Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 502

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Chapter 502

That paper cup for drinking beer seems a bit petty, but for drinking liquor, it seems huge.
Two people in front of a person put a glass, Luo Yufeng very quickly filled the glass.
"Come on, brother-in-law, don't say anything." After drinking wine and smoking cigarettes, Luo Yufeng began to treat Qin Dynasty as his own family. He held a glass of wine and said to the Qin Dynasty, "I tell you, it's boring to be a clerk every day. Always in front of a computer, people are stupid. Brother in law, your strength is not small. Do you want to be a soldier in such a good condition. With your brother-in-law and my presence, plus your quality, you can be selected into the Northeast Tiger special forces within two years after entering the army! "
"Well, not good..." Qin Dynasty feel nose, go to the army? It seems that I have this temper. I can fight with the instructor on the first day.
"What's wrong with that?" Luo Yufeng glared at the Qin Dynasty, "a good man wants to be a soldier! Haven't you heard a word? I regret being a soldier for two years, and regret not being a soldier for a lifetime! "
"Yes, yes, my brother-in-law is right." Qin Dynasty saw Luo Yufeng a little unhappy and said, "in fact, my childhood dream is to be a soldier. It's just that I didn't get the chance, and then I went to college. "
"That's not right. I'll take you to sign up now."
"Well But in this way, I have to pay attention to Linlin, and I can't see each other for a long time
"Look at you!" Luo Yu Feng frowned, "big man, how can you pursue those children and girls! I believe my sister, if she likes you, she will wait for you for a few years
Oh, the elder brother
"Easy to say, easy to say. Come on. I'm glad to see my brother-in-law today. Let's go first. "
Qin Dynasty eyes a turn, the heart way I still hurry to put this brother drunk again. In case he is really interested in it, he would like to cry without tears.
"Good, good, one to go!"
Luo Yufeng is a big drunkard. When he sees the good wine, he puts the others aside.
The two men took up the paper cup and drank it with great pleasure
This wine has a lingering aroma in the throat. Qin Dynasty secretly praises, that Luo Yu Feng is to shout directly.
"I'll tell you, brother-in-law. This woman, you can't get too used to them. Those women who dare to give you face are all under fans. A big mouth, everything is solved. But I'm not asking you to hit Linlin. If you dare to hit her, I'll be angry with you
As soon as Luo Yufeng opened his mouth, his speech was endless.
Qin Dynasty can only carry a cup of wine, a cup with him to drink, while helplessly continue to listen.
"It's not my brother. Your sister-in-law is not here today. If she's here, I'll show you how your brother and I teach women. Your sister-in-law is very respectful to me. At home, I am the leader. I told her to go east. She didn't dare to go west. I told her to beat the dog, but she didn't dare to steal the chicken... "
Qin Dynasty this envies, his own those women, but not a certain.
The first one is Suji. This little girl is the first one who dare not provoke in Qin Dynasty. Especially now that he is ashamed of Suji, he doesn't know how to face her.
Alas, I didn't expect that his generation of great demons and inheritors of ancient powers would be afraid of his wife.
If you could have half the skill of my uncle, I would not have fallen into such a field.
Unconsciously, two people have drunk the fourth bottle of Maotai.
Always Luo Yu Feng's liquor capacity is good, this cup directly blows the rhythm, also some cannot stand.
It's time for him to speak.
"Gee, here, how does this sofa sway..." Luo Yufeng's eyes were a little confused, "sister, brother-in-law, how can you also follow me Don't, don't shake. I'm dizzy
"Brother Luo, you drink too much." The Qin Dynasty was completely immune to alcohol, and his vital energy recovered in recent days. As soon as the vitality changes, what will be dissolved naturally.
Therefore, he is still sitting on the sofa, with a faint smile on his mouth, full of energy.
"Blind, nonsense!" How can I, Feng Yu, take a sip of it. Let me tell you, man, I'm in the army, that's a huge amount
Well, this time, I'm a friend again.
"I, I compare strength and liquor capacity. In this army, no one is my opponent! So, so, I've always dared to cheer up before. I, I don't agree with anyone! "
Luo Yu Feng swallowed a mouthful of saliva, some thirsty and then said, "no, but I took it today, thoroughly! Sister, brother-in-law, after you are my brother, you are my pro, pro big brother! You are this, absolutely This one! Come on, this is it. Let's go one by one
Luo Yufeng pointed up his thumb to the Qin Dynasty, and held up the wine cup with his other hand.
However, the Qin Dynasty was unable to laugh or cry. This has become a big brother again. I don't know what I have to become if I drink it again.
When he argued to persuade his brother-in-law not to drink, Luo Yufeng suddenly blinked and put down his glass."Well, that what. Big brother, wait for me for a moment. I, I will go to the toilet first
With that, he staggered to his feet. Qin Dynasty hastily got up to help, but Luo Yufeng pushed him away.
