Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 646

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Chapter 646

This kiss, it seems that two people have been waiting for a long time
They do not want to separate for a long time, as if, want to solidify time.
Dry wood and fire.
The Qin Dynasty practiced the Vajra Sutra, which was a fatal poison to girls. And Suu Kyi, the world's most beautiful, dressed so cool, and took the initiative to kiss. I'm afraid that few men can control the wish except that they really live eunuchs.
Unfortunately, the Qin Dynasty was not a living eunuch, but a typical color wolf.
With a movement of his finger, he easily removed the button of Suu Kyi's bra.
Then, his magic hand, on the long yearning for the holy peak.
Suji whined, soft to the arms of the Qin Dynasty.
"Tonight, I won't go back tonight..."
At this time, she muttered.
Qin Dynasty some funny, he hugged Suji in his arms, teased her, "do not go back, your sister does not say you?"
"No, I won't..."
As soon as she had finished speaking, the telephone on the side of the sofa suddenly rang.
Suu Kyi was surprised by the bell.
She got up in a hurry and made a shush gesture to the Qin Dynasty.
"Don't talk. It's my sister!"
The suppression of the Qin Dynasty is not to say
Suu Kyi reached out, picked up her cell phone and answered the phone.
"What's the matter, sister? Well, I'm still in the Qin Dynasty Tonight, maybe not. Well, it's snowy and slippery. I sprained my foot accidentally. It's not convenient to walk. Don't worry, sister. I'll sleep in the bedroom and let the boy sleep in the living room! Hum, he dares to bully me, I will not beat Well, hit him... "
When Suji spoke, the Qin Dynasty could not help pinching her chest.
Suji made Suji whine and pinched the Qin Dynasty.
"It's OK, sister. Qin Dynasty is rubbing my feet for me. Well, it should be OK tomorrow. Well, that's it. I'll hang up, sister I'll see you tomorrow
Suji hung up the phone, and then pinched the Qin Dynasty several times, the pain of the Qin Dynasty screamed.
"You fellow, I call my sister, you dare to do bad! Strangle you
"All right, all right, stop making trouble, and move on to the major affairs of the country and the people."
The Qin Dynasty was almost burning with fire. He pushed Suji down on the sofa, and then he would pull other people's briefs.
Suu Kyi was a little confused.
Just when Qin Dynasty's hand just put that lace small underwear, his cottage mobile phone big bell, also cry out.
"Master, the guy called again..."
"Shit, who is this?"
Qin Dynasty this depressed, "regardless of him, do not accept, we continue!"
"Well, it may be some little girl who likes you!"
Suji reached out and picked up the mobile phone of Qin Dynasty. At this time, I was very surprised.
"God, my sister gave you a call!"
"Ah?" Qin Dynasty was stunned. Why did Su Fei call her.
"Ah, what, pick it up!" Su Ji stares at the Qin Dynasty.
"Oh, pick it up!"
Qin Dynasty has no way, the wife adult spoke.
Because the Qin Dynasty supported her body, Suji was very considerate, holding the phone, put it in the ear of Qin Dynasty, and pressed the answer button for him.
"Hello, boss Su, what are you looking for in the middle of the night?"
"Qin Dynasty, will my sister stay in your house tonight?" At the other end of the phone, Sufei's voice rang out.
"Ah, it's ESU Kee's sprained. I don't think she'll be able to leave tonight."
"Then take good care of her." Su Fei's voice seems to be a little different, "and she has a bad problem at night, that is, she likes sleepwalking. So you'd better watch at night and don't let her do anything dangerous. "
"Ah? Sleepwalking? Yes, boss su. Don't worry. I can't. I'll tie Suu Kyi up and sleep at night, ha ha! "
"Dare you Su Fei snorted, "if I know, you dare to bully my sister, then you will die!"
With that, Su Fei snapped and hung up the phone.
The Qin Dynasty laughed twice, and Suji glared at him, "Stinky boy, what do you say, you want to tie me up?"
"How could that be possible?" Qin Dynasty kisses her small face, "how can I give up! It's almost like you tied me up... "
Su Fei made a phone call to the Qin Dynasty. He suddenly got interested. Both of them were wearing underpants and began to rub.
"Girl, did you and your sister play like this
"You, you die..."
Suu Kyi blushed. How could she mention those shy things again! This damned Qin Dynasty is so irritating! Asking her such a shy question!
However, it seems that I was more enchanted than when I played with my sisterTwo people's temperature is getting higher and higher, Qin Dynasty has been unable to control, ready to take off the last layer of camouflage, and then drive straight in.
At this time, a familiar voice suddenly rang in his ear.
"Are you crazy? You are born with a magic body and have a magic pill. And now this chick, she's a vampire. If you sleep with her, aren't you afraid she will be sucked to death by you? "
Qin Dynasty is stupefied for a moment, this voice, clearly is Roxie!
