Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 509

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Chapter 509

According to Xi, no one has been able to pass her test, so there is no new person in the seventh section.
Therefore, until now, there are only two people in the seventh section. That is the leader, and the one who runs errands is Qin Dynasty himself.
"So you should have some magical abilities, too?" Looking at the sky with a doubt. Although the seventh has always been a very mysterious name, but he did not see. In his life, the most powerful person is Liu Renwu.
"Yes, I have, but you don't want to see it." Qin Dynasty reclined on the back of the chair and closed his eyes. His power is not for performance, but for killing.
When Luo Zhentian saw the appearance of Qin Dynasty, he did not speak again. They kept silent and drove slowly with the car to their destination.
Soon, the two cars drove out of the downtown area and turned to a relatively shabby street.
This place is a combination of urban and rural areas. It is a place where Zhongchuan city is in chaos. This place is a mixture of old buildings and dilapidated bungalows. On the road, carriages and cars run in parallel, and chaos can be seen everywhere, which is a typical no matter what area.
Some fugitives with cases on their backs like to hide here.
"Sun Xueyuan's father is my old comrade in arms." Luo Zhentian's car was blocked by a carriage carrying cow dung. As the car slowly slowed down, the old general said with concern at the same time, "he blocked a lethal bullet for me in order to save me. He left his wife and children, and I've always helped to take care of them. But brother sun's wife is also a strong woman. She doesn't like my helping her. Instead, she grows up by selling newspapers, collecting garbage and raising the child little by little. "
"In the twinkling of an eye, nearly 30 years have passed. The child in the snow field is also promising. He has been admitted to a famous university. He wanted to come back to find a good job and serve his mother. As a result, a car accident directly took her mother's life. Even the snow field itself, legs are hard pressed by the wheel. Well, the lives of big brother sun and his family are hard. If we let the child in the snow plain continue like this, after I die, I will have no face to go down and see him in the way... "
"Then you shouldn't give your daughter away as compensation." The Qin Dynasty finally turned to look at the lonely old general, "your comrades in arms are yours, please don't add them to the next generation. Sun Xueyuan's leg, I'll help you. "
"Can you do it?" There was a flicker of expectation in Luo Zhen's sky eye.
"As long as it's what I want to do, there's nothing I can't do."
Qin Dynasty shook his fist, "don't say it's leg fracture, even if he died, I can pull him back from hell."
Qin Dynasty just finished saying this, suddenly realized that he was boasting.
Damn it, I almost forgot that he was sealed by Ronnie's madman to prevent him from entering the gate of the underworld.
But even when he had to, he had the last resort, which was Rosie.
I seem to have five wishes. If you throw out one of them, you can do a lot of things.
Thinking of these, the Qin Dynasty was slightly stunned.
Yes, I have used up five wishes unconsciously
It's like a drug. It's addictive.
I have never used the devil's wishes as his own means before. But now, I think about it naturally.
"Chief, the car in front of us can't get in. We can only walk." The guard stopped the car and said to Luo Zhentian.
The Qin Dynasty poked out his head and saw that the street in front of him was blocked by carriages. It seems that it is a fair time now. The road is very crowded and cars can't get in at all.
"Then walk instead."
Luo Zhentian said, stretched out his hand to open the door and went outside.
The Qin Dynasty followed closely, and the guards followed their leaders in a hurry, and put the military coat on the copilot and put it on Luo Zhentian's body.
"Chief, it's cold outside. Be careful of catching cold."
"What's this cool? I'm not old yet." Luo Zhentian said unconvinced, but he coughed twice.
The commanding general Luo was really old
"Really, what is this place?"
Wang Suhong got out of the car reluctantly. Supported by her son and daughter-in-law, Wang Suhong carefully avoided the cow dung scattered on the ground. "I don't want to stay at home, but I come to this kind of broken place. You're a dead brain. You're hopeless! "
"If it wasn't brother sun who helped me block the bullet, you might be the one who lives in such a place."
Luo Zhentian lightly said a sentence, directly let Wang Suhong speechless.
"Dad, brother sun opened a small newspaper stand in front of him. Let's go there and find him."
Luo Qinglin came and took the hand of the Qin Dynasty and said to her father.
Luo Zhentian looked at them and frowned a little.
"Linlin, a little bit more convergence, let you see big brother sun, not good.""Dad Luo Qinglin was very uncomfortable and said, "brother sun and I have nothing to do. You don't have to say that again. What's more, brother sun also has his own favorite people. If sister Sun Yan hears this, he will not be happy. "
"That Sun Yan is a good person, but it's a pity that she is a blind girl, and she will implicate your elder brother sun."
