Korean immediately said.
"All right, you'll get rid of this coquettish fox at once!"
Cried the woman.
But before Bai Yuan Zhi old honest really stands aside, dare not say a word.
Because the woman's father-in-law, who is the general manager of the branch of Dafa group, is directly in charge of himself.
If I were not him, I would not be able to sit in this position.
It's a pity that this beautiful woman is honest.
Before he got it, he was yellowed by his wife.
"If you don't fire her, it won't be over today!"
The other shop assistants were gloating at the woman's making such a scene.
Let you sell Sao, this is bad luck, it's time!
Li Na is aggrieved to death, "why fire me, I did not make mistakes."
"You coquettish fox, and I've dealt with you!"
The woman pointed to Li Na's nose and exclaimed, "I don't know you are such a cheap woman! They have no ability, no money, run to hook up with other people's husband! It's mean, mean, shameless
"You, you, you don't reason..."
Li Na's eyes turned red.
"Li Na, why don't you apologize?"
Han Fangwen said to Li Na.
"Why should I apologize? I didn't do anything wrong!"
Li Na immediately said, "to apologize, they apologize to me! They are insulting me
"You just admit it's wrong, it's nothing..."
Korean Wen whispered, "what can you do? Don't care too much about your face Otherwise, they will be endless, and the business in the store will not be able to do
"No! I will never apologize! "
Li Na's attitude is very firm.
Now she believes in elder brother Qin's words.
People are separated from each other, so work is not so easy.
"You little coquettish fox, you still have to pay attention to you!"
The woman cursed.
"It's light to ask you to apologize for being such a cheap woman! If you don't apologize, it's not over today! "
Li Na especially wanted to leave the store as soon as she turned around.
But she knew it would only make the woman more proud.He did not collude with others, but became a collusion.
"I tell you, I didn't hook up with your husband. I have a boyfriend, I love my boyfriend
Li Na said word by word.
"Oh, Hello
perfume women face ironical smile, "who knows your boyfriend is a poor ghost, you see my husband rich, have a status, want to hook him up! Go to NIMA, you deserve a poor man
"You, you..."
Li Po Na's rival is not a fight at all.
"You can apologize!"
Han said.
"Yes, I'm sorry. I'm sorry!"
A group of shop assistants followed.
"You, you..."
Li Na couldn't stop her tears.
"Apologize, apologize!"
They all cried out.
Just when Li Na couldn't bear it, a life-saving voice sounded beside her.
"Sorry? What's your apology? "
People turned to see, a man in a black windbreaker came in from outside the shop.
Qin Dynasty saw Li Na eye corner hang tear mark, immediately in the heart angry.
"Who asked my little Nana to apologize?"
"I let it go!"
perfume woman is a bit of a Qin Dynasty, and the heart says it is a handsome guy, but unfortunately it is a poor brother.
"Why do you want her to apologize?"
Qin asked.
"Your coquettish fox seduces my husband. I ask her to apologize. It's light!"
Cried the woman.
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