"No, don't help me!" The brother-in-law chuckled twice and said in a displeased way, "really, look, look down on me. I haven't drunk much."
Then he swayed his legs and walked aside.
"Oh, how high and low the floor is today."
Said, he suddenly bumped into the wall, a thump of the Qin Dynasty scared a jump.
"Brother Luo, are you ok?"
"No, it's OK!" Luo Yufeng practiced hard Qigong in the army. He hit his head and didn't have anything to do. Instead, he knocked the wall off. "Really, it's strange I, my toilet, where did I go Toilet Toilet... "
He turned twice, his eyes hazy, looking around.
"Hey, there it is. I, I can find you. Don't run, I, I'm going to catch you... "
Luo Yu Feng with a smirk on his face, swaying drunken fairy step, a shake a swing to walk past.
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help laughing bitterly. His brother-in-law was so interesting.
Luo Yufeng is not here, and the Qin Dynasty is not interested in drinking. Therefore, he leaned on the sofa and took the special offer of Changbai Mountain in his hand. In the end, it's a special cigarette. It's so different from ordinary Changbai Mountain.
I should also think about it and make some of this kind of smoke. In any case, I am a special commissioner of the seventh section. If I have such a post, I don't need to use it for nothing.
Luo Yufeng on the toilet, also old for a long time.
When the Qin Dynasty was wondering whether to go in or not, a person suddenly came down from the stairs.
"Who are you?"
The man was a middle-aged woman in her fifties. Her clothes were very luxurious. She saw a strange man sitting on her sofa, smoking a cigarette in his hand, and in front of her husband's best Maotai, her face sank and she asked impolitely.
Qin Dynasty saw her, also be stunned for a while. Is this Luo Qinglin's mother?
From the appearance, it is very similar.
"You are an aunt." Qin Dynasty quickly stood up, put off the cigarette end, very politely said, "I am..."
"Xiaohui! Xiaohui
Who knows, that woman didn't give Qin Dynasty to finish saying a chance at all, direct shout up.
"Ah! Here it is, here it is Xiao Hui, who had just cooked noodles for LuoYufeng, came out with a big bowl in her hand and wore an apron. "Aunt Wang, what's the matter?"
Aunt Wang. Sure enough, this person is Luo Qinglin's mother.
It's just that the Qin Dynasty was a bit upset.
"Who is this man, and who let him in? How can you let such people in, still smoke in my living room, and drink the wine from home. Xiaohui, is he your relative? How can you do that. "
"No, it's not!" Xiaohui saw Luo Qinglin's mother's expression, and immediately shook her head in horror. She said, "he, he is not my relative. He is sister Linlin's boyfriend."
"Nonsense Luo Qinglin's mother's face immediately became more gloomy. Her eyes were sharp and she drank, "how can Linlin make such a boyfriend! Xiaohui, you've learned to lie to me! "
"I, I really don't have..." Xiao Hui is scared to cry. Her eyes for help fall on the body of Qin Dynasty.
"Brother Qin, please help me to speak"
the Qin Dynasty was even more unhappy.
"Come on, Xiao Hui, put the bowl down, or it will be hot."
He came over in two steps and patted Xiao Hui on the shoulder. Then he took the hot bowl from her hand and put it on the table.
Then, in the daze of naluo Qinglin's mother, the Qin Dynasty untied the buttons of the suit that had been buttoned, and then rolled up the sleeves, revealing the scars on the arm that had not yet completely subsided. These hideous scars were all caused by the nuclear explosion, and it will take some time for them to recover completely.
Although it's a casual suit, it's been worn rigidly all the time, which has made Qin Dynasty very uncomfortable.
The gold wire glasses are not wearing either. Take them off and throw them aside.
He picked up the cigarette he had just put out, lit it with a lighter, put it back on his mouth, took a puff, and vomited a cigarette ring.
Finally, he said to the woman standing on the stairs.
"Although you don't want to admit it, I'm really your baby daughter's boyfriend. My name is Qin Dynasty."
"Shut up!" The middle-aged woman's whole body trembled and exclaimed, "where's the local ruffian who ran to our house to be wild! Do you know where this is? This is the deputy commander's home! Xiaohui, call the guard and arrest this man for me at once
Deputy commander of the military region?
Qin Dynasty heart murmured, did not expect, Luo Qinglin's background is so big.
All along, the Qin Dynasty thought Luo Qinglin's family was just a little rich. Even if she had just known that she was a soldier's son, she would have guessed that she was a regimental commander at most.This is good. A deputy commander of the military region is coming directly.
"Wang, Aunt Wang..." Xiaohui didn't know what to do. "He, he was really brought by sister Linlin..."
"Nonsense, how could my daughter bring such a man?"
As soon as the words fell, three more people came down from the stairs. One of the most beautiful figures is Luo Qinglin.
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