Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 664

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Chapter 664

Qin Dynasty in the heart surprised!
This little girl is lazy at ordinary times! Don't cook at all, just eat!
How can I make a success today? I have to rush to cook!
"I'll help you too."
Su Fei rolled up her sleeve and stood up.
She is 100% on Suji's front, and she must win over all the family members of the Qin Dynasty.
"Oh, how can Su Dong cook himself?"
The second uncle of the Qin Dynasty jumped out of the sofa and yelled, "Yan Yu, go and cook with me. Let's have a rest and chat here."
"You, you let me cook?" Yan Yu stares at her eyes. Where can she cook? In her own house, she is also a servant.
"it doesn't matter. I usually cook by myself."
You can see that Miss Yan Su is a big girl. She waved her hand and said to the second uncle of the Qin Dynasty.
"I'll go, I'll go too!"
Liao Shasha saw that she was left with herself. How could she be defeated like this! So he raised his arm high and stood up.
Qin Dynasty quickly stopped her, "you are not allowed to go!"
Liao Shasha was a little aggrieved and looked at the Qin Dynasty with pursed lips.
"If you go to cook, our family won't see the sun tomorrow!"
The heart of Qin Dynasty is related to life. Let's be frank!
"I, am I so terrible about cooking..."
Liao Shasha asked in tears.
Qin Dynasty hastily nods, that frequency can pound garlic.
"I'll help you, too."
At this time, FA Xiang also stood up and said, "when I was in the temple, I made vegetarian dishes for my senior brothers and junior brothers. They said, "I'm a good craftsman."
"Oh?" The grandmother of Qin Dynasty listened, came to interest.
"Relatives, which temple did you cook in before
"Baotai temple, Songshan mountain."
"Ah, that's a great Buddhist temple!"
"Grandmother revered," I always want to go there to have a look, but on the age, toss can not move. "
The grandmother of Qin Dynasty believed in Buddhism. In the temple here in Jingyang City, whenever there was any activity, her grandmother never left behind.
The Qin Dynasty then stood up and said.
"Ma, auntie, and sister-in-law, you all have a rest. I'll set it up. "
Pointing to the girls, he said, "Xiaobai, Qiandai, Suji, and boss Su, it's hard for you today. Uncle Zhang Xiang, I have to work hard for you to make two or three vegetarian dishes for my grandmother, who now eats vegetarian food. "
"You child
The mother of Qin Dynasty glared at him, "how can we let the guests cook? It's true."
Qin Chaoxin said, this Yu Lu is not to give him chaos left. Otherwise, the kitchen business, to Yu Lu alone to do, very enough.
"Auntie, take a rest today."
Suji came up, took the arm of Qin's mother and pressed her onto the sofa, "there is me How can we let you go to the kitchen with our daughters-in-law here? "
Suji said, secretly staring at the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help laughing.
We're daughters-in-law. In addition to you and Liao Shasha, who do you count in the list? Er
"this child, what are you doing so politely..."
"Auntie, just try our craft today."
Xiaobai finished, had pulled Qiandai, went to the kitchen.
Suu Kyi and they are just going to follow.
But at this time, the door was knocked again.
Everyone is wondering, it's almost night, who can come?
"Coming, coming!"
Xiaomin was playing with her mobile phone. When she heard a knock on the door, she was the first one to rush in. As she ran, she teased her uncle.
"Uncle, maybe it's another aunt!"
"How can it be, nonsense!"
Qin Dynasty touched his nose.
Who knows, Xiaomin opened the door, immediately outside there was a beautiful girl, dressed in Wen Wen Wen quietly, directly bowed to the people, said.
"Hello, everyone. Qin Chao, my girlfriend Luo Qinglin... "
Qin Chao sat down on the sofa.
"Well, it's just another aunt."
Xiaomin can't help but twitch twice.
Luo Qinglin blinked her big eyes and looked at the lovely little girl in front of her
"Yes, all of them..."
"Luo Qinglin, isn't she?"
Suji still walked up to Luo Qinglin, holding out her hand. "Hello, I'm Suji She was also a girlfriend of the Qin Dynasty"Ah, you, you are Suu Kyi!"
Luo Qinglin's face immediately panicked.
"Hold, I'm sorry Just now, I was joking. I'm just an ordinary friend of the Qin Dynasty
"Hee hee, you don't have to hide it for him."
Suji laughed and took Luo Qinglin's little hand, which was a little cold. She said, "I don't know what magic there is in the Qin Dynasty. Every girl who likes him will defend him. Even if, let oneself suffer. However, acquaintance is predestined. "
"Boy, come in, come in!"
The mothers of the Qin Dynasty are a little numb today. These beautiful girls one after another run into the house and still want to be their own daughter-in-law
"It's freezing on such a cold day."
"Hello, aunt..."