He immediately looked around, but did not find any female devil figure.
Why, the female devil, will suddenly run out to remind herself.
But the Qin Dynasty also came to realize that Roxie was right. As a natural demon, he has restraint against all dark demons. Whether it's a ghost or a vampire, if something happened, the Qin Dynasty might have sucked the other party's soul into the magic pill.
This time, immediately let the Qin Dynasty take a cold sweat.
If he sucked Suu Kyi's soul, he would surely regret suicide!
The Qin Dynasty suddenly stopped, so Suji was stunned.
"What, what's the matter?"
"We can't do that..."
"Why You really don't
"Go, what nonsense! Your husband is very good. However, I am born with a demon body, and you are a vampire. If we do that, your soul will be sucked away by me... "
"Ha?" Suji couldn't help but pick up her eyebrows. "Did the little Qin Dynasty still have this ability?"
The black line at one end of the Qin Dynasty.
He suddenly remembered that it was no wonder that he had been in love with Roxie several times, and that the female devil had not followed her. If they had a relationship, Rosie's soul would have been devoured by her own magic pill.
This magic pill was originally a good thing, but now the Qin Dynasty hated it.
"What can we do? Can't we do that all our lives?" Can't Qin Yi touch Su Ji's back, but I can't do anything else
"Well, this..."
The Qin Dynasty touched his nose, "I don't want to be a eunuch either..."
At this time, rod's voice rang, "magic Dan sucks the other party's soul, this possibility is true, but less than one percent. What do you want to do, do it boldly! "
"No, I won't do anything to hurt Suu Kyi." The Qin Dynasty denied the idea, "even if, only one percent. Old man, is there no way to do it once and for all? "
"Hey, you are a sentimental seed. There are ways, but it takes time. "
"What method?"
"There are two. One is that you practice until the thunder robbery period. At that time, you don't need to absorb soul to replenish energy. The second is to turn your little lover back into an ordinary human being. "
Qin Dynasty was silent for a moment. It seems that either of these two methods is very difficult.
He didn't even reach the golden age now. How could he become the thunder robbery period immediately.
It seems that this method will not work.
Then try the latter one and turn Suu Kyi back into a normal human.
In this way, god horse dark Pope's worry, also together did not have.
As for how to change back, rod said he was not sure. The Qin Dynasty decided to ask Hu Ke some other day.
That Millennium female zombie, should know something about it.
"Qin Dynasty? What's the matter? "
Seeing that Qin Dynasty had been in a daze for a long time, Suji couldn't help asking.
The two men are now lying naked on the sofa, doing nothing but hugging each other. This is too rare for the Qin Dynasty.
"Nothing Just thinking about how to turn you back into a human being. "
"Mm-hmm, think about it quickly," Su Ji agreed. "Otherwise, I can't help but come out of the wall!"
"You, you dare!"
The Qin Dynasty was in a hurry.
"Well, I dare. What can you do with me?"
"I, I I don't have it. I'd better try to find a way to do it... "
The Qin Dynasty was helpless.
"Well, that's good. Come on, girl, give me a kiss!"
The Qin Dynasty was molested by Suji. Well, he recognized
The two held on the sofa for a while and fell into silence together.
The Qin Dynasty didn't want to let go of Suji, and Suji didn't want to let go of Qin.
For a long time, Suu Kyi suddenly said something.
"Or Let's play the game that my sister and I play... "
The cold sweat of Qin Dynasty.
"I, I'm not eunuch, why play this game."
"But what should I do if I am moved?"
"I'll help you, and you'll help me..."
"How to help?"She whispered in her ear. Suddenly, Suu Kyi's face turned red.
"Son of a bitch, you dare to let me do this!"
"Anyway, it's old husband and wife. What are you afraid of..."
"Don't you believe I'll bite you off?"
“……” Qin Dynasty really a little cold sweat, "you, you willing?"
"Anyway, I'm too conservative. It's useless to keep that one. It will save you from cheating! Yes, that's it! Come on, take off your pants for me
"No! Help
Two people make trouble, suddenly, Qin Dynasty body a shock.
"Suki, get dressed!"
"What's the matter?" Suji is pulling Qin Dynasty underwear, pull down, hear this, pursed her mouth, "why, can't play with the sand!"
"No, we have guests."
Suji saw the serious appearance of the Qin Dynasty, so she believed him and began to wear her own clothes.
The Qin Dynasty also stood up. Surprisingly, she did not flirt with Suji, who was not dressed well. Instead, she dressed seriously and stood at the door.
"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"
At this moment, there was a knock on the door.
The Qin Dynasty took a breath and opened its door.
"Pagan, we meet again."
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