Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 964

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Chapter 964

There are too many people down there to congratulate, to join in the fun, to follow suit, a group of people, a large area, there is no way to find the Qin twelve that appeared last night.
"Where on earth is this guy..."
The girl shakes her head and feels like she was dreaming last night.
If it wasn't for those terrible cracks on the statue of the four sacred beasts, she would have regarded last night as a dream.
"Look, look, master candle dragon is coming out!"
"Wow, it turns out that this little old man is the master of candle dragon"
"what nonsense? It's called fairytale! They are respected
The people below were talking.
On the receiving platform, a rickety old man, with two feet on Xiangyun, flew slowly from the East.
People have to wonder, it's really a good magic power.
At least he is a master of water system in the period of thunder robbery.
The four masters of the misty peak are all worthy of their reputation.
the master candle dragon stepped on the auspicious clouds and fell lightly on the sealed platform.
"I've met headmaster Xuanyuan, and the three masters are also polite."
The candlelong master and several guests on the sealed platform invited a gift.
"Master candle dragon is polite."
These are the rules on the table. Although some old guys and one little guy don't like them, they have to follow them.
"Candle dragon, today is your day of great joy"
Master Juli hummed and said, "you are too late to wait for the bride."
"No problem."
Master candlelong laughed twice. He didn't seem to put the white tiger master in his eyes. "The bride is still on the way. Why should I worry. But Juli, how can you be more anxious than me, the bridegroom
"Whoever is in a hurry knows."
Although master Juli likes to talk big, his mouth is obviously not as sharp as others, and a word is swallowed back.
He's very upset, and he's not easy to attack.
After all, although master candle dragon is obscene and annoying, his magic power is the highest among the four.
He married Huaniang, who had the power of immortals, and it would be more difficult to surpass him in the future.
Niang xipi, why is this old man? How can he meet all the good things.
Master Juli was dissatisfied, and other masters were also unhappy. However, all bear not to say, anyway, said is also self humiliation.
"Headmaster Xuanyuan, today is the day of my great happiness. It's better to ask headmaster Xuanyuan to preside over the ceremony."
"master candle dragon is very polite."
Headmaster Xuanyuan knew that the old man was polite. She didn't offend the tiger and asked for no fun. "Today, I'm just a guest to congratulate you. Master candle dragon, you are the bridegroom officer. Today's master, you should preside over it."
"In this case, the old man is not respectful."
The master of candlelong laughed and turned around and looked at the dark and oppressive practitioners under the stage.
"Dear friends, thank you for coming to the misty peak today to attend my wedding banquet. Please witness the happy event of my husband first, and then you can have a meal at yufangzhai later. "
In a few words, he came to send away so many practitioners.
"This candle dragon master is arrogant."
White leaf in elder brother's ear, whispered.
"Most of them are like this."
Bai Zheng said, "after all, this is a great master of the thunder robbery period, a real person, and a few people who can be counted in the cultivation world. He's arrogant. He has the capital of his arrogance. "
While they were talking, a red guard of honor came to the East.
In the music of blowing and playing, a big sedan chair was carried steadily.
People's eyes suddenly gathered in the past, because they knew that in this sedan chair, there was the heroine of this time, Huaniang of the misty peak.
"Ha ha, my wife is here."
Master candle dragon saw the sedan chair and laughed.
"Please get out of the sedan chair."
With the status of master candle dragon, it is impossible to lift the car door in person.
Oriental cherry in the side, opened the car door, and then led the flower lady covered with red cap to come out.
Although covered with a red cap, Hua Niang is wrapped in her voice with vitality and inquires about Bai Jiaojiao who is hiding in her clothes.
"Jiaojiao, have you ever seen Mr. Qin?"
"No, there are too many of them!"
"Where is luochamen?"
"The people of luochamen are there, but they don't see Qin Xiaozi. This guy doesn't dare to come. "
Bai Jiaojiao muttered.
"If he doesn't dare to come, it's just in my heart."
Hua Niang sighed slightly.
The master of candle dragon welcomed him and was very happy in his heart.This immortal's body will be my man immediately.
At that time, I successfully passed the thunder robbery, and became a fairy into a God. Naturally, I was in the free and unfettered universe.
Maybe the emperor of heaven, seeing that he has done so many things for him, will make himself an official.
At the thought of all this, master candle dragon couldn't help laughing and blooming.
"Listen, ma'am."
He held out his hand and pointed to the practitioners below, "here, we are all congratulating people. With the blessing of these people, you and I must be happy. Ma'am, it's a good time. Let's pay our respects. "
Say, want to go to hold flower Niang's hand.
"Hold on!"
At this time, a woman's tender drink came from below.
People's eyes could not help but turn to the past, heart said who this woman is, how dare to be so presumptuous at the wedding ceremony of master candle dragon.
"Who are you?"
Master candle dragon also lost his sight and frowned slightly.
"I'm the venerable spider of luochamen, Xiaobai."