Qin Dynasty a listen, get, a pair of disabled small lovers.
"What if you can't see?" Luo Qinglin cried out again, "sister Sun Yan is beautiful and kind-hearted. The things about her eyes are not what she wants to see!"
"It's nothing to see." Qin Dynasty gently pinched Luo Qinglin's hand, "I solved it together."
"I really regard myself as a miracle doctor of Hua Tuo." Wang Suhong couldn't help but curl her lips, "it's so funny."
"Mother! Can you say less! " Luo Yufeng didn't want to see his mother quarrel with her brother-in-law, so he quickly pulled Wang Suhong's arm.
"Hum! I won't say anything now, and I'll see his jokes then! Oh, this cow dung stinks
Wang Suhong snorted twice and took out a tissue to cover her face.
However, Wang Suhong didn't believe it. Luo Zhentian looked at the Qin Dynasty in surprise.
This seventh subject of men, unexpectedly so magical, even eyes can not see can be cured?
"The Qin Dynasty." This is the first time Luo Zhentian called the name of the Qin Dynasty, "Sun Yan's situation is different from that of the child in the snow field. When Sun Yan's eyes were young, his nerves were burned by lime. Can they be cured? "
"I'll find out then."
The Qin Dynasty didn't want to offend Wang Suhong's white eyes. The old lady, he said, could not say, nor could he scold.
Several people walked through two dirty streets. Luo Qinglin pointed to a man sitting by the curb in the distance and said.
"Dad, that's it. Brother sun's newsstand is right there."
"Oh, this is also a newsstand?"
Wang Suhong couldn't help laughing, pointing to the man in the distance and saying, "it's just a newspaper stall. I really thought it was a newspaper stand. Lin Lin, it seems that you, big brother sun, are also a big talker.
"Mom! What's the matter with you today? " Luo Qinglin stamped her foot, "in your eyes, only Han haoxuan is a normal person?"
"I just like that kid of Han family. What's the matter?"
Wang Suhong immediately said, "the child who wants family background and status is no better than this punk and the newspaper seller?"
"Shut up!" Luo Zhentian some unbearable, "again nagging force to roll back to the car!"
Wang Suhong was startled. She took a look at her husband and swallowed the rest of the words back into her stomach.
On this side of the conflict occurred, across the road, suddenly there is a situation.
Sun Xueyuan was wearing a shabby military coat and a small cart in front of him. There was a board on it, full of magazines and newspapers.
His crutches were set aside, sitting on a folding chair himself, tidying up today's newspapers.
And a few dressed up in the flow of the man, with the car lock in his hand, square, while laughing at each other, while walking towards him.
"Do you want a newspaper? Today's evening paper, one yuan for each. " Sun Xueyuan raised his head and asked politely when he saw these people.
"Shit, do you think I'm a news reader?"
A red haired thug hit the top of the cart and smashed several magazines.
When sun Xueyuan raised his head, the Qin Dynasty had already seen several bruises on his face.
"You, you are also here to collect protection fees?" Sun Xueyuan shivered and couldn't help asking, "but I've already handed in several copies these days."
"NIMA's!" The red haired thug kicked the cart, pushed it back and hit sun Xueyuan.
Sun Xue's legs were not good, and he fell down directly.
"You stupid lame. Don't you know that the owner of this street is changing people every day! Today, brother Xiaoxuan said that I Xiaowei is the handlebar of this street today! If you don't pay 200 yuan of protection fee, I'll smash your newsstand today! "
"No! Don't Sun Xueyuan quickly wants to get up, "this newsstand is the only business for Yan Yan and me. I have to save money to cure her eyes..."
"Shit, lame man!" A gangster came forward and kicked him to the ground again, and stepped on his chest with one foot, "I'm a lame mother, and I have to treat others! You fool, you deserve to be lame
"Tut Tut, but Sun Yan, his girlfriend, is an excellent girl..." Red Mao Xiaowei suddenly chuckled, "Tut, but it's a pity that he is blind."
"Oh, what a pity." Another gangster also shook his head and said, "if it wasn't for brother Xiaoxuan to name the Taoist surname, I really want to have a good time with her."
"No Sun Xueyuan lying on the ground, because his leg was trampled on by another gangster, was lying in a cold sweat with pain on his head. He still cried out, "you can hit me sun Xueyuan, just do what you want, but don't touch my girlfriend!""Fuck, brother Xiaoxuan wants her, that's her blessing!" Xiao Wei vomited sun Xueyuan and said, "Damn it, a blind man who can climb the high branch of the Han family is a pheasant into a phoenix!"
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