Luo Qinglin bowed to her mother in the Qin Dynasty, "my name is Luo Qinglin In fact, they were the college students of the Qin Dynasty... "
"Well, it's all said. Don't explain."
Suu Kyi shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't care. But when everyone is free, just sit down and have a chat. "
With that, Suji turned around and put up a finger to the Qin Dynasty.
"Found another one."
Then she took her sister and went into the kitchen.
Compared with Suji, Sufei seems more calm.
These are just a few, at the beginning in the hospital, she saw, but more.
"Linlin, why are you here?"
The Qin Dynasty also went to the door and asked.
"When the crew went to Jingyang to collect the scenery, we came here. I thought that your family was also in Jingyang City, so I came to have a look I'm so sorry I didn't expect Suu Kyi to be I wanted to give you a surprise... "
"Yes, surprise and joy"
the Qin Dynasty took Luo Qinglin and said, "come in quickly, it's so cold outside"
"well." Luo Qinglin nodded, followed into the room, and then said.
"By the way, who's here with you."
Then he stood aside.
Qin Juan, who had been able to keep calm all the time, secretly peeked at the door and saw the man. She was so shocked that her iPad fell to the ground.
"Heaven forbid Chen, Chen Xin... "
"Damn it, you're here too!"
Qin Dynasty saw that Chen Xin, just like his family, swaggered into his home, and suddenly his chin couldn't close.
"Why, can't I come! Anyway, we are all old classmates
With that, she bowed politely to the people in the room.
"Hello everyone, my name is Chen Xin, a good friend of the Qin Dynasty. Hee hee, of course, I'm not his girlfriend. I can't make it! "
"What's the meaning of being unable to line up?"
The green tendons on Qin Dynasty's head jump straight.
"Just talk about it. How excited you are."
Chen Xin shrugged her shoulders.
"The child is so familiar with his eyes..."
The mother of Qin Dynasty felt the sun meridian and thought for a long time.
"You old lady, what memory!"
Qin's father pushed her by the side, "isn't this the big star, Chen Xin?"
"Ah! By the way, by the way, it's a big star! I saw it on TV! "
The mother of Qin Dynasty suddenly remembered.
A large family, suddenly in an uproar.
"Good guy, even Chen Xin is in the way..." Liao Shasha was also very surprised, "how many beautiful girls did you know when you died in the Qin Dynasty..."
"Yes, can you sign my name..."
Qin min, on one side, secretly pulled the sleeves of Chen Xin's clothes.
"There's nothing difficult about that."
Chen Xin laughed and said, "don't say signature, group photo is OK"
Xiaomin jumped up happily and immediately took her new mobile phone and took a picture with Chen Xin.
"Hee hee, thank you sister Chen Xin! Now, the students are envious of me! "
"Xiaomin, come back quickly, don't bother the guests!"
The auntie called in a hurry.
"Xiaomin, who are you?"
Chen Xin asked Qin Dynasty.
"Ah, it's my niece."
"Ah Chen Xin quickly turned her head and took Xiaomin and said, "Xiaomin, you can't call me sister! You have to call me aunt! Otherwise, I will be one generation lower than your uncle! "
"Hee hee, or I'll call you aunt too! How nice to have a star aunt
Xiaomin laughed.
Chen Xin's face suddenly turned red and could not speak for a long time.
"Go and play and talk nonsense." The Qin Dynasty glared at his niece.
"Chen Xin hinders It seems that you are more popular than me... "
Luo Qinglin stood aside, some at a loss. The first time she visited, she bumped into Suu Kyi.I was very nervous at first. Now I don't know what to say.
"I'm more of a child, hee hee."
Chen Xin smiles.
"Find a place to sit down first, mom. You can take care of both of them."
Qin Dynasty closed the door, and secretly prayed, never again new people.
He's already, almost can't take it.
Even if he can accept it, the house will not be able to fit in
"Chen Xin, I'm always shooting movies. I'm so busy!"
Qin's mother poured water for two people and sat down to chat.
"Hee hee, it depends on whether our boss Luo will give me a holiday." Qin Xin said, "let's see her, and we'll give her a holiday. Otherwise, we'll have to work overtime and shoot movies this year
"Fuck you, Chen Xin, don't talk nonsense..." Luo Qinglin's face was also red.
Mother of the Qin Dynasty, looking at Luo Qinglin's pretty appearance, is also happy.
"You are so busy!"
"Well, yes. Auntie, despite the superficial beauty of us, it's actually quite difficult. In public, eating is also a youth meal. I have to earn a lifetime of money in a few years
"You're in trouble, son."
"Nothing. However, you must have a mental preparation. Comrade Qin of your family will go out with our troupe from tomorrow and show up in public. "
"Ah?" Everyone was surprised. The mother of Qin Dynasty asked, "what do you mean?"
"That's it, aunt." Luo Qinglin explained, "one of the characters in our filming has invited the Qin Dynasty to act together. Although it is a small character with few scenes, it is very important for the whole play. "
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