Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 835

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Chapter 835

In the days after Xuanyuan Yingji appeared, it was rare for the Qin Dynasty to live a few days of extinction. During this period of time, Qin Ying has been taken by Suji all the time. She is very intimate every day.
That Qin Ying left a little mother, right a little mother, called sujile open arms, only wish to take down the moon in the sky to give Qin Ying.
Also have to say, oneself this daughter, really very clever, very likable.
This point, very with their own father, ha ha.
And Qin Dynasty these days, in fact, not too leisure, has been let Xiaobai and Mo Ling to investigate the evil alliance. Finally, Xiaobai sent him a message.
"Mr. Qin, you have contacted the evil alliance. The other side said, "I'll meet you at the rock bar."
Qin Dynasty took the phone, some strange, "unexpectedly will be about there?"
"Probably a stronghold of their evil alliance."
Xiaobai guessed, "the evil alliance is also a task. If I am not wrong, Locke bar is a place for them to send information. Mr. Qin, would you like me to come with you
"No, I'll just do it myself."
Qin Dynasty put down the phone, the heart said this is for Li Baishan, he is not willing to do. But do a good job is there will be earth yuan elixir news, or to work hard.
The other party did not give a specific time, it seems that rock bar has a great relationship with them.
Qin Dynasty and tension said hello, once again skip the class.
He rode his bicycle all the way to the city and stood at the door of the rock bar.
The bar is a punk style with heavy metal music.
Although I didn't like it very much, the Qin Dynasty went in.
A few of the girls dressed in flowery clothes also entered the rock bar from the side of the Qin Dynasty.
When the Qin Dynasty was about to enter the gate, two big men stopped him.
"First, sir."
Qin Dynasty looked at these two big men, "how come those girls didn't buy tickets?"
"Girls are free."
The big man pointed to the sign next to it.
Get it!
Qin Dynasty knew this kind of bar, before they were all beside the University. With girls free this way to attract girls to play, more than one girl, the boy is naturally like a smelling cat, obediently follow.
To ask for help, the Qin Dynasty naturally bought the ticket honestly, and then walked into the bar.
As soon as I came in, the rhythm of heavy metal music suddenly came. At that time, in the dim light, the Qin Dynasty observed everything in the bar.
From the outside, everyone here is normal. But he blinked his eyes, and the magic eye opened immediately.
As soon as the magic eye opened, the Qin Dynasty saw the existence of evil spirit and evil spirit.
As expected, it is a place opened by the evil alliance. There are many demons and goblins in it.
The beauty who is mixing wine is actually a spider essence.
With a smile, he went to the bar and sat down.
"Handsome boy, what would you like to drink?"
That long very coquettish mixed wine girl, immediately to Qin Dynasty cast a wink.
"Give me some spirits, the stronger the better."
Said the Qin Dynasty.
"The strongest wine I have here can make people forget their feelings."
The bartender chuckled.
"Oh? I'll try it. What is it like to forget
The Qin Dynasty threw out two hundred oceans and threw them on the table, "give me a cup."
"Since the handsome boy is so brave, I will accompany you!"
The bartender immediately picked up several bottles of foreign wine and began to mix them up. The girl is very professional in mixing wine. She doesn't look like a goblin at all.
Looking at the wine mixing barrel constantly shaking back and forth, the Qin Dynasty really has a kind of dazzling feeling.
To the high - tide part, the bartender girl to the Qin Dynasty repeatedly threw a wink. Then she shook the bucket on the table and opened the lid. It burst into foam.
"This last move is called tidal spray."
The wine mixing girl licked her lips to the Qin Dynasty, which made the Qin Dynasty a little angry.
It's really a goblin. It can mobilize men's emotions so much.
"Cool boy, use it slowly."
The bartender poured the blue liquid into the cup and pushed it gently in front of the Qin Dynasty.
"This is not enough."
The Qin Dynasty slowly shook the cup and said.
"What else would you like to drink?"
The bartender covered her mouth and laughed.
"I want to drink you."
Qin looked at the bartender and said.
"Is the handsome man so thirsty?"
The bartender stretched out her hand and gently touched the cheek of Qin Dynasty, "my name is Sisi. If the handsome guy really wants to drink me, he should drink it first.""After drinking this cup, can you go with me?"
Qin Dynasty behaves like a man who is homesick for spring, and asks in a hurry.
"Of course, thinking is what you say."
The wine mixing girl gave the Qin Dynasty reassurance.
"Well, get ready to enjoy the evening with me."
Qin Dynasty took up the wine cup and filled it with blue liquid.
Oh, good rush!
Qin Chaoxin said that the girl must have mixed whisky into it, otherwise it would not have been so strong.