The woman in a black robe, beautiful as flowers, standing there, by the ground attracted many men's attention.
"People of luochamen?"
Although I heard that the luochamen had been established a new sect, the master candlelong saw their disciples appear for the first time. "It was a big sect a thousand years ago. Now it's just a third rate sect. Can you talk here? "
All of them, led by Mo Ling, were excited by the words and showed their magic weapons one after another.
As soon as they lit up their magic weapons, the disciples of the misty peak were all as if they were facing a great enemy, and all the magic weapons were in their hands.
"Wait a minute."
But Xiaobai put out his hand to stop them. "We are here today to join in the fun, not to make trouble. Please put away your magic weapons."
Then she turned her head to master candle dragon, "master candle dragon, today is your day of great joy. I'm the one who came to congratulate you. Do you want to divide the three schools into nine parts
"It's not."
Master candle dragon touched his beard, "you little girl, what do you want to say? I'll give you this opportunity."
"Well, it's nothing."
Xiaobai stood there with extraordinary bearing, looking at the eyes of the master candle dragon and all the practitioners. Instead of being timid, he said, "I just have an idea. I want to mention it."
"Say it."
"I don't know that master candle dragon has been closed for so long. Can you know the western marriage tradition?"
"Those barbarians, understand their traditions."
Master candle dragon is quite disdainful.
"Master candle dragon, you have high power and high status. It's OK to think so. However, whether we are oriental or westerner, we should be consistent in our pursuit of love. If master candle dragon wants to be happy with this fairy, you may as well listen to my opinion. "
"All right, you go on. I'll listen."
Master candlelong was patient and continued to listen. He could be so patient because Xiaobai was a beautiful woman. If Xiaobai was an ordinary woman, or a great man, he would have shot the other party away with one paw.
"If master candle dragon gets married, you might as well ask the practitioners present to see if they sincerely wish you two together. If both of you sincerely wish you both a happy future. If some people have doubts, then after that... "
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Master candle dragon looked up at the sky and laughed, "little girl, your method is very interesting. If I get married, who dares to discuss with you? "
"No, No
"Congratulations to master candle dragon, congratulations to master candle dragon."
"We are all sincere wishes to Egypt"
the practitioners below, who dare to provoke the master candle dragon, said one by one.
"Headmaster Xuanyuan, you are the leader of misty peak. Do you have any doubts about my husband's marriage?"
Master candle dragon was very satisfied with everyone's reflection. In order to show his authority, he also asked Xuanyuan night rain.
"Of course not."
Xuanyuan night rain heart said, you love to get married, and I have nothing to do with you.
"Little girl, you see it."
Master candlelong laughed a few times, "even God will support my marriage. Who dares to have doubts about it? "
"I have doubts."
At this moment, a lazy voice came from under the stage.
Hearing this sound, Huaniang immediately lifted her head and looked for the source of the sound.
Xuanyuan night rain also curiously opened his eyes, want to know who this is so big courage.
The practitioners under the stage are also big eyes and small eyes, and the heart says that who ah, in front of the candle dragon master, don't want to die!
Bai Zheng and his party were also staring at Qin Shi, who was making a sound."Immortal Qin, you..."
Bai Zheng didn't know what he was crazy about.
"Who are you?"
The master candle dragon saw the shabby mountain and field mending, and couldn't help asking.
"In the twelve."
Hearing the name, Hua Niang trembled and Xuanyuan night rain couldn't sit still.
Xuanyuan night rain can't sit still because of what Qin twelve did to her yesterday.
And Hua Niang, she knows clearly, Qin 12, is Qin Dynasty hindrance Only he would come up with such an unreliable name.
"Qin twelve?"
Master candle dragon's eyelid picked out, "where are you from? How dare you oppose my marriage?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Qin Shier."
The Qin Dynasty moved forward slowly.
The practitioners in front of him automatically divided into two rows, making way for the bold man to lead to the sealed platform.
"Actually, I used to have a name..."
As he walked, he touched his face lightly.
Those big beards in disguise disappeared quickly.
His clothes also began to change into a black windbreaker, which was out of place among all the practitioners of robes.
The people under the stage were surprised to see this man's face.
Oriental cherry is more sneering.
This man, he did come.
It's just that I'm here to die.
Hua Niang saw this man, her body trembled slightly, and her face shed two lines of clear tears.
"Mr. Qin..."
"Isn't this man the master of luochamen?"
"My God, Qin Dynasty is coming out!"
"What's this man doing, troublemaker?"
The practitioners under the stage talked about it in succession.
"Are you the Qin Dynasty?"
The candle dragon was in Guanzhong. He had heard of the name many times. He frowned and asked, "but I'm here to congratulate you?"
"No, no, No
Qin Dynasty hands inserted in the windbreaker pocket, very natural and unrestrained, "I came to snatch Huaniang, by the way, killed you."
In a word, the stage on and off, suddenly in an uproar.
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