There are several kinds of wine with high alcohol content in it. If you drink it, you must get down.
Qin Dynasty in thinking of the gaze, drink up that forget love, and then the body swayed, a head fell on the bar.
"Hum, let's forget about it. Let's see if you can get down or not."
Si Si said triumphantly, "if you want to eat my mother's tofu, you have to practice again! After drinking this cup, you will not wake up until the next morning. "
Finish saying, turn around to leave.
At this time, the Qin Dynasty suddenly raised his head and said to Sisi with a smile.
"I'm finished. It's time for us to go."
"You That thought big startle, looking at Qin Dynasty, eyes full of surprise, "you, you are not drunk?"
"I just took a nap. Now I wake up. It's time for us to get down to business."
With that, Qin Dynasty extended his hand to Si Si.
Si Si looked at the hands of the Qin Dynasty, his face a little flustered. But soon she calmed down.
"Don't worry, handsome man. I have a place here. Why don't you come with me?"
"Well, I hope it's an emotional place."
The Qin Dynasty stood up and put his hands in his windbreaker pocket.
Thinking also came out of the bar, in the eyes of a group of bachelors envious, led the Qin Dynasty, to a corner of the bar.
I thought about the maintenance of two people in the bathroom.
"Bathroom? It's very emotional. "
Qin Chao looked around and looked at it.
"It's very emotional, and you'll soon die of lust, immortality, lust."
Nasisi turned around and showed a new smile to the Qin Dynasty.
When the Qin Dynasty was ready to go up and down, that Sisi suddenly stretched out his hands, and several white spider silk flew out, winding around the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"Ah, here, what is this?"
Qin Dynasty face dew panic, exclaim repeatedly.
"You have to go to hell and have fun!"
Sisi opened his mouth, and there was a spider silk in his mouth, which shot at the throat of the Qin Dynasty.
At this time, the left hand of Qin Dynasty suddenly broke free from the spider silk, and seized the life-threatening spider silk spitting out of his mouth.
This time it was Sisi's turn to be surprised, staring at the Qin Dynasty and holding his spider silk in his hand.
"If you don't want to spend the night with me, just say so. Why kill people. As a goblin, are you not afraid of bad punishment if you have done such a wicked thing? "
"Who the hell are you?"
Si Si finally knew that Qin Dynasty was not an ordinary person. She yelled.
"A man who wants to have a good time."
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
"Looking for death!"
Thinking of a fierce look in his eyes, "an ordinary practitioner, how dare to come to our place to make trouble! Let you have a taste of my thinking! "
With that, the beauty leaped forward, and a long black nail appeared on her hands. She grabbed the head of the Qin Dynasty.
"Beauty, you are still the most lovely when mixing wine"
the Qin Dynasty laughs, flies a palm, and waves to thinking.
The thinking body seemed to be drawn by the invisible, and hit the wall behind it with a bang.
Nasisi screamed and knocked a pit out of the wall, and a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth. Obviously, he was seriously injured.
Qin Sen's two silk burning spiders.
"You're not good enough. Find a better one to receive me."
Qin Dynasty lit a cigarette, spit out a cigarette ring, said to miss beauty hanging on the wall.
"Who are you?"
Thinking and staring.
"The master of this gate of luochamen was in the Qin Dynasty."
"Lo, master of luochamen!"
The thought's eyes widened. She struggled to fall from the wall, and her eyes turned to panic.
"You, you wait here, I'll come soon!"
Finish saying, this thought also regardless of Qin Dynasty is willing to let her go, turn around to run.
"Tut Tut, leaving me in the toilet is really a good way to treat guests." Qin Dynasty shrugged helplessly.However, he didn't have to wait for long before a familiar voice flew in.
"Lord Qin, I didn't expect that you would come here to look for me. It's really surprising that you would come here."
it was Hu Qing who entered the door. The beautiful and charming woman spoke with a deadly provocation to men.
Naturally, the Qin Dynasty knew her skills, so she was more vigilant, so as not to unknowingly catch her way.
However, the Qin Dynasty also paid attention to the fact that this woman did not claim to be her seat. It seems that it is intended to narrow the distance between the two sides.
Since the other side is polite, the Qin Dynasty is not so stiff.
"Isn't it that Lord Hu invited me here?"
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
"Where is this?"
Hu Qing said with a smile, "I just invited the Lord of Qin to come to the lock bar, but I didn't let him run to the bathroom and wait. This place is so beautiful. "
In the face of Hu Qing's satire, Qin Dynasty was a little embarrassed. Indeed, he was the first to tease other people's disciples.
However, this is what he can't do. I can't find you at the gate of Luoqing!
"Lord Qin, this is not a good place to talk. Let's move